

The Soft Opening

Tomorrow marks the kick-off to The Delusional Grandeur Tour: Last Stand of a Rock Star. To celebrate, we’re having a few people over for a little gathering, a smaller more-intimate vibe to open things up. Such a ‘soft opening’ is a lady-like dipping of my toes into the touring pool, a gingerly testing of the water so to speak. I’ll open hard in Boston and Cape Cod a few weeks later, but for now we begin at home. The way the Delusional Grandeur Tour posts will work is that whenever I go somewhere, I’ll post a few more pages from the Tour Book, along with more expansive photos that weren’t included. In other words, don’t fret if you don’t get to see the Tour Book in person – you’ll get to see much more right here. (Of course if you want your own hard copy, I may be putting up a misprinted version for sale – one of the pages is out of order but otherwise it’s practically perfect. Inquire directly if you are seriously interested. Or look for it on eBay one of these days.)

In between the official Tour Book posts will be the Tour Stop posts, in which I’ll regale you with tales from the road. (In essence, it will be the same shit I post here whenever I go away, simply marked under the umbrage of a ‘tour’. Hence the ‘Delusional’ aspect of just about everything you will see here.)

Basically, we’re going to do this tour together, you and I. Come along for the ride, if you would. The road is far less lonelier that way.

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