
Dazzler of the Day: Drew Barrymore

Being the same age as Drew Barrymore, I’d always watched her in her early film roles and felt happy to see someone that I could recognize, at least as far as being a kid growing up in the 80’s went. When I watched ‘E.T’ in the theater with my Mom and brother, I related more to her than anyone else. A later role on ‘Irreconcilable Differences’ further cemented my love for her. Through the years, many of us have watched as she went through the treacherous journey that a child star often goes through, but Barrymore bucked the odds and overcame her difficulties. Her current talk show is a breath of fresh air, and brings her exuberant quirkiness to a larger audience in need of such good vibes, hence this honor of Dazzler of the Day. My absolute all-time favorite of Barrymore’s performances is her unexpectedly stunning portrayal of Little Edie in ‘Grey Gardens’. It’s the ultimate blending of star and role, resulting in nothing short of an artistic smash. 

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