

The Piña Colada

It might surprise you to know that I have never tried a piña colada before today. I’m not a fan of the sweet, fruity drinks that require umbrellas, so I’ve stayed away from it in all my drinking life. However, when asking for a good poolside drink, this one came up, and upon looking up the ingredients I decided I could give it a whirl. (The great thing about cocktails is that the proportions are subject to whimsy and the relative degree of tipsiness required.)

It turns out that the piña colada can be made rather potently, with a little extra rum. Not that I did it that way. For the first round, I adhered strictly to the recipe, down to the pineapple and garish maraschino cherry garnish. But after the first, the rum goes down a little easier. It happens.

The Piña Colada


– 2 oz. pineapple juice

– 2 oz. light rum

– 1 1/2 oz. coconut milk

– Pineapple wedge & maraschino cherry for garnish

You can combine the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with some ice, then strain into a glass, or put it all in the blender with some ice for a frozen version. I did the latter this time. Again, I’m not usually a fan of the frozen drink (being that I’m not on spring fucking break), but once in a while it’s fun. (Singing the Rupert Holmes song is not required for this, nor is it recommended in my company. At least not until I’ve had four.)

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