
Category Archives: Homophobia

Dazzler of the Day: Maulik Pancholy

There have aways been people who have whispered, or shouted out loud, their complaints that the LGBTQ+ community has to proclaim their identity over and over again when most people don’t even care about someone’s sexuality. Those people must live largely ignorant and unaware lives where they don’t see the hatred and homophobia still running rampant, and given a new lease on acceptability with a certain political party’s current leaders. As a gay man, I’m keenly aware that there is a resurgence in homophobia, sanctioned by the GOP Presidential candidate that trickles down to all the other GOP candidates who seem to be ok with stepping in line with a criminal. What a sad and far cry from the Republican Party of my parents. 

Case in point is our Dazzler of the Day – brilliant author, activist and actor Maulik Pancholy, whose scheduled participation at an anti-bullying event was canceled by a Pennsylvania school board due to his “lifestyle”. Don’t tell me there isn’t a problem here, and don’t tell me we don’t need Pride Month and reminders that this sort of thing keeps happening no matter how much you might want to pretend it isn’t. 

Happily, this is bringing further attention to his work and his passion for making the world better for all children.  Check out his website here for all his exciting accomplishments, including his two YA novels, ‘The Best At It’ and ‘Nikhil Out Loud’.

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Another Visit From the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Albany

Standing there in my beaver pajama pants (a gift from Suzie) and a ratty, hole-filled long-sleeved t-shirt with a faded palm tree on it, I greeted the two ladies as though I was expecting them. I’d seen the car drop them off across the street, but figured that after this interaction the Jehovah’s Witnesses had gotten the message that my household was supremely uninterested in joining their cult. Alas, that was not the case, as they made a beeline to our door. 

“Hope you don’t mind, I’m going to take your picture!” I said a tad too cheerily, opening the door as they eyed me with bit of suspicion. 

“Why?” the woman in back asked somewhat accusingly.

“Because you’re on my own property, and in plain public view.” 

They laughed nervously and then produced the pamphlet I’d seen just a few days ago. 

“Can I give you this and invite you…”

“You’re from the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” I interrupted. “Two other people came here last week saying the same thing and handing out the same brochure. I asked them what the Jehovah’s Witnesses said about gay marriage and they said you were against it.”

“Can I read you what the Bible says about that?” she asked, her smile not breaking. 

“No thanks, I’d like you to put into your own words what your organization thinks.”

“Well the Bible says marriage is one man and one woman, and they should come together as one. Can I read you the passage?” she asked as she began to reach into her folder. 

“No, I’m asking what you think about it, what your personal beliefs are about my marriage.”

I believe what the Bible says…”

“So you don’t think my marriage is valid. I’ve been with my husband for over twenty years and you don’t think it’s valid?” Somehow I managed not to sound accusatory or antagonistic, though inside I was getting more irate as I stood there letting heat out of our home, and two people worked to silently condemn my life without saying any of it out loud. 

“It’s not a judgment against you, I can’t decide that for you, I believe what it is in the Bible, which says that a man should be married to a woman,” she said, unwilling to go off script even when asked about her own take on it. 

“The Bible doesn’t believe a man should marry a man,” the woman in back chimed in. “But we don’t judge anyone.”

“Have you read any of the Bible?” the first woman asked.

“Yes, when I was a child I read it,” I said. 

“Did any of those teachings mean anything to you?’ 

“Absolutely. The notions that Jesus never judged anyone, and loved everyone as they were have stayed with me, and I still believe in that. What I don’t believe in is a literal reading of the Bible. It seems close-minded and, quite frankly, stupid, to think that a text remains literally relevant and that nothing has changed or evolved in 100, 200, 1000 years. I also don’t believe that was the intent of Jesus and his teachings.”

The woman in front persisted, “Can we ask if you would like to attend our event next week?”

“No,” I answered, my false smile entirely gone, but still wanting to be as humane and polite as possible. “Your beliefs go directly against mine, and your literal interpretation of the Bible will ultimately make it obsolete. If you want people today to continue believing in the Bible, then you should focus on how Jesus lived out his own life, and it wasn’t condemning or judging others.”

They thanked me and I told them to check out my website as I’d be writing about this encounter. Hey, they wanted me to visit their website. Do unto others…

PS – This is me in my birthday suit. In addition to wildly celebrating birthdays, I’m way beyond saving, so stop coming to the house.

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How Not To Get A Job

Having worked in Human Resources for the better part of 17 years, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks for how to get noticed and hired, and more importantly a couple of big warning flags on how not to get hired. One of the main things that most employers DO NOT look for is a criminal record based on a potential candidate’s crossing state borders with riot gear and masks with the alleged intent to intimidate, harass, and terrorize innocent attendees at a Pride event. The other thing I’ve read about is that some employers do research on their potential employees to see if they were, say, involved in some white supremacy bullshit, because that’s rarely a good look for any company. Hate just doesn’t sell like it used to. Finally, one last word – the internet is pretty much forever, and once someone’s name is out there, even in the smallest most insignificant blog, it can be connected to a heinous act of hatred far into the future. 

With that said, here are the names of the 31 individuals, some of whom are purportedly part of a white supremacist group called the Patriot Front, who packed themselves into a U-haul to attend and allegedly wreak havoc on a Pride event in Idaho. They came from all over the country, and now their names will be forever tied to hatred and the specter of possible violence. Hire accordingly, America. 

  • Jared Michael Boyce, 
  • Nathan David Brenner, 
  • Colton Michael Brown, 
  • Josiah Daniel Buster, 
  • Mishael Joshua Buster, 
  • Devin Wayne Center, 
  • Dylan Carter Corio, 
  • Winston North Durham, 
  • Joseph Garret Garland, 
  • Branden Mitchel Haney, 
  • Richard Jacob Jessop, 
  • James Michael Johnson, 
  • James Julius Johnson, 
  • Connor Patrick Moran, 
  • Kieran Padraig Morris, 
  • Lawrence Alexander Norman, 
  • Justin Michael Oleary, 
  • Cameron Kathan Pruitt, 
  • Forrest Clark Rankin, 
  • Thomas Ryan Rousseau, 
  • Conor James Ryan, 
  • Spencer Thomas Simpson, 
  • Derek Joseph Smith, 
  • Alexander Nicholai Sisenstein, 
  • Dakota Ray Tabler, 
  • Steven Derrick Tucker, 
  • Wesley Evan Van Horn, 
  • Mitchell Frederick Wagner, 
  • Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield, 
  • Robert Benjamin Whitted, 
  • Graham Jones Whitsom

And for further info, here are a few links to the background. One doesn’t plan something like this without wanting a bit of notice, so let’s shine a light on who they are. 

31 people with ties to White nationalist group arrested for conspiracy to riot near a Pride parade in Idaho – CNN
– 31 arrested with shields, riot gear near Pride parade in Idaho – ABC
– 31 Patriot Front members arrested near Idaho pride event – PBS

Jared Michael Boyce,  Nathan David Brenner,  Colton Michael Brown,  Josiah Daniel Buster,  Mishael Joshua Buster,  Devin Wayne Center,  Dylan Carter Corio,  Winston North Durham,  Joseph Garret Garland,  Branden Mitchel Haney,  Richard Jacob Jessop,  James Michael Johnson,  James Julius Johnson,  Connor Patrick Moran,  Kieran Padraig Morris,  Lawrence Alexander Norman,  Justin Michael Oleary,  Cameron Kathan Pruitt,  Forrest Clark Rankin,  Thomas Ryan Rousseau,  Conor James Ryan,  Spencer Thomas Simpson,  Derek Joseph Smith,  Alexander Nicholai Sisenstein,  Dakota Ray Tabler,  Steven Derrick Tucker,  Wesley Evan Van Horn,  Mitchell Frederick Wagner,  Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield,  Robert Benjamin Whitted,  Graham Jones Whitsom

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Haunted By The Boy Who Was Killed for Being Gay

It was the fall of 1998. I’d just met my first serious boyfriend. It felt like a giddy time, though slightly fraught with worry, the unknown and the uncomfortable notion of opening up my life to another person, and the vaguest sliver of worry that this wasn’t the one, at least the one who would last forever. And then the more frightening notion that maybe not anyone would last forever. 

The job I had was my first brush with an office environment – as a research analyst for John Hancock. Located just a few blocks from the condo, my commute was a seven minute leisurely walk, five if I was rushing, which I never was back then. It was dull and monotonous work, the scope of which was never entirely explained to us (other than a class-action lawsuit was involved and we needed to find duplicate numbers on microfiche) but I excelled and moved up the limited ranks quite quickly. A little over a month on the job, I felt comfortable in talking about my new boyfriend, feeling a relatively new sensation of pride in another person, in being part of a couple. But there were still moments of doubt. We never held hands. We never walked too close. We never kissed in public. 

Mother clutches the head of her dying son
Anger and tears, so many things to feel
Sensitive boy, good with his hands
Noone mentions the unmentionable, but everybody understands
Here in this cold white room
Tied up to these machines
It’s hard to imagine him as he used to be…

On October 12, 1998, I walked into the office and was about to begin the usual routine. Co-workers whirled through the microfiche readers, while others ate their breakfast bagels at the center table. I heard the news before I saw it in the paper – back when we got news from the newspaper, back when that was usually the first one would hear of anything. A co-worker blurted out that Matthew Shepard had died. After a few days in a coma, he’d given up his fight. His life was finished. It was the only time up to that day where I felt the wind knocked out of me, and I had to literally sit down at the table in the middle of the room and pretend that I was looking at some microfiche nonsense. Anything to keep from crying. 

Many things haunted me, starting at that moment. The image of him being mistaken for a scarecrow at first. The image of his face being soiled and dirty save for the trails of his tears. The image of a loneliness so pervading that the feigned interest of a couple of questionable guys made the danger worth the risk. 

Laughing screaming tumbling queen
Like the most amazing light show you’ve ever seen
Whirling swirling never blue
How could you go and die, what a lonely thing to do…

What everyone else in that office saw as just another dead guy – one of probably a dozen in a paper as sprawling as the Boston Globe – I saw as something far more personal. This 21-year-old – just a year younger than myself – had been killed simply for being gay. He was murdered for being what I was. From that point forward the world would be haunted in a way that most of my straight friends could never fully feel. It changed everything in an instant, and the immense sorrow of where we were, and how far we really hadn’t come, took up residence in my mind, the lingering remnants of which surface to this very day.

Silence equals death, this is what they say
But the anger and the tears do not take the pain away
How far must it go, how near must it be
Before it touches you, before it touches me
Here in this cold white room
Tied up to these machines
It’s hard to imagine life as it used to be…

The details of the night he was attacked felt eerily familiar in the way it all began. A random encounter at a bar – where we all went looking for love back then – that ended with a drive onto the desolate and cold back roads of Wyoming – some sad American nightmare where Matthew was brutally beaten and tortured by two straight men… and for what reason? For being gay? For being different? For wanting to be loved? How could anyone be so hated simply for loving? 

Laughing screaming tumbling queen
Like the most amazing light show that you’ve ever seen
Whirling swirling never blue
How could you go and die, what a selfish thing to do

After we learned of what had happened, when a guy riding his bicycle passed Matthew’s body strung up on a fence, and initially mistook him for a scarecrow, I didn’t think he would die. The world couldn’t be that cruel. It couldn’t be that cold. So when he did, and when someone so flippantly said he was dead, I had to sit down, because whatever hopes and dreams I had secretly harbored since I was a kid were suddenly knocked out of me. 

It was an act of hatred that I would never understand, and in the following days and weeks and years I would read everything I could about what happened, trying to come to some sort of understanding as to why they did it, and at every turn and every new piece of information, I failed. Yet throughout all that time, and through all these years, the memory of Matthew has remained alive. I’d forgotten the names and fates of his killers, but Matthew Shepard is indelibly imprinted upon my memory, imprinted on my heart, imprinted on that precious part of life that should have been filled with innocence and hope and dreams. 

Did you ever ask those strangers what they’re searching for?
Did they laugh and tell you they’re not really sure?
You were hurt by love but still you came right back for more
Il adore, il adore, il adore…

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For the Love of a Faggot

I’ve never been called the f-word as much as I have this year, and across the board it’s been by Donald Trump supporters trolling my Twitter account. Up until now, I’ve been puzzled as to how best to deal with them. Reason and logic and truth got me nowhere. Witty and intelligent counter-arguments only confused them. Reciprocal vitriol engaged them on their homegrown turf. Blocking, reporting and ignoring them worked, but still left things unresolved. Not until today did I figure out the best way to deal with them, and it’s the simplest but sometimes most difficult thing to do. I fought against it for so long because it seemed too cliched and trite, too weak and wimpy, but it turns out it takes more guts and courage and grace than anything else I’ve ever done. The most powerful way to shut down someone who hates is to love them.

I’m not talking romantic love or physical love or even friendly love – I’m talking the simple love we all can, and should, feel towards another human being, if only because they are human too. As prickly as I pretend to be, as ornery as I behave, and as annoying as I can act, I’ve always held a certain modicum of love for my fellow human beings. I respect life too much to devalue it with hate, even for people who don’t agree, or who don’t believe I deserve the same rights as they do.


This was not an easy shift to make. I had just been called a faggot by someone on Twitter who goes by the name Canadian Lucifer (@ConCanadian) in response to one of my Donald Trump comments (on Trump’s own page, not Lucifer’s). I started by calmly replying, “You only perpetuate negative stereotypes of Donald Trump supporters by calling me a faggot.”

Lucifer quickly replied: “I don’t care about stereotypes. I only care that I know you are a faggot.”

It was then that I realized this person had no interest in engaging in a reasonable discussion, or even simple human decency. I surrendered, but in so doing issued the ultimate challenge. With one Tweet, I made it impossible for this person to win: ‘All you need is love.’

Far more than any angry diatribe or cutting insult could have done, it hit a nerve more sensitive than those accustomed to receiving hate from hate. Lucifer retorted immediately: ‘Not from faggots, I don’t.’

Normally, this would raise my ire. I’d lash out, cut this person down, or report and block them. Instead, I wrote this: “I love you anyway, as a fellow human being. You may not like it but you cannot stop it.”

Lucifer did not take kindly to that. When hate is confronted with love, it rarely responds in kind. “Sick fuck” was Lucifer’s succinct response.

“Why do you think it’s sick to love?” I asked without guile or pretense.

Lucifer replied, “Because it is a ridiculous emotion in light of human nature. Hate is far, far stronger.”

“And yet you’re not strong enough to stop me from loving you as my fellow human being,” I wrote.

There it was. The underlying heart of the matter. The one thing that they cannot and will not ever be able to take away: our love.

Even if Donald Trump wins this election, and if he and Mike Pence strike down marriage-equality and implement gay conversion therapy as they have written specifically into the Republican Platform, they still won’t be able to touch the one thing they really want to stop: our love.

We will love, and we will love, and we will love – and no one can outlaw or regulate or stop that.

It’s not an easy thing.

You can’t fake it.

You have to mean it.

It must be genuine. It must be earnest. It must be given without expectation or want of anything in return. That makes it hard to do.

It also makes it the most rewarding.

It extinguishes the burning rage of anger.

It heals the residual hurt of sadness.

It relieves the stubborn ache of pride.

And suddenly, just like that, Lucifer was gone, and the sting of the word ‘faggot’ dissipated.

Love really does trump hate, and it always will.

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Die. Faggot.

Such was the succinct Tweet/death threat I received on Twitter the other day. Apparently one of my Donald Trump Tweets hit the wrong nerve with a number of his deplorable followers, as the Trump Trolls have been out in full force condemning my words and demanding my death. This is precisely why a subset of his supporters gets called out for being deplorable. When you’re deplorable, you’re deplorable: own it.

It’s not the first time I’ve been called a faggot and it likely won’t be the last, but this one didn’t bother me in the least. Considering the source, it’s actually a badge of pride, as is any insult that comes from a homophobic or sexist or racist person. Other choice quotes from @AltRightRises (whose account was soon suspended) include his follow-up of “Do you sell your AIDS meds to buy followers?” as well as the following random tweets, gathered from a cesspool of equally-deplorable quotes:

“Your “top class” banter is just you talking like a faggot

“Smarmy faggot about to get stumped”

“Cry more, faggot”

Well, you get the idea.

He wasn’t the only one. Similarly hateful trolls followed suit.

@JewsR2Blame had a litany of Anti-Semitic, homophobic, racist Tweets (as evidenced by that Twitter handle alone) and blamed everything from 9/11 to his/her own sad space in life on the Jewish religion. This basket of buffoons had no end, and across the board they were hateful people who supported Donald Trump.

Some preached the extermination of a certain race or religion, some praised the killing of homosexuals and Jews, some wished for the return of lynchings and hangings; the one thing they had in common was unwavering support for Donald Trump. When someone like David Duke Tweets out the featured pic here, I think that saying that 50% of your supporters are deplorable is an understatement. The fact that they all seem so keen and willing to own such hatred is, indeed, deplorable. Those brave (and stupid) enough to put a face to their real name are a rarity, however. It’s telling in a klan-like way that hardly any of the people used their real name or image on their accounts, because when you believe in such shameful rhetoric and hatred, you don’t want to be known.

Of course I’ll be the first one to be blamed for such secrecy: one woman who did use her own photo as the profile pic challenged me to put my shirt on, as if that’s the best insult she could hurl my way. To my discredit, shame, and quickly-deleted regret I replied, “If I looked like you I would.”

Soon thereafter I realized it was too easy to win when dealing with such idiocy. Ignorance and hate seem to go hand in hand, and while there is some small shred of satisfaction in handily defeating such stupidity, it’s really a losing battle. You can’t fight that kind of stubborn ignorance – all it does is eat up time. (But I’ll say this: if you want to really get under the skin of a Trump supporter, correct their grammar and spelling. Most can’t stand it – and they’ll come back with something along the lines of, “Your a dumb fuck.”) Alas, hollow victories.

I also realize that not all Trump supporters are deplorable. But in my (admittedly limited) experience, it’s been about 99%, and I’ve got the Tweets to back it up. For now, and for my own peace of mind, I’m simply going to block the haters and continue Tweeting the truth about Trump. That’s really what they’re upset about anyway – the fact that their own hatred is real. One simply doesn’t get that angry over something unless it’s true. (And deplorable.)

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Once I Was A Republican

Once upon a time I was a staunch Republican. At least, I was raised as one, and had I been able to vote during the Reagan and Bush #1 years, I probably would have gone their way. My parents, being in the medical field, tended to vote Republican for fiscal reasons, and to this day I can get behind a fiscally conservative method of running the country. Unfortunately, the glory of the GOP has not been in evidence for decades. Of late, it has become the party of hate and intolerance, openly embracing those who foster racism and homophobia and sexism. That’s no longer a question of opinion, it’s a matter of fact.

Witness their candidates: Donald Trump and Mike Pence. The former is a terrifying joke and the latter is a dangerous bit of milquetoast who all but destroyed Indiana with his anti-gay and anti-woman agenda. That agenda now forms a very frightening part of the official Republican platform.


The sad thing is that the GOP could very much be a party with sound support and incredible power. Many of their basic tenets for financial responsibility are sensible. Their original plan to have less government in our lives (and bedrooms) was a hands-off live-and-let-live philosophy that I found compelling. And way back during Abraham Lincoln’s time, it was the Republican Party that championed equality for everyone.


What a turn-around a crazy Tea Party can make.

Since giving in to the early demands of loons like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, and Donald Trump, the Republican Party has been poisoned by what looked like a quick chance-grab for a few extra votes from the lunatic fringe. Since then, they’ve allowed the poison to take hold, and it has weakened and destroyed the GOP from within. The metaphoric Republican elephant has been taken down like the very real (now dead) elephant that Donald Trump Junior killed on a trophy hunting expedition. Hijacked by these internal terrorists, whose beliefs espouse “traditional” marriage and gay conversion therapy (in which a gay person is subjected to torture treatments to make them straight – look it up) the Republican Party has now woven such heretofore extreme beliefs into their official platform. It’s made it impossible for even sane Republicans to embrace their party without attaching themselves to blatant hatred and discrimination. You can’t argue that they’re not anti-gay when it is explicitly there in the official party platform. For any of my friends who can even entertain the idea of voting for Donald Trump, please understand that he and his party will work to make my marriage invalid. They will work to destroy the marriage of countless loving couples who only want to enjoy the same things our straight counterparts enjoy. They will work to dismantle the rights we have won – and to what purpose and end? How does my marriage have any bearing on them? How does my loving partnership impede on their marriages or beliefs? It has nothing to do with them – yet they seek out our love to destroy in the name of religion, and I cannot understand that.

Much in the same way, I cannot understand the Republican Party anymore. To embrace a person who has repeatedly made racist, misogynistic, and hateful comments about everyone not exactly like him, who supports a ban on people based on religion, who wants to build a wall to keep those seeking the American dream out is something I do not get. And I have yet to hear a substantive argument otherwise.

(We now return to our regularly-scheduled frivolous programming.)

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The Most Hateful Video I’ve Ever Seen

This is the sort of thing I don’t normally post here. These are the hate filled words of Stephen L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. He gave a hate-filled rant against “faggots” just hours after the killing of 49 innocent people. (The video was quickly taken down for violating the ‘hate speech’ rules on YouTube.) Anderson claims to be a Pastor – a guy who purports to teach the workings of the Lord – but he’s actually embodying an evil that masks itself as religion. That’s the most insidious atrocity of all, but it’s really not for me to decide. If your God is one that aligns with this despicable human being and the hatred he spews, I’d be more concerned for your own soul than mine.

Before most of the bodies had been identified, before the families had even been notified, Steven Anderson posted a video exalting in their deaths. That takes a certain level of cruelty that I have never witnessed until now. Certainly I’ve read about it – the mass murderers, the dictators, the genocides – but I’ve never quite seen it in this way, directed pointedly at me just because I’m gay. As annoying as I can sometimes be, I’ve never seen anyone actually feel so strongly that I deserved to be killed or, as he puts it, exterminated.

It’s a strange feeling to have such a bull’s eye on your chest.

It inspires fear in some people, but the opposite in me.

I feel galvanized and energized, enough to write this post and to make a promise that it won’t be the last.

Even though he has wished death for me and my LGBT family, I do not wish the same for him, and that’s hard to do. It would be easy to return his volley with acts of similar vile. But I won’t, as he has done, actively wish him harm or ill. Instead, I will merely share his words, from his mouth and his heart, and let you make up your own mind. This is one self-professed Christian’s response to the murderous rampage that killed 49 innocent people in a gay club in Orlando, Florida:

The Bible says that homosexuals should be put to death, in Leviticus 20:13. Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple.

So, you know, the good news is that at least 50 of these pedophiles are not gonna be harming children anymore. The bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re gonna continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.

I’m not sad about it, I’m not gonna cry about it. Because these 50 people in a gay bar that got shot up, they were gonna die of AIDS, and syphilis, and whatever else. They were all gonna die early, anyway, because homosexuals have a 20-year shorter life-span than normal people, anyway. At least these dangerous predators, these dangerous filthy pedophiles at this gay bar, at least they’re off the streets.

– Stephen L. Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church

As for my usual penchant of avoiding such hideous people and ignoring their existence and hateful rhetoric, I’m taking exception in this instance, as I’ve done in cases that are especially egregious. Every now and then, you must acknowledge such evil, and if there’s one lining of silver in all of this it’s that there are now faces behind the hatred.

If you refuse to acknowledge that this plays a part in what happened in Orlando, if you cannot see or understand how the preaching of hatred disguised as religion is a direct cause of such needless violence against innocent people, then you yourself are part of the problem. And it’s everywhere – it’s in the question of whether this was a hate crime or an act of terrorism (they are not, nor have they ever been, exclusive of one another), it’s in the question of whether he intended to strike a gay club, and it’s in the question of why we’re so upset about this – if you wonder about those things, even on a philosophical level, you are part of a system that has trampled on LGBT individuals for centuries.

A true believer in Love and Light and whatever God in which you put your faith does not wish for death upon innocent people. They don’t follow the hypocritical ramblings of a book written centuries ago and proven antiquated and wrong time and time again. A true believer (and this goes across the board in all major religions) does not condone death upon another – those are man-made doctrines. Rather, at the core of every religion is a respect and love for ALL human life.

When the reasonable, thoughtful, caring and compassionate people of the world – the true bearers of peace and love, are faced with deciding what is right and wrong, Anderson will be confronted with a judgment not by God, but by humanity – by simple human decency – and it will be love, not hate, that banishes him to his own hell.

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A Heartbreaking End to a Pride High

When our country was attacked on September 11, 2001, and my office was evacuated and sent home, I stepped outside into the brilliant blue-skied day of our backyard and felt haunted. Everything I did suddenly seemed small and insignificant when the scope and atrocity of what had just happened started to sink in. I went back inside and did the only thing I’ve done when nothing else seems to matter: I wrote. To my family, to my friends, to the people who mattered most to me, I wrote. Simple letters, letters telling them how much they meant to me, and how this was the only thing I could think of to do in such a tragic time. I guess that’s what I’m doing now.

This weekend was a celebration of LGBT Pride in many cities across the country. We attended a couple of events, and even in the face of torrential downpours we made an appearance at Albany’s Gay Pride celebration. When it was all done, I looked at Twitter and FaceBook and Instagram, and all I saw was love and happiness and joy. It was a rare and welcome break from political fighting and exposed hatred, the kind of day when all is rainbows and giddiness and smiles. On Sunday, I woke up, still on that Pride high, to the news that a shooter armed with an assault rifle had killed 50 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando. The shooter’s father apparently said that his son was disgusted by the sight of two men kissing. It is now the worst shooting in American history. Think about that. More than Newtown, CT. More than Aurora, CO. More than Columbine, CO.

As I struggle to find meaning in all of this, when clearly there may be none other than simple hatred, I wonder what, if anything, we can do about it. Gun control laws? Insuring that homophobic leaders don’t get elected? Supporting laws that continue to push for equality? Yes to all of that, but for me it begins on a smaller scale.

Whenever something like this happens, the first thing I want to do is hide and retract from the world. To give up on everything that makes me, and others, so happy. That shooter wanted to stop two guys from kissing because he didn’t like it. He would likely find offense at every other post on this site. And though my voice is small and limited, and the shooter is already dead, the best thing I know how to do is write posts like this. He tried to silence us, and so I shout louder.

The world is violent and mercurial – it will have its way with you. We are saved only by love – love for each other and the love that we pour into the art we feel compelled to share: being a parent; being a writer; being a painter; being a friend. We live in a perpetually burning building, and what we must save from it, all the time, is love. ~ Tennessee Williams

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The Gay Sex Obsession of the Benham Brothers

A number of people I know – along with several studies on the issue – have claimed that a high percentage of homophobic people are actually gay themselves. I’ve always had a hard time believing that. Maybe I’m naive and foolish enough to think that most people aren’t so stupid and self-defeating, and maybe I’m just completely wrong. The only time I wonder about the phenomenon of homophobic man as closeted homosexual is when someone is so fixated on gay people that it’s all they talk about. Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee come to mind, and now these Benham Brothers – who were set to have their own HGTV home improvement show until their anti-gay vitriol was discovered. Now, it’s like someone unlocked their mouths and all that’s coming out of them is cock talk. I mean, I don’t even think about gay sex as much as these dudes do. And so I’m left to wonder…

When their show was canceled before it even began, they posted this YouTube video. I lost count of all the double-entendres very quickly after one referred to the other as his “sister” and they started rattling off ‘The Three C’s’ that rule their lives. Yes, really. Watch:

A couple of days ago, they posted a big Bible-thumping article on how all the North Carolina shenanigans of late (you know, how the whole world is basically pulling out from a state that’s going to espouse such hateful “values” – and everyone knows that good Christians never pull out) are an attack on their religion. It’s more nonsense, but here are a few excerpts that better showcase their moronic hatred than my rhetoric could ever approach:

“Last week was a crazy week for the state of North Carolina. The hoopla around HB2 (House Bill 2), which overturned Charlotte’s radical bathroom bill, indicates just how demanding and pervasive the roots of the sexual revolution are in our country. And it reveals the direction in which we are headed as a nation…

This is the pattern of the sexual revolution’s mob, surrounding its prey, forcing its will on all who stand in the way.

Yet this is nothing new. As Scripture says, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Today’s sexual revolution is simply new fruit coming from the same vine – the vine of Sodom.

In Genesis 19, we see how Sodom reacted to the men of God who came to Lot’s house:

“Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called out to Lot and said to him, ‘Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them’” (19:4-5).

Today, the sexual revolution of Sodom has pervaded every sphere of society, capturing both young and old. And anyone standing in the way will be surrounded by an angry mob demanding participation…

As the men of Sodom surrounded the house, Lot offered them his daughters, which reveals how pathetic he had become as a father. Yet they refused his accommodation – and it got even nastier:

“So they pressed hard against Lot and came near to break the door” (19:9b).

The “vine” of Sodom in a nation forces participation against the will of the people. It refuses to be told, “No.”

The story continues as the mob pressed against Lot and was struck with blindness, yet the rage continued:

“They struck the men with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves trying to find the doorway” (19:11).

Wouldn’t getting struck with blindness not sober you up a bit? Yet they “wearied themselves to get to the door!” The sexual revolution is “blind” to its own rage and hate. It has no capacity for reason. It has no ability to see its own hypocrisy or discern its hopeless future. It just forces itself on others regardless of cost or consequence.

Although Lot escaped the city of Sodom, the “vine of Sodom” left with him and eventually took root in the nation of Israel many years later. And it’s still alive today.”

““For they are a nation lacking in counsel, and there is no understanding in them. Would that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would discern their future. … For their vine is from the vine of Sodom, and from the fields of Gomorrah; their grapes are grapes of poison, their clusters, bitter. Their wine is the venom of serpents, and the deadly poison of cobras” (Deuteronomy 32:28-30, 32-33).

What we are witnessing today in America is the vine of Sodom, which is a deadly poison that erodes the moral fabric of a nation. It’s demanding and pervasive, and it refuses to be told, “No.” All across Europe and now throughout America the vine has taken root and is surrounding its prey, and nothing short of a miracle will stop its deadly poison.

Yet it wasn’t the city of Sodom or the people that were the problem; it was the spiritual “vine” of sin that had taken root and perverted the nation. Interestingly, rampant homosexuality was not the “root” of sin in Sodom, but rather the effects of the real root. The prophet Ezekiel said, “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy” (Ezekiel 16:49).

The fertile soil that makes the “vine of Sodom” grow in a nation is when the people are arrogant, overfed and unconcerned. In their pride, they reject God and indulge themselves endlessly, and they are concerned about nobody but themselves. To be honest, this sounds more like professing “Christians” today than anyone.

So today, the newest fruit of the vine of Sodom is the sexual revolution – and it’s poisoning our land. It has nearly taken over everything and is forcing itself on everyone.

Yet it cannot ultimately be removed by “fire and brimstone” from heaven or “common sense laws” from earth. Its ultimate defeat will come when we humble ourselves in repentance and seek God’s face once again. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to defeat the real root of the “vine of Sodom.””

I guess my question is: why do they care so much? If what we’re doing as a gay people is so sinful, that’s on us. How does it affect anyone, least of all these two Christians? That’s the part I don’t get. Thankfully, I don’t know either David or Jason Benham. I have no reason to believe either of them are gay. I do, however, have to wonder why they are so obsessed with gay people and gay sex when it really has nothing to do with them. Unless it does…?

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Kim Davis Should Be Fired

When Kim Davis first refused to issue same-sex marriage certificates even after the Supreme Court declared it law, I took it all with a grain of salt. The will of the highest court in the country seemingly meant nothing to her, and though it was an aggressive, and downright mean, act to perpetrate against a couple that simply wanted to get married (at its heart, Ms. Davis, that’s what you’re doing, under the guise of religion), I still decided to let her nonsense play out.

Let’s be reasonable, something that people in support of Ms. Davis and “religious freedom” seem incapable of being. Kim Davis has been married four times. She’s been divorced three times. If we’re going to go by ‘God’s law’ then Ms. Davis is already in for a hellaciously hot future. Targeting innocent gay and lesbian couples who want only to celebrate their love (as she got to do four times already) is not endearing her to anyone’s God. I thought for sure the loonies would see that much, but they and Ms. Davis herself have proven capable of stupidity beyond my wildest imagination. Even then I joked a bit, saying that I didn’t understand how someone so badly in need of a makeover could alienate so many gay men.

But today, after her umpteenth appeal was denied, and after she still refused to do her damn job and issue marriage licenses, I’m just pissed. I work for the government too, but if I behaved the way she did I’d be disciplined big time. Her job is to issue marriage licenses, not administer a religious sacrament. There is a distinct separation of church and state written into the constitution, and it’s there for precisely this reason.

Let’s say, for example, that my religion is fashion. Not a far-fetched example, quite frankly. And let’s say that I’m vociferously against Crocs and cargo shorts, that I think anyone who wears them is going to hell, and that I don’t want to be affiliated with them in any way. As much as I’d like to not help them, if my job calls upon me to provide information that they need to do their job, if I have to help them or support them in the course of the day, as a state worker I have to do so. I can’t refuse because I don’t believe in Crocs or cargo shorts.

Or better yet, let’s say that I don’t believe in working a full day. My beliefs are that I need a siesta from noon to five, and after that I need a period to relax and meditate. It goes directly against the hours that I’m supposed to work, but hey, those are my beliefs and everyone who knows me will most definitely attest to this. Can I just leave my job at noon based on these staunchly-held beliefs?

That’s exactly what Ms. Davis is doing right now. If it were anyone else, they’d be disciplined, if not fired. How many times does she need to be instructed to uphold the law of the country and do her job as a government employee? I think she’s had her chance. Either do your job, or resign. Stop getting paid for services you refuse to render.

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That’s So Gay

My husband and my brother follow each other on Instagram, which I find both amusing and confusing. (My brother started and quickly stopped following me a long time ago.) Anyway, a couple of nights ago Andy sent him a picture of some car that he thought my nephew would like (it had what can only be described as wings (or raised fins) on the back, and it looked cool to me). Rather than responding with a simple ‘Ha!’ (my stock go-to reply to anything that neither impresses nor bothers me much) or a dismissive ‘Not his style’ my brother sends one word as his response: “Gay.”

I know I shouldn’t expect less, and certainly not more, but at this stage of his adult life, and at this formative point in his own children’s lives, to toss the word ‘gay’ around in an apparently derogatory manner is just offensive. When he gets angry, or just casually describes someone be doesn’t like, I’ve heard him use the term ‘faggot’, which he once explained did not mean anything against gay people, it was just a term for something stupid. That excuse no longer flies with me. It never did.

My brother probably won’t ever change. I’ve implored him not to say such things, I’ve screamed and yelled, I’ve spoken calmly and explained that it hurt me personally to hear him use such language, and I’ve told him unequivocally not to talk that way around me, but while it has lessened, it’s still apparently there. Even in the harmless response to a picture of a car he didn’t like.

I’ve long since given up on him. But if his kids should ever say something like that one day, it would break my heart. Kids see and hear everything. Even my non-parenting ass knows that. Words matter. What may be meaningless or insignificant to him might make a world of difference to others. I would hope that message is being passed on to his kids, because if you’re not preparing your children to be open and embracing of difference, you’re setting them up to fail in this diverse future.

As I was sliding down a maudlin hill contemplating all of it, I was reminded by Suzie that I should help do my own bit of education. So let’s turn this into a teachable moment for all those people who say something is ‘gay’ without meaning disrespect to those of us who are in fact gay. Here you go:


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Josh Duggar is a Child Molester

Very rarely do people piss me off for doing something that has no direct effect on my life, but Josh Duggar is the exception. He’s the oldest son in the Duggar Family – a family that doesn’t believe in birth control, and is vehemently opposed to marriage equality. If that’s what they want to believe, fine. Doom your children to an outdated, out-of-touch future in which their cult-like upbringing is directly at odds with the majority of reasonable, rational, fair-minded and accepting people of this country. But Josh Duggar, in addition to preaching and railing against marriage equality, committed a few sins that you really can’t commit if you are to stand in judgment of others. He molested at least five under-age girls when he was fourteen years old. A few of them were his sisters. And he’s admitted to it.

His parents, also adamantly and outspokenly against marriage equality, not only didn’t report the molestations in their home for over a year, they sent him to seek counseling from a man who is now in jail for possession of child pornography.

So let’s keep this simple and fact-based: Josh Duggar molested little girls in their sleep, but now wants forgiveness and redemption because he had the guts to admit it and apologize. Umm, WHAT? Because you said you’re sorry and regret it makes it all right and forgivable? That’s not how it works. The child molesters I’ve seen on the news don’t – and shouldn’t – get to say they’re sorry and move on with their lives. They robbed children of innocence, they raped and molested and ruined and destroyed – and neither they, nor you, Josh Duggar, get to apologize and receive any sort of exoneration.

A fourteen-year-old knows the difference between right and wrong. Touching the breasts and genitals of your little sisters while they were asleep is not a simple mistake, it’s a deliberate act of cunning and cruelty, one that was repeated more than once. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, the parents, didn’t report the events for over a year, making them just as guilty for not protecting their own daughters.

As someone who’s been on the general end of Duggar’s anti-gay-marriage rhetoric and views, I’m appalled by his actions.

As someone who believes that most people deserve some chance at forgiveness and redemption, I cannot find it in my heart to offer that to a child molester. A child molester is a sick fuck. A child molester like Josh Duggar, who molested his own sisters, is something so disgusting that it goes beyond any name or label that accurately designates the appropriate terror.

You may say what you like about my lifestyle or the choices I’ve made over the years, but not once was one of those choices to molest an under-age girl or boy. Not when I was fourteen, not when I’m forty, not ever. Josh Duggar chose to do that to his own sisters. If you can forgive that, if you can forget that, and if you can think it’s ok for that to have happened with no recompense, then you’re a better person than me.

Or maybe not.

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Holy Backlash

Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana, has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle with his Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which paves the way for legalized discrimination against gays and lesbians. I’ve been galvanized by the swift and strong reaction to Governor Pence’s proposal. The problem for Pence and anyone who doesn’t believe in equality is that the majority of people are no longer going to allow such thinly-veiled acts of discrimination to exist without a battle – and that battle isn’t yet harming gays and lesbians, it’s hurting the state of Indiana. Hardly effective leadership for someone who is, say, the Governor.

If the growing boycotts and unprecedented backlash against Pence and his problematic religious freedom fight are indication of anything, it’s that this country, and this world, will not stand for discrimination against the LGBT community. It’s simply unacceptable to treat a gay person as anything less than a human being. We have the same rights and privileges as any other human being.

For me, it’s pretty simple: if you are open to the public, you have to serve the public. Gay, straight, black, white, Christian, Muslim, mean, nice, pretty or ugly ~ everyone. Do you have to become gay if you serve a gay person? No. Do you have to stop believing in Jesus Christ if you serve a Buddhist? No. Do you have to give up your Prada bag if you serve someone wearing Crocs? No.

We’ve had this argument before, but the world has changed and evolved a lot in the last few years. As the vitriolic response to Pence has proven, setting the stage for discrimination is not only bad policy, it’s bad business. I don’t feel the need to pontificate upon it any further, and the good thing is that there are other far more powerful entities willing to do so. The corporate world is standing against it and taking millions of dollars away from Indiana. Sports teams are considering pulling their biggest events out of the state. Other governors have banned travel and non-essential trips to the state of Indiana. The irony is that Mike Pence’s religious freedom act, far from helping or aiding Indiana, has served only to harm and inflict financial pain upon its own constituents. That’s the problem with anything rooted in hatred: the underlying nature of the beast will ultimately devour itself.

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Dickhead of the Day: Daniel Murphy

I toyed with the term ‘Asshat of the Day‘ but I eventually opted for alliteration, as I almost always will. (Douchebag of the Day would work just as well. So would Just Plain Stupid.) This is Daniel Murphy, a Mets player who recently made a few ridiculously-off-putting comments when addressing the day the Mets spent with former baseball player, and openly gay athlete, Billy Bean:

“I disagree with his lifestyle… I do disagree with the fact that Billy is a homosexual. That doesn’t mean I can’t still invest in him and get to know him. I don’t think the fact that someone is a homosexual should completely shut the door on investing in them in a relational aspect. Getting to know him. That, I would say, you can still accept them but I do disagree with the lifestyle, 100 percent.

Maybe, as a Christian, that we haven’t been as articulate enough in describing what our actual stance is on homosexuality. We love the people. We disagree the lifestyle. That’s the way I would describe it for me. It’s the same way that there are aspects of my life that I’m trying to surrender to Christ in my own life. There’s a great deal of many things, like my pride. I just think that as a believer trying to articulate it in a way that says just because I disagree with the lifestyle doesn’t mean I’m just never going to speak to Billy Bean every time he walks through the door. That’s not love. That’s not love at all.”

Mr. Murphy, you have a lot to learn about love. Mets’ general manager Sandy Alderson had invited Mr. Bean to address the team in an effort to make the environment more inclusive for all people. Mr. Murphy proved that he needed the lesson most of all, and then failed to glean anything from it. That’s just stupid – and sad.

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