

A Letter to Emi on the Occasion of Her 13th Birthday

Dear Emi ~

I’m going to tell you a secret that in no way is intended to cast shade upon your father: I always wanted a little sister, but having you as my niece might actually be a little better. Your Uncle Andy saw from the first mischievous glint in your eyes that you would challenge and enthrall us, and since then you have proven him right, enriching our lives in ways we never expected. 

Noah may have beaten you out of the womb, but you’re one step ahead because you know the old tortoise and hare story, and you take your time to do things in your own way, which will serve you well for the rest of your life. Carrying on, and getting on with life while not worrying what others are doing is one of the greatest lessons one can learn, and you’ve already figured that out. 

You will laugh at me and roll your eyes like you always do when I tell you that what I’m about to say is the greatest compliment I can muster: you remind me of a better version of myself when I was your age, if I’d had the poise and genuine self-deprecation and awareness that you so preternaturally possess. I don’t even think you know it yet, which makes it all the more remarkable and impressive. Hold onto that if you can – I wish I could tell you how but clearly I never learned. 

You will face things I never had to face, because as a 13-year-old girl the world is still stacked against you for so many wrong and ridiculous reasons. You see that, though, and you aren’t so much bothered by it as you are willing to take up against such nonsense without giving it much thought. You are about to embark upon the most meaningful years of your life – what a daunting and powerful moment it must be – and I can’t wait to see how you navigate what’s to come. 

Emi, I don’t think you need your Uncle Al’s help because you have so much figured out already, but there may come a time when you just need someone to listen, or laugh with, or simply remember the silly stories that once made life so happy – and I will always be here for you. When it gets to be too much, when the rest of the world is unwelcoming, or unwilling to accept all the things you can’t quite explain, your Uncle Al will love you no matter what. 

Part of you can’t wait to get older, and your mind is already eons beyond your age – just remember the tortoise and the hare – take your time and enjoy the journey, enjoy all the moments, even the ones that seem to hurt and last forever. They will matter the most, and make the happy ones even happier. And if ever you need help or just an ear to listen, and there’s no one else who would understand, you know where to find me. Happy birthday, my sweet niece Emi.


Uncle Al

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