
Category Archives: Speedo

A Male Celebrity with the Balls to Wear A Speedo

Behold, the blue Speedo of Luke Evans, a guy who has yet to be named a Hunk of the Day (it will happen sooner or later I’m sure, sop stay tuned). In a bold departure from the disastrous board shorts most male celebrities hide behind at the beach, Mr. Evans makes the impressive and distinctly un-American move of donning a budgie-smuggler. Such is the confidence and natural ease of Europe in contrast to the hypocritically-puritanical wimpiness of the United States. American men are just supremely prudish when it comes to swimwear, and I’m not sure why. We are so bold (rude, really) when it comes to almost everything else, but present the notion of a Speedo and the men run whimpering. It’s such a shame, particularly when given such specimens as Zac Efron, Tom Brady, Nick Jonas and . I guess we’ll have to make-do with the foreign likes of David Beckham, Tom Daley, and Mr. Evans to lead the Speedo brigade.


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Tom Daley: Of Bulge & Burgundy

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a few photos of Tom Daley, so let’s return to his fine form and put these up right away. It’s a duller season without an Olympic Games to occupy the summer or winter, but I think he’s just gearing up for the next go-round (even if it won’t be in Boston – and for that I’m grateful). In his burgundy Speedo, Mr. Daley strikes a striking pose in his native habitat: poolside and wet.

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Best Speedo Bulge of All?

While the world continues its debate over Steve Grand and his sexy posturing, I’m focusing this blog’s heat-seeking lens on Jack Laugher, the British diver who more than amply fills his Speedo to the brim. Mr. Laugher is no laughing matter when it comes to looking seriously good in his work uniform. He’s been named Hunk of the Day once before, and while this is not an official Hunk of the Day post, it’s a sure sign that his second crowning is not far off, particularly if he’s going to gift the world with photo shoots like this one by the amazing Paul Cooper.

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Tom Daley’s Leaked Full-Frontal Shots

There will likely be more leaking than what Tom Daley has already inspired here due to these photos, and while this has traditionally been a full-frontal-free zone, there’s one day a year when those rules go out the window. These are the Tom Daley full-frontal shots that are about to shake all the fruit from the gay tree.

But first, a few teaser pics because you can’t do the big reveal without a few lead-ins…

Mr. Daley has come close before, with a naked butt shot (allegedly) and tons of Speedo pics, but nothing approaches the majesty of his member…

And nothing gives me more glee than another April 1st post.

{See also the full-frontal shots of Ben Cohen and David Beckham.}

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When In Doubt, Do A Daley

Tom Daley, that is. He hasn’t been here in a bit, but whenever a few new Speedo shots come out, he’s worth another post. After all, he’s one of the few select gentlemen (and woman) who constitutes his own Category. [See also David Beckham, Ben Cohen, Tom Ford, Andy and Madonna.]

Former Tom Daley posts include this one of him in a Speedo, this one of him in a Speedo, this one of him in a Speedo, this one of him in a Speedo, this one of him OUT of a Speedo, this one of him in a Speedo, this one of him in a Speedo, and this one of him in a Speedo.

Oh yeah, and this one of him in a Speedo.

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Tom Daley, Back in the Speedo

It’s been more than a hot minute since Tom Daley was last featured here, which is too long for some people, so here you go. This trio of Speedo pics was taken at the Commonwealth Games, where Mr. Daley recently earned a gold medal for Best Dive or something. (Call me when he’s up for an Oscar, or the Olympics again – or better yet, when he teams up with Dan Osborne.) In the meantime, feast your eyes on this rather morosely-hued swimsuit. (I hate maroon.) He should take more cues from Danny O.

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Michael Phelps Nude for ESPN’s Naked Issue

(Ok, they call it the Body Issue, but it’s really the Naked Issue.) It would seem that there’s not much of a difference between donning a Speedo and donning a birthday suit, but Michael Phelps and his tan lines prove otherwise. The difference is profound, and sexy, and folks looking to see Mr. Phelps in all his glory need only pick up the latest ‘Naked Issue’ of ESPN Magazine. 

Mr. Phelps is no stranger to baring his body, having appeared on this site several times, notably in the shower and in his Speedo. Never before, however, have we seen Michael Phelps naked – until now. Was it worth the wait? You tell me. I will say this much: tan lines are back.

UPDATE: A better look at Michael Phelps nude.

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Tom Daley: Stripping Down & Stretching

Yes, this post is just here for the sake of buying some more time before I can put together some Cape Cod vacation posts, but there should be no complaints when Tom Daley is stripping down to his Speedo and stretching his butt, in glorious GIF motion. I won’t bore you with a long list of links where he is similarly and scantily attired – that was partly taken care of here – but you can always search the Archives for such gratuitous nudity. (And yes, somewhere in the annals of this site there is a legit Tom Daly naked pic. Honestly. Seek and ye shall find…)

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Summer Arrives, Shirtlessness Abounds

The first day of summer is here at last, and the promise of the happiest season of the year finds fulfillment. While it’s the hope of all to come that fuels these glorious early days, here’s a brief look back at a summer that came before. Only by acknowledging the past can we move gaily toward the future… or some bullshit like that – it’s summer, who gives a fuck?

It wouldn’t be pool season without a few gratuitous Speedo posts, like this one featuring Tom Daley.

My reign-of-terror on Instagram began last June, and since that time far fewer photos than expected have been taken down for objectionable content. I’ve disappointed myself, and no doubt a few of you. Those who follow, however, had a chance to see the banned pics before they get pulled, so what are you waiting for? Follow.

How long will it take to get used to me? Don’t wait that long.

This year was all about Tiffany’s, but last year it was Gatsby’s party.

The tea-scented tree peony in all its fragrant splendor.

A winter Olympian in the summer has no choice but to get naked.

What’s simple is true, and beautiful.

Eat me, I’m juicy.

Not clitoris, clematis.

Last year at this time Ian Ziering was stripping for the Chippendales. I hear he’s doing the same thing this summer.

The babies, the babies!

A tale of tomatoes.

Go Doogie.

A look-back within a look-back.

Lovely ladies – two of them.

Cruise this JP.

It’s always summer where Madonna is concerned.

The pool. Nothing matters but the pool.

And the Speedo.

And the skinny dip.

And the sun.

And Tom Daley in a Speedo.

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More Dan Osborne & Tom Daley

In the likely event that this naked post of Dan Osborne and Tom Daley wasn’t enough earlier today, here are a couple of GIFs to really put the cherry on this Sunday. Alas, the US does not yet have an equivalent of ‘Splash’ – the diving contest that brings out the boys in their bedazzled Speedos – not that American celebrities would be so brave and bold. At any rate, enjoy this bonus post before the week begins again.

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Gratuitous Tom Daley Speedo Post

As if this sexy Olympics post wasn’t enough, here are a few more photos of a Speedo-clad Tom Daley for your weekend viewing pleasure. You’re welcome.

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The Gratuitous Speedo Collection

Last year we had the Summer Olympics and that parade of Speedos to keep us entertained in the month of August. This year all we have is Tom Daley, and a few brief appearances by Ryan Lochte. So rather than bemoaning the lack of Olympic-caliber skin, let’s revisit some of those classic Speedo moments.

Before Tom Daley was even a glimpse in someone’s eye, there was Michael Phelps. His long lean torso dazzled at the past three Olympic games, and he even showered in his Speedo.

Alongside Mr. Phelps was the slightly more handsome, if less rewarded, Ryan Lochte. One of the favorite posts ever was this one, featuring Mr. Lochte pulling his already-low-slung swimsuit down even further. Even when he went to Las Vegas, he stripped to a skimpy white Speedo, forgoing the dull board shorts that other straight guys favor.

The gay Olympians were represented by Matthew Mitcham, who donned his Speedo while diving for the gold. He looked just as good in his funky trunks, and got to hug Tom Daley in this amazing shot of double-Speedo hotness.

As mentioned, the reigning Speedo-clad stud is Tom Daley. He was first featured here in July of last year, but has since come up in the ranks to be a featured performer, with a category all his own. Whether it’s his butt or his bulge that captivates you, Daley delivers on all fronts, even selling books in his Speedo. He was crowned the Hunk of the Day not once, but twice. As one of the younger guys featured on this site, all I can say is this: baby got back.

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A Might-As-Well-Be-Naked Tom Daley Post

Because it’s the first day of the last full month of summer, and it’s gone by too fast, here’s a little something to give us all pause: Tom Daley in his Speedo. Talk about your Thoroughly Thoroughbred moments. Breed me indeed me. When I started this website ten years ago, I never thought ‘Tom Daley’ would be one of its main categories. Mostly because he wasn’t even born then…

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Tom Daley and His Speedo

Because a day without Tom Daley and his bulge is like a day without sunshine. Gratuitous much? And since today just happens to be lacking in the sunshine department, here are a few nearly naked shots of Mr. Daley, our favorite Olympian, clad barely in a Speedo, and ripping it up off the diving board. Forget David Beckham and Ben Cohen, when is Tom Daley going to get an underwear contract? (Or better yet, lose the clothing altogether?)

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Super Speedo Post

It’s the season of the Speedo, so here are a few select shots from some traditional favorites (Tom Daley, David Beckham, Ryan Lochte) and some lesser-known but equally-bulging others (Elio Pis, Paul Rothmann). Hey, it’s Monday, it might reach the 90’s, and this is all you’re going to get from me mid-day.

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