

Dazzler of the Day: Nancy McKeon

Sometimes all it takes for a television show to move from a pleasant enough diversion to classic sitcom status is the right character played by the right actress. Such was the magical alchemy that happened when Nancy McKeon joined the cast of ‘The Facts of Life’ as Jo Polniaczek and immediately started sparring with blonde centerpiece Blair Warner. After whittling the cast down to its star quartet, the show found its footing, thanks to the gruff girl from the wrong side of the tracks with a broken heart of gold. Bringing a depth of feeling and emotional complexity to Jo, McKeon – and the chemistry she shared with her co-stars – put ‘The Facts of Life’ on the sitcom history map. She channeled her talents throughout her lengthy career in Hollywood, including a memorable stint on ‘The Division’ and multiple television movies. For most of us, it’s her indelible role as Jo that made the most lasting impression, and so she earns this Dazzler of the Day for giving her heart and spunky grit to all of us in the 80’s. 

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