

Dazzler of the Day: Roger Frampton

When you get to be my age (should you ever get to be my age, or if you already have gotten to be my age and decided not to stay) the body begins to slacken and harden into something you never thought it would be. I’ve felt it in recent years – the slowing, the tensing, the hunching, and the general shrinking into itself – and the way I’ve been moving, or not moving, is having a deleterious effect on physical comfort and mental well-being.

Enter Roger Frampton and the idea of stretching to build flexibility and strength, while returning to a more youthful vigor and stance. His first book, ‘The Flexible Body’, is en route to my home as I just ordered it, and I look forward to engaging with the Frampton Method for the rest of this summer, and hopefully beyond. He offers an online training program which comes with a multi-media onslaught of support to help anyone begin or improve upon their fitness regime. For Frampton, it begins and ends with flexibility, and for encouraging us all to get a little more creative and active, he earns this Dazzler of the Day.

Check out his website here for further inspiration. 

The modern lifestyle has revolutionized the way we utilize our bodies, which were not evolved for extended periods of sitting at desks, fixating on screens, or enduring prolonged hours in a seated position.

Whilst our bodies cannot articulate their needs through words, they communicate through signals akin to those of a baby. These signals manifest as pain.

The initial step is to revert to the fundamentals and embark on a journey to restore the inherent movements we were born with. This can be accomplished by cultivating a daily habit beginning with just 10 minutes each day, and then gradually increasing the duration until it becomes as instinctive as brushing your teeth.

Before you bring up your age and contend that immobility is an inevitable part of aging, please take a stroll through the parks in China where you will see ‘elderly individuals’ free from pain and moving as gracefully as they did many years back.

If they can achieve it, there is no reason why you can’t too. I’ve had the privilege of helping people worldwide to transform their lives and reclaiming their true mobility.

~ Roger Frampton

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