
Dazzler of the Day: Andy Towle

Back when blogs were a big deal, Andy Towle created one of the most popular and relevant gay blogs the world had ever seen in Towleroad. Prior to that, and going even further back to when magazines ruled the gay landscape as far as getting information and making like-minded connections, Towle was the editor-in-chief of Genre magazine. In both career instances, he pioneered the path for an openly, and at times defiantly, gay existence, providing a means and mechanism for all of us to feel less alone at a time when easy access to other gay people often proved difficult at best. A lot has changed and happened since then, and in recent years Towle has successfully shifted his goals and focus to his painting, which finds happy fruition in a show currently running at Provincetown Commons (with another reception scheduled for this Friday, July 5 for all those in Provincetown for the holiday). 

Today he earns his first crowning as Dazzler of the Day thanks to the fascinating journey he has invited us to join over the past two decades. (See more of his work on his website here.)

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