

A Tale of Two Shirtless Selfies

No stranger to shirtlessness, David Beckham opened his Instagram account with a shirtless selfie from his boudoir. Clearly, he understands the importance of beginning things with a bang. James Franco, in a similar vein, has been taking shirtless selfies for years, as seen below. The differences are interesting: Beckham’s is studied, poised, and polished. A lot of thought went into it, surely a good amount of calculation, all with the intended result of producing a benign, if still sexy, introduction to the world of Instagram.

Franco’s is more raw, more off-the-cuff, more honest, even if his gaze doesn’t directly confront or engage with the viewer. It’s a more telling shot, more revealing in every way. Slightly out of focus and less perfectly composed, it still manages to have a truer ring to it.

I’m not sure which one I like better. How about you?

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