

I’ll Tell You What I Want, What I Really Really Want

Every year I make the same vow: to finish my holiday gift shopping before December so I can simply enjoy the season and focus on family and friends. This year, I am determined to make that goal. To that end, I’ve already secured my main family gifts. Yes, I’m that organized and anal, and it’s always served me well. You may lament  or resent such fastidiousness and planning, but it makes my world a happier one.

To aid those in similar pursuits, particularly when it comes to gift giving for myself, I’m already working on this year’s Christmas wish list. To get your engines revving, and your bank account swelling, here are a few initial ideas as seen on my Amazon Wish List. Could I have made it any easier for you? Hardly. Thus far they are ranked in order of desire, but that is subject to change. In fact, this very weekend I’ll be out scoping a few of the listed fragrances to make a few final selections. Right now, Tom Ford is in the lead with his all-but-impossible-to-procure ‘London’ fragrance (to accompany a future honeymoon), but I’ve been favoring lighter scents of late, including the most recent scrumptious offering of ‘Wood Sage and Sea Salt’ by Jo Malone. Byredo Parfums have also been tickling my fancy, and I’m anxiously awaiting a session to sample their ‘Gypsy Water’ (which has so far eluded me) as well as their ‘Black Saffron‘ and ‘Bal D’Afrique.’

Wherever we may end up, it’s going to smell delightful getting there.

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