

His Name is Mr. Li

Just when I thought the spring fragrance election was down to two competitors, Hermès and its soon-to-retire fragrance genius Jean-Claude Ellena have thrown a sweetly-scented floral wrench into the plans, with ‘Le Jardin de Monsieur Li.’ The final planting in the Jardin series, this one reportedly opens with a subtle spray of citrus – specifically grapefruit, one of my favorite opening notes. It’s also said to be rife with jasmine, which is not one of my favorite notes, so we have a battle within a battle, and until I get a sample of it I’m not going to make any proclamations.

Of this I am certain: my anniversary wish list just got a bit more muddled, as this third entry makes for an unsteady group, even if a three-legged-stool is the most stable. Tom Ford, Diana Vreeland, or Hermès? Eenie meenie money mo…

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