

Dazzler of the Day: Christopher Griffin

Known best as the ‘Plant Kween’, Christopher Griffin is a fellow doting and adoring plant parent. Their brilliantly-titled growing guide, “You Grow, Gurl!” is available online here. It goes a little deeper than most plant guides, tying in a healthy and celebratory thread of self-care to go with the greenery. Griffin’s book page puts it much better than I just did:

“Self-care takes many forms and tending to your plants’ needs helps you grow too. In addition to information and advice on plant care, Kween provides meditations, mindfulness activities, playlists, and more to help you practice self-care through plant-care. As Kween says, “We can learn a lot about how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, and how we navigate the world from these green lil creatures.”

Healing and growing your heart, body, and soul takes time, love, and focus. Taking care of plants teaches you to apply that same attention and love to yourself and helps you find new pathways to explore on your own botanical adventure to self-love.”

On this wintry day, Griffin is named Dazzler of the Day for bringing us the green, the growth, and the reminder to take care of ourselves. 

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