

No Booze for 3 Months… and Counting

A couple of days ago a quiet little marker passed as I realized I hadn’t had a drop of liquor in three months. This is far from the longest I’ve gone without alcohol, and at first I didn’t feel the need to make note of it at all, until I saw someone post on Twitter that they had fallen off their sobriety path.

I haven’t made any serious sobriety promise, as that is usually the kiss of death for any serious lifestyle change. I’ve chosen to not drink in an effort to live in a more healthy manner and take care of this body for as long as I may have it. Not drinking was one of the first steps in doing better for myself, and it had almost nothing to do with addiction or sobriety as it did for bettering myself. Because of that, it seemed rather a minor accomplishment. Yet as soon as I saw someone stumble in their own quest for sobriety, I felt a bit of an impulse to share this little triumph of not drinking with them. Surely if someone who has more than enjoyed his share of cocktails over the years can change, then perhaps there’s some inspiration to be found here.

I wish I could offer some insight or wisdom or simple advice on how I did it, but I’m at a loss, and that may make me the exception for those who have had trouble stopping. Mostly, I was wanting to stop for a while, it just took a bit of tough love from my husband and family and friends to help me see that now was the time. But the main impetus was my own realization that I simply didn’t feel as good when I drank as opposed to when I didn’t. And why would I do something that makes me feel bad?

Anyway, I realize it’s a lot harder for some people not to drink, so this little milestone is being marked in honor of them. I know it can be tough. I know it can feel impossible. But it can be done. And if you have to start over and over and over until you can do it, that’s ok. The stumbles and falls only matter if you can’t get back up again. If you make it to another day, you make it to another choice. I’m grateful for every chance I have at making a choice. It’s nice to be in charge.

As for the celebration of cocktails that this website once espoused, I’m still enamored by a  pretty drink, only now these are alcohol-free. For those who are looking for some good mocktails to extend a dry January, stay tuned for some recipes. Just because I’ve forsaken the booze doesn’t mean I’m going to forsake the beauty.

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