In a haze of chiffon, all gauzy with lace, amid light slicing through sheer fantasy, the Divine Diva Tour’s ‘Style & Panache’ section comes to its tantalizing, teasing culmination. Not that anything in the way of release or relief is going to be offered this early in the game – it’s enough to look and never touch. This installment offers a light respite from the heavy things going on in the world right now, so indulge and inhabit this extravagant set of poses, and let me entertain you with all of the following…
“Always make them beg for more… and then don’t give it them.”
The art of the strip-tease is in carefully calculating what the audience thinks they’re seeing, and this isn’t as difficult as one would imagine given one simple and perpetually-true rule: people will see what they want to see. And if they came to see your bits and bobs, they’re damn sure going to see your bits and bobs. You don’t even have to get them out.
Putting a man in a feather boa, slip, and silk tie is a wink and nod to the almost-invisible line between masculine and feminine – a line that simply never existed in my mind – neither then nor now. It always seemed so arbitrary and silly – one person’s trash is another person’s treasure, right? It speaks to deeper issues today, one that our flight of fancy never intended on addressing. You have your own minds – use them. Be inquisitive, be respectful, be accepting. If it doesn’t directly affect or harm you, what care you? Find your own style and do what you like.
“What a stylist needs is glamour – a far more powerful force than mere prettiness.” ~ Quentin Crisp
“Glamour exists where something not clearly defined seems to be promised but never given.” – Quentin Crisp
~ The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale ~
- Pink Frilly Fairy: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three
- Homage to Herb: Part One, Part Two and Part Three
- A Purple-Hued Interlude
- Style & Panache: Part One, Part Two and Part Three