

A Day To be Grateful

A day to contemplate.

A day to appreciate.

A day to fill your plate.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who dare to enter here, especially those who have stopped by before and are brave enough to come back. You have my eternal gratitude.

Of course, Thanksgiving is about more than that, so I’m going to suspend the snarkiness for a moment and give a few significant shout-outs to those who matter the most in my life. It’s not shoes or coats or bags or even cologne for which I am most grateful. It never was and it never will be. It’s always and only been people: my family and friends.

This has been a rough year for some of us. The older we get, the more we seem to lose. Those who remain are a little broken, but being together makes those breaks easier to bear. I’m thankful for Andy and my parents- my main support system when life gets rough and no one else seems to care. I’m thankful for my brother and niece and nephew, and his girlfriend Landrie, who unexpectedly brighten my days when it’s most needed. I’m thankful for my friends – and the chosen family we have forged together. I’m lucky to have such circles of friendship and love, and the way they overlap and intersect makes the world feel so much warmer.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones too. Hug them all a little tighter this year – we need it.

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