

It’s Andy’s Birthday!

While a dinner at dp and an evening with Wanda Sykes were Andy’s main birthday presents, we’ll also be taking him out to one of his favorite restaurants this evening, Bongiorno’s. Seeing as how today is his actual birthday, one must mark the event accordingly. Andy is pretty low-maintenance when it comes to most things, birthdays included. (Though my birthday celebrations may seem more extravagant, I’m the person solely responsible for planning and reserving and making it all happen, so it you’re going to characterize me as high maintenance, I’m only high maintenance for myself – no one else had to lift a finger.)

I made a much bigger surprise bally-hoo for his 50th birthday (which we spent in Ogunquit for a few additional days). This time around will be far less impressive, but hopefully no less enjoyable. He’s already getting great fun out of my parents’ gift to him – a canister vacuum that he loved instantly. It was a request from the birthday boy himself – and cost way more than any Tom Ford Private Blend, so once again my extravagance is an assumption over actuality.

At any rate, he deserves a very special day (and dinner) for being such a great guy. Happy Birthday, Drew – I love you. (And many happy returns of the day!)

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