REPORTER: You would agree that it’s never acceptable to assault a police officer. Among those you pardoned, DJ Rodriquez, he drove a stun-gun into the neck of a police officer who was abducted by the mob that day – he later confessed on video to the FBI and pleaded guilty of this crime – why does he deserve a pardon?
DONALD TRUMP: Well I don’t know…
Your FOTUS (Felon Of The United States) Donald Trump just pardoned all those January 6 insurrectionists – including the ones who brutally attacked, maimed and killed police officers – in an act that is as expected as it is despicable. He literally told you he was going to pardon them. Anyone who backs the blue and believes in protecting our officers needs to explain how they ever supported Trump in the first place. Today the #FAFO award goes to The Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union in the country, who endorsed Trump even after he told the world he would pardon those criminals. They now seem to be concerned about his pardon for all these criminals and have uncensored him. (Spoiler alert: too late, morons, you helped get him elected.)
Breaking into the Capitol and attacking police officers seems pretty violent to me, so how do people feel about letting such violent criminals free again? Because in New York State a lot of people seem VERY concerned about letting criminals back out on the street.
How do you reconcile supporting our officers when you release those who were convicted of assaulting police officers? How do you explain supporting the candidate who said he was going to pardon them? So many seem so concerned when it comes to letting certain criminals back out when the jails can’t hold any more – where is your outrage over this?
The hypocrisy is showing.
The racism is showing.
The FAFO is showing.
To The Fraternal Order of Police, this is on you. You endorsed him. You were told he would pardon them. He told the world he would pardon them. Now you are concerned that he pardoned them. It’s too late. Reap what you sow. Fuck Around and Find Out. You did this.
We know what happened on January 6, 2021. The Fraternal Order of Police knows it too. And their President, the one they endorsed multiple times, just pardoned all of the violent criminals convicted for their actions on January 6, as he promised he would.
PS – Still waiting for grocery prices to go down, the war in Ukraine to end, and gas to plummet. Weird that he kept the free-the-Jan-6-criminals promise first.
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