

A Message For My Sugar Daddies

It’s already August, so hopefully you’ve been saving up for the end of the month - August 24 is, after all, my birthday. Rather than have you all wracking your brains trying to guess and predict what would most appease the beast and keep me quiet for another year (or at least until Christmas), here are a few gift ideas. Yes, these are on the higher end of the spectrum, but so am I. SPECTRUM!

Let’s begin with a big-ticket item. Failing the $5100 Louis Vuitton train case I’ve been eyeing for ten years (I’ve finally admitted that such a thing is largely impractical, given that I ride the train maybe three times a year), it’s time instead for a new camera. The bulky (albeit good) one I’ve had for a few years has seen better days, and though the Canon Elph that I carry when out and about is serviceable, it has its limits when trying to get high-quality shots. This model offers a perfect mesh of the two – all the bells and whistles in a more compact version: the Canon EOS Rebel SL1. One review called it a dSLR for dainty hands. There are no daintier hands than mine.

I realize that’s a bit of a stretch, as everyone (particularly in my home) is under some financial duress, so I’m putting out a few cologne selections. I’ve already espoused about the genius of the Tom Ford Private Blend line, and seeing as how he’s got four new fragrances out now, surely one of these will appeal to my selective sniffing. (I’ll be trying them this weekend in Boston.)

In addition to these, and in the more affordable price-point range, are a pair of new Hermès fragrances: Eau de Narcisse Bleu and Eau de Mandarine Ambrée. I’ve been on an Hermès kick of late, bathing in Un Jardin après la Mousson, so I’m looking forward to trying out the two new ones. They’re not yet in Sephora (and may not be) so I’ll have to step into the Boylston Hermès store to give them a whirl (always a dangerous endeavor, and one that Andy refuses to do anymore).

Finally, if someone’s going to force a massage package on me from the Mandarin Oriental, I wouldn’t turn it down.

There, see how easy that is? These choices may cost a little more, but they take all the guess-work out of it. Surely that’s worth a bottle of Tom Ford?

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