

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my mother’s birthday, and we’ll be celebrating with a family dinner at our home later today. The menu is a robust lasagna, a side of roasted garbanzo, some greens & beans, and one of Andy’s Birthday cakes. I’m also giving her one of the best presents I’ve ever given anyone, and hopefully she’ll enjoy it as much as I think she will. Most mothers form the backbone of the family, and ours is no different. If there’s one person who has always worked to keep us together, no matter how wayward and wrong we were, it was, and remains, my Mom.

It couldn’t have always been easy for her – the lone female in a house of guys (though I did my best to help with the whole gay thing and all, which probably wasn’t the ameliorative prospect I thought it would be) – and surely she missed out somewhat on raising a daughter, but she never let that diminish her love for my brother and me.

Today she is still the person to whom I turn whenever I’m at a loss as to how to handle something, the voice of reason and reflection whenever I’m in doubt. Though our roles sometimes switch as we both get older, she’s still my Mom – and I’m proud to say I’ll always be a Mama’s Boy.

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