
A Letter to My Godson On the Occasion of His Christening

Dear Jaxon – 

It is reportedly the duty of a Catholic godparent to provide spiritual guidance in helping to bring up their godchild in the Catholic faith, and though this tidbit of information came to me long after I accepted the wonderful offer to be your godfather, it is not something I am taking lightly. To that end, I am gifting you a silver rosary (silver being the color associated with your birthday and sun sign) which our friend Doreen is having blessed by our local priest. I also come equipped with enough Catholic knowledge to make your head nod and fall back asleep, having been an altar boy for far too many years than most, and I’ve received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, so technically we’re good. 

As for the rest of it, we will have to make that spiritual journey together. When you grow up, you may wonder at the state of the world around you. We will keep you shielded from the awfulness for as long as possible, because if you have a good, solid start, you’ll be better adept at dealing with the disappointments later on. As you grow up, you may question how God would let terrible things happen to good people, and you may doubt whether faith is enough to sustain a person. I will never lie to you, so I have to let you know that I still grapple with such questions, and I honestly don’t think there is one true set of answers. 

What I do know is that one’s spiritual soul is nourished and fed by those around them. To that end, you are already blessed. True, we are a flawed bunch of characters – your Godfather alone carries enough foibles and faults to trip everyone up from time to time – but our intent and love is always true, always noble. You are loved beyond what we can ever completely express, and there is God or religion or spirituality in that, as there is in all the good and beautiful things you will encounter on earth. Your journey is just beginning, and there is hope in that – the kind of hope that makes the most jaded among us believe in something. 

And so my little godson, as you begin to make your spiritual journey, surrounded and emboldened by those who love and adore you, remember that you are supported by not only your parents, but by all of us. You will come to form your own belief system, and whether that’s faith or religion or the memory of a mother’s embrace, it’s all the same magnificent stuff, cut from the same sacred cloth of love. 

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