
The Grasshopper: When Kitsch is King

Sweet drinks are not my thing. I got those out of my system with a year of Amaretto sours followed by a few months of Midori sours, and then a messy couple of weeks of White Russians. After that, I developed a bit of refinement and moved into gin and whiskey, largely avoiding any sort of sour or excessive sweetness.

Once in a great while, however, and preferably whilst embracing a kitschy 60’s motif (cue a cute pair of garish polyester, patterned bell-bottoms and a flowy persimmon-hued shirt) I’ll indulge in something like the Grasshopper, in the same way I’ll embrace a Galliano cocktail once every few years. This one is really a dessert unto itself, and the recipe couldn’t be simpler: one part each of Bailey’s, creme de cacao, and creme de menthe. (This is a bastardization of the original, for which I used some vanilla ice cream and vodka in place of the Bailey’s. Desperate times…) It tasted sweet, went down way too easy for our guests, and made for quite an evening of fun. We’ll bring it out again next spring. This must be used sparingly. 

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