

A Purple Hued Interlude

There isn’t much room for subtlety or nuance these days. We want everything to be black or white, stringent binary choices with nary room for shades of gray – much less any varying hues of purple. No one wants to enjoy lavender or periwinkle or lilac – they want it red or blue, and if you don’t commit to one or the other they don’t know quite what to do. That’s an unfortunate gaffe on society’s end, one that seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Back in 2005, The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale aimed to offer some space in-between, navigating the vast expanses of beautiful gradient that exist within the extremes, where most of us tend to fall. Things could be brutal and soft at the same time, depending on any number of circumstances and perspectives. One person’s frightening idea of bondage was another’s kink and joy. 

It’s scary to live in such beautifully transient shadows of nuance, and most people want clearly defined realms in which to operate and categorize everyone else. It feels safer that way, even if you can never truly know another person. Compounding the complexity of the whole thing is the way we categorize and order ourselves. We wake up, select our clothing for the day, and, whether we want it to or not, those choices will shade however we move about the world. 

Make your choices wisely.

“It’s important to have a look. A signature. Be someone. So people will remember you. You all think you’re so special. You’re a dime a dozen.There are hundreds, no, thousands of you out there, studying, auditioning, going here, there, hither and yon. You expect people to remember you if you don’t have a look? Po, po, po! I was never arrogant that way. I knew I needed a look and I got one.” ~ Terrence McNally, ‘Master Class’

~ The Divine Diva Tour: A Fairy’s Tale ~

  1. Pink Frilly Fairy: Part OnePart Two, and Part Three
  2. Homage to Herb: Part One, Part Two and Part Three
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