My lifelong bestie finally gets crowned as Dazzler of the Day on this, her 49th birthday. Almost everyone visiting this post will have already met, or at least heard of, Suzie Ko. I knew Suzie before I knew just about everyone. Born a couple of months before me, she’s been in this world as long as I have, and I’ve happily never a known a day when she wasn’t here. That’s been one of the best and most comforting facts of my life, and she still makes it worthwhile going through it all.
We’ve had almost five decades of adventures together, from this legendary ‘Mary Poppins’ viewing to the day she came back from Denmark. We’ve traversed the country and the world, from Montana to Provincetown, and Russia to New York.
It hasn’t all been wild fun and laughter – Suzie taught me about heartache and loss before anyone else did, and in that respect we’ve been there for each other at the moments when only the company of a true friend could help. Sharing those times is often more important than the festive events, and the truth is that the best part of our friendship is what happens during all the down-time, the time that makes up the bulk of life – and life is simply better with Suzie in it.
Happy birthday, old friend.
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