

Dazzler of the Day: Martha Stewart

My adoration for Martha Stewart goes back decades, when I first caught her show in the months that I had begun to date Andy. In between jobs and locations, I found myself at his house in the middle of the day, when I would find her show in an early afternoon hour, and her voice was always so soothing and calming, that I connected that to a happy and idyllic way of life. Since then, we all know the rollercoaster she’s been on, and she’s still around and kicking ass because she’s a boss. ‘Sports Illustrated’ recently made her their oldest cover subject for their celebrated Swimsuit Issue, and nothing makes me happier. Check out her website here for more ‘good living’ (I’ve never had a failure with any of her recipes) and have no doubt that she is definitely a Dazzler of the Day

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