

Half A Year Went Quicker Without Liquor

First, I thought it would be impossible going to Savannah with my family and not drinking, but it wasn’t that difficult.

Then I thought it would be impossible to get through the holidays without drinking, but it wasn’t that difficult.

In the last few weeks I thought it would be impossible to get through all this isolation without drinking, but it wasn’t that difficult.

Today marks a full six months of not drinking alcohol, and guess what? It hasn’t been that difficult. I feel healthier, happier, and slightly more present. I’ve lost some weight, kicked up other healthy habits, and have more time and money for better pursuits. I’m not saying everyone should curb their drinking habits (it seems to be the one thing that’s getting a lot of people through this isolation/social distancing spell) it just doesn’t appeal to me as much anymore. In truth, there are actually times where I feel a genuine distaste for the stuff now, which is strange.

Not to say I don’t have moments when I think how nice it would be to sit at a bar and have a Manhattan on a cold, rainy night, or sip at a sparkling glass of something near the pool, but those desires are more about atmosphere and setting, and easily conjured with mocktails or food.

Such as in the featured photo, which was crafted on one of the first sunny and warm days we’ve had this year. It’s a simple hard squeeze – the juice of a single lime, in a tumbler of ice, topped with some grapefruit seltzer and garnished with a thin lime wheel. It was a reward for a bit of work done in the service of future bamboo plants. I sat down by the pool – still closed, but void of ice and snow – and sipped on the cool, refreshing tartness. If summer might be spent in such beautiful spirits, perhaps it won’t be so bad. 

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