Behold, the blue Speedo of Luke Evans, a guy who has yet to be named a Hunk of the Day (it will happen sooner or later I’m sure, sop stay tuned). In a bold departure from the disastrous board shorts most male celebrities hide behind at the beach, Mr. Evans makes the impressive and distinctly un-American move of donning a budgie-smuggler. Such is the confidence and natural ease of Europe in contrast to the hypocritically-puritanical wimpiness of the United States. American men are just supremely prudish when it comes to swimwear, and I’m not sure why. We are so bold (rude, really) when it comes to almost everything else, but present the notion of a Speedo and the men run whimpering. It’s such a shame, particularly when given such specimens as Zac Efron, Tom Brady, Nick Jonas and . I guess we’ll have to make-do with the foreign likes of David Beckham, Tom Daley, and Mr. Evans to lead the Speedo brigade.