Some of us know exactly what’s in this bottle, as seen at a rest stop on the Massachusetts Turnpike.
What I do not know is why it was left by the curb. Have we just given up entirely? A garbage can was a few feet away.
Some of us know exactly what’s in this bottle, as seen at a rest stop on the Massachusetts Turnpike.
What I do not know is why it was left by the curb. Have we just given up entirely? A garbage can was a few feet away.
Sometimes social media is good for something, such as this hilarious quote:
“No more learning experiences, please. I am smart enough.”
My new spirit animal is Martha Stewart pushing Drew Barrymore away.
Can we please start normalizing the selling of forks by the individual piece? Who seriously needs a setting for 16 people anymore?
When a new urinal cake in the office bathroom is once again the highlight of the day, things have gone astoundingly awry.
Does anyone else have that one pantry shelf where you just keep pushing things back into an abyss, only to try to find something you know you put there and realize you put it there in 2008?
Does anyone even use the word ‘pantry’ anymore?
What even is a pantry?
Sometimes there are deep thoughts that pop up at odd times during a day.
Like how did people discover or come up with certain things, such as carbonated water. Who thought of that and made it happen? Did someone get a load of sea foam and think, “We need more of that and in a form we can drink!”
As someone once said, I have to think these things up.
Banal fact: I’ve never seen any of the ‘Friday the 13th’ movies.
Seems a stupid thing to start now. Also, I always get confused between the hockey guy and the Mike Meyers guy – or are they the same dude? Was there ever a mash-up? How is Austin Powers tied into all of this? Don’t answer – I don’t care. Happy Friday the 13th.
I am one of the social media users that simply doesn’t know.