Category Archives: Holiday

Holiday Kisses

The holidays kick into full-gear this week, so I offer this happy mid-day preview of all the warm and gooey lovey-dovey holiday spirit that’s about to kick us in the ass. Get ready to get wet. (Not that kind of wet, you sick fiend. The teary-eyed kind. Use it to brine your turkey.)

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A Visit With The Animals (Including that Dreaded Easter Bunny)

We heard the cry of the cock before we saw it atop its cage. Filling the greenhouses with his trademark ‘cock-a-doodle-do’, the cries echoed along the cement floor as we made our way into the collection of animals on display for a Palm Sunday treat at Faddegon’s Nursery. The twins were happy to say hello to the chickens and the mules (a cross between a horse and a pony, apparently) as well as the baby goats. I was just happy to find a bench that didn’t have goat turds all over it. Those things have no shame when it comes to shitting in public. No manners.

After a quick greeting of farm animals, Noah and Emi settled into the imagination station, beginning with a bit of coloring. As goats tried to eat their work, they crafted a couple of drawings and I helped them color in some pre-drawn scenes of spring fun.

The exhaustion of coloring things required the fortification of cookies and punch, both of which were eagerly snapped up by these little sugar-addicts. Hey, I wasn’t watching them after this, so the more they wanted to have, the more they did have.

I must not have paid enough attention to the complete list of activities, because I was NOT expecting to see the frightening creature that rounded a corner and made straight for me like an owl hones in on its cute and cuddly prey. Now, I’ve had a bad run-in with an Easter Bunny, as everyone so fondly remembers, and that horror-show had on a collar of purple tulle. Just like the one that was closing in on me in a greenhouse stocked with axes and saws.

Somehow, I maintained my composure and stood in line with the twins until they had a turn for a hug and some candy. I snapped these photos from afar, relieved when it was all over. They proved braver than me, approaching without trepidation. (Of course, they didn’t deign to sit on this creature’s lap, as I’d had to do… but my painful memories digress. We don’t abuse kids like that anymore.)

Anyway, what I’m trying to say in this post is, ‘Happy Easter!’

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File Under ‘Christmas Past’

The holidays came and went this year, and after a big weeks-long build-up, the arrival of the big day was met with a crest of enthusiasm and the ensuing aftermath of whatever follows. For different people that means different things, but disappointment and an anti-climactic let-down are two typical results. I no longer build Christmas up to be much more than a few days or weeks where we try to be better to each other, with the bonus of promised gifts to make it all worth it. Mostly, it’s all about the kids, but as I watched my niece and nephew tear through the gifts I’d selected for them, hastily discarding each one in the hope of something better, I realized that even the children seem to be missing the message of the season.

Of course, I’m sure that as a child I had the same disregard for loftier meaning, but I do recall thinking about things that were measured in more than material goods. I remember being warmed by the love of family, the comfort and thrill of having my Grandma or Uncle or other visiting family members staying overnight in the house. I remember making an earnest effort to be nicer to my brother, and to my friends, and discovering the joy in finding and making gifts for my parents.  I’m hopeful that the twins see those things, or grow to see them.

Surrounded by the excess of gifts and presents, the torn wrapping paper and trampled bows, I consider it all so much carnage and waste, and wonder how many other trinkets – large and small – will go unused, and unloved. Such is the stuff of childhood.

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Christmas Quiet

After all the bombast and the lead-up, we land in the quiet post-mortem lull of the holiday. There’s the bump of New Year’s just ahead, but for most intents and purposes this is it: the end of the show. As a kid, it was only the beginning – the full-week of vacation in which to try out all the new toys. As an adult, it’s usually back to work unless it fortuitously falls on a weekend, as it does this year (with a full moon no less – the likes of which haven’t happened since 1977 and won’t again for another 19 years).

This year, I will keep things quiet and peaceful – or at least do my best so as not to tempt that full-moon madness. It’s a reflection of what I’ve learned after 40 Christmas seasons. I know the glow and the magic of the holiday that will matter as opposed to the fleeting thrills and scurrilous rivalries that rear their ugly heads whenever families get together. I also know that this warm and cozy good-will-toward-men attitude is ephemeral at best, and by the time the snowstorms return to the northeast, we’ll all be swearing at each other and cursing our lots as if Santa and Baby Jesus and all those Christmas angels were mere figments of imagination. In other words, we go back to being real.

Before that, though, I want to linger a bit here, in the quiet and the serenity, in the silence after the song. I want to pause beneath the Christmas tree, taking in its forest-like essence, reconnecting to a simpler time, a more meaningful moment. I want… after all the gifts and the cologne that will last throughout the years, I still want… and it’s a want that goes unfulfilled and always will, because there is no magical material possession that will ever fill its emptiness.

It’s a want that Christmas promises to deliver every year, but never does.

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Merry Christmas! (With Links for the Lonely)

Last Christmas sucked for me, so I’m heading into this day with zero expectations of holiday merriment. I find the years in which I expect nothing end up being filled with happy surprises, or at least the absence of disappointment and sadness, which at this point would be more than fine. For those who find themselves alone, or surrounded by people who don’t understand or care to get you, here is a link of holiday links that run the gamut from fun and frothy to doleful and serious, with some sexy Santas thrown in for good measure. After an early Christmas lunch with the twins (the rushed schedule one of the joys of a post-divorce family) Andy and I will come back home and have some idle time on our hands. I will likely jump into cleaning mode (the New Year always makes me antsy as to getting things cleaned up) but I may find myself looking for something to read. If you’re in the same boat, allow me to offer the following links to keep you in (and sometimes out of) the holiday spirit.

One of the very first ‘holiday’ posts I ever did here was this memory of my favorite Christmas decoration – a miniature mouse house. Efforts are underway to create an updated version, but my brother is involved so it won’t happen until next year at the earliest.

Her Mr. DJ, put a Christmas record on!

I hear those sleigh bells jingling

Holiday Card 2011.

The ox and lamb kept time.

Christmas with my brother, because that’s what it’s all about.

Ghosts of holidays past.

Deco World.

Through the holiday portal.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

This was part of the second Holiday Stroll with Kira, I believe, which, according to my best calculations, began in 2011.

Believe in your dreams come what may.

Santa porn.

Even if Christmas is about the children.

I prefer white lights for Christmas trees, but since Andy is charge of the thing he gets his choice. Usually, except in the case of this particular Christmas, when I put them on myself and made perhaps the prettiest tree we’ve ever had.

“I really am a mean and despicable creature at heart. It’s so difficult to really change.

When Andy was Santa, and I sat on his lap.

Some traditions last only a few years.

Some posts are timeless.

Some holidays bring tears to the eyes.

Christmas is all about the sparkle.

The Holiday Stroll 2013 – Part One and Part Two.

Sexy Santa.

Solitary Wintersong.

Holiday Card 2013.

A Madonna holiday.

A year without a Christmas… tree.

A Christmas bear.

A Christmas waltz.

Holiday Card 2014.

The Holiday Stroll 2014.

Fall on your knees.

When family doesn’t comfort you on Christmas… you find new ways to dream.

A Christmas song not forgotten.

All this time I’ve been… Snoopy?

Holiday Renaissance in Boston.

Holiday Parties of the Past.

Holiday Card 2015.

The Holiday Stroll 2015 – Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

And this year’s newest event: the Boston Holiday Children’s Hour. Because sometimes you have to make your own families, which doesn’t diminish the holiday love in the least.

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The Santa Hour

This evening, even more-so than the night before my birthday, was always my favorite night of the year. As someone who savors anticipation more than the actual event itself, there is no greater anticipatory night than the night before Christmas. Far more than mere anticipation however was the added power of enchantment, the notion that there just might be some real magic left in the world, even if it had been banished to the far reaches of the North Pole. As children, and perhaps even as adults, we want so badly to believe in something, no matter how far-fetched it may seem. Here’s to those of us still hoping to believe.

A Visit from St. Nicholas


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
“Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too…
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack.
His eyes – how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight…
‘Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!’

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Sexy Shirtless Santa Stuff

Miss Mary’s claimed virgin-status notwithstanding, Christmas is a time for sexiness as well, and I know one or two guys (and gals) with a sexy Santa fetish. I am decidedly not one of them, but this blog is not solely for me, at least not all the time. With that in mind, please peruse the following links of sexy holiday hijinks, and a fun video of Hunk of the Day Simon Dunn dancing around to Miss Mariah’s Christmas chestnut.

First up is Austin Drage, who wears his Santa’s hat as if to the manner born.

Next we have Stuart Pilkington, who favors guy liner with his red fur.

Third is Dan Osborne, who rocks the red with this package.

Most recently rocking the Santa cap is Trystan Bull.

And last but not least is Darren Criss as a shirtless Santa who can sing.

Now watch Simon Dunn dance around in his undies below:

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Glad Tidings of Comfort & Joy

A strange, but ultimately enchanting, video from Annie Lennox, taken off her holiday record ‘A Christmas Cornucopia’ (throw me a little alliteration and call me Alan Ilagan), this is ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.’ I will say this about Ms. Lennox: she knows how to work a Christmas outfit, that’s for Goddamn sure. More than a few pangs of envy shot through my holiday heart for that top-hatted taffeta-looking ensemble. But really, how many winter forests will I be trudging through this year? Two at the most, and I’ve already got my Tibetan yak wrap for that. March on into your winter village, Annie.

(Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?)

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Check Out Their Christmas Packages

Cute British blokes? Check.

Classic Carey Christmas song? Check.

Questionable but endearing dance moves? Check.

This is Oxford accapella singing group ‘Out of the Blue’ performing a modern-day Christmas classic, giving it a giddy male-buddy camaraderie that renders the proceedings innocent and sexy at the same time. I posted it as an addendum to this original post, but it deserves a repeat airing today.

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Diamonds & Pearls







A web of taut thread ran from banister to banister on the second floor of my childhood home. Twinkling lights wound their way through the string. Icicles made of faceted glass hung at varying lengths, catching and throwing off shards of light. Feathers of white rested atop the interlocking strands, hiding the cords and softening the little bulbs. Crystals in all shapes and sizes floated in mid-air, suspended by the elaborate system of thread, while snowflakes coated with silver glitter spun slowly whenever anyone walked by.

This was the decorative “sky” I created for our hallway area. Like any good gay boy, I excelled at decorating for the holidays, and this small patch of whimsical elegance was created each year, my small attempt at making something that approached magic. On the stereo, Prince’s ‘Diamonds and Pearls’ was playing on repeat, strangely fitting as ropes of faux pearls and beads dangled from my hands.





I draped them over the string in parabolic fashion, their creamy spheres of soft white like tiny balls of the most lustrous satin. Winding in and among the ornaments and crystals, these strands of pearls dripped like jewels from some dowager’s neck. I wanted magic, and beauty, and a sparkle that would somehow last beyond the holiday season. I didn’t have much more to offer other than a way to make things pretty. Sometimes I still don’t.

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Holiday Children’s Hour in Boston

When I originally proposed the idea of holding a Holiday Children’s Hour at the Boston condo, I was envisioning an early afternoon gathering of a few of my friends’ kids briefly stopping by for a quick hot-cocoa-sipping get-together that went no longer than sixty minutes, hence the aptly-named ‘Hour’ portion of this extravaganza. Suzie laughed at that timeframe, and in my heart I did too. Though the three-and-a-half hour duration it ended up running to was a bit beyond my worst imaginings, I was enjoying the company so much I didn’t mind in the least. It also helped that among the three children attending, there were three parents in attendance as well. That’s about the most perfect babysitting ratio: one parent per child, and no child gets left to be cared for by Alan.

The festivities began at around 3 PM, with a plate of shortbread cookies and a few letter-to-Santa writing kits to amend Suzie’s paper crafts. I had specifically request paper craft projects for the kids. What? I used to love paper crafts! Still do. And fortunately these imaginative folks did as well. (My niece and nephew are not nearly as patient or easily amused.)

Once the paper crafts neared the end of their occupation, we broke out a package of Christmas ‘crackers’ – those wrapped toys that you pull apart to an explosion of string, some none-too-witty scrap of fortune, and a little toy.

This will be the last time I get to see Sophia and Alissa before they move to South Africa, and that was definitely a reason for the gathering. Before that, though, a few push-ups, because that’s what one does at a Holiday Children’s hour. Hey, we were making the rules up as we went along.

It’s much too soon to see whether this will be a tradition I carry on next year. Children grow up so quickly, and everything changes so much it’s difficult to count on a repeat performance of such magic. If it does happen to happen, it will no doubt look very different. Now I’m getting ahead of myself, which is the antithesis of this post, in which I was able to actually enjoy the holiday moment.

We ordered an early dinner of Thai food, because with three kids it’s easier to order in than command a large table at a restaurant. It’s also more fun. While I’m not about to run out and get a little of children myself, this particular Holiday Children’s Hour (or Three) was way more fun than I anticipated – and I haven’t ruled out a similar event next year.

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Steve Grand and His Big Xmas Balls

Available only on Bandcamp, this is Steve Grand’s take on Mariah Carey’s ubiquitous ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You.’ (More of that tune later this week, whether you like it or not.) He slows it down in a piano ballad style, and gives us this cute and romantic holiday themed video. Made in literally a matter of days, if this is what Mr. Grand can produce under time and budget constraints, I can’t wait to see what he’ll accomplish in the years to come. 

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The Holiday Stroll 2015 – Part III

The last day of our Holiday Stroll – Sunday – dawned brilliantly. This was the weather I’d hoped for when plotting out the whole weekend, and as such the original plan for keeping things to half a day in the South End was scrapped in favor of crossing the Charles into Cambridge. Kira was game for it, so we strode along the Southwest Corridor Park to the Back Bay T stop.

The leaves atop the trees were still gloriously aflame. The usual bite of December cold was tepid at best, and so the day had the feeling of early fall, with the addition of holiday sparkle. The best of both worlds.

Certain brownstones were decked out in cranberries and pomegranates – decadent displays that the wildlife of the South End had remarkably left alone. Perhaps even they courted the holiday spirit, allowing the beauty to be enjoyed by all.

We rode the Red Line all the way to Porter Square. Given the beauty of the day, I’d decided to go the Cambridge route, walking along Mass Ave – a lengthy stretch that had several fun shops along the way. Before we began, we stopped in Japan by way of Porter.

As we did with the previous day’s pho, we started with some stomach-warming elixir – the magic of ramen. It was our first time at Sapporo Ramen, and we were second in line (it’s so popular that there is always a line). We ordered up the House Ramen, and soon enough were sipping at the thick broth. I still prefer pho, but this was an energizing beginning to a day of walking.

The shops on this side of the river always felt more rustic to me, less refined than the uptight perfection that Boston Proper always strives for (and ends up all the more off-putting for it). These stores carried more whimsies and more enchanted objects.

The colors of this already-bright day popped in eye-arresting fashion, and I wondered, as I often do when in Cambridge, why I didn’t come out this way more often.

In a Tibetan store, Kira convinces me to try on a traditional hat trimmed with fur and embroidered with gold thread. It is, sadly, not quite my size, so I settle for a one-size-fits-all Tibetan yak wrap (in a fine fuchsia shade that will match my Jack Wills holiday bag perfectly).

There are further enchantments along the never-ending avenue, and when at last we reach Harvard Square, we have found the giddy wonder that characterizes the best of the season.

It was here, in The Tannery, where I found that exquisite bond No. 9 fragrance ‘New York Oud’ and sprayed it on my wrist, where it accompanied us on the rest of our stroll. Somehow, I will find my way to that fragrance, as it now comes imbued with meaning and memory – the kind of connection that makes a great fragrance into something life-affirming.

At the edge of Harvard, a tree lifted its bright fruit into the blue sky – an explosion of natural beauty that led us to a few more Tibetan stores en route to Central Square. I held onto the image, and the intoxicating combination of New York Oud and Tibetan incense, as we descended to the subway.

We emerged into the afternoon sunlight outside the Park Ave station. The sun glinted golden off the State house, and we took our time meandering through the Common before entering the Public Garden. The willows still held their golden leaves, and the sunlight was just dipping into the horizon. In these final hours of our Holiday Stroll, Kira and I slowed our steps and stopped for one last moment to take it all in.

In the lounge of the Four Seasons, the hum of early afternoon revelers was low but happy. Trees were elegantly appointed in the lobby, and though the outside was anything but frightful, inside was this dreamlike winter wonderland. This would be our final official stop for our stroll, and of course it wasn’t on the itinerary. We laughed at the piece of green cardstock in my hand, at the many lines that had been crossed out and replaced. It turns out that the best Holiday Strolls are the ones that go unplanned and unplotted. That was the holiday gift I got from this year’s stroll – along with some precious time with a good friend.

As the day dimmed, we found ourselves back at Braddock Park. Kira rushed off to catch a train, and I stopped at the foot of the stairs to observe the early descent of evening. The sky deepened in color. The night still emanated with the grace of fall. I didn’t dare knock on the door of winter. It would arrive soon enough, and without bidding.

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The Holiday Stroll 2015 – Part II

Mother Nature must have been making up for the big pile of poo she dumped on Boston earlier this year, but rain was not in the forecast for our Holiday Stroll. It was certainly not in the itinerary, nor in the planning for the weekend. (Clear skies had been predicted and I foolishly heeded the weather reports.) I had the wrong coat for rain, the wrong shoes for rain, the wrong fragrance for rain, and the wrong indoor-outdoor walking ratio for rain. And we only had one umbrella (the one stocked in the condo that did NOT go with my outfit in the least) to share. Have you ever tried sharing an umbrella while walking a decent distance? It sucks, and everybody ends up getting wet. Yet none of that mattered (ok, it mattered a little, but my complaints dwindled as we made our way along a wet walk that found the temperatures warm and the sights still filled with fall leaves and flowers).

Changing the itinerary yet again, we ducked into Pho Basil for an early lunch. A bit of warm sustenance for the dreary day would surely turn our spirits around, and it worked. Pho is a winter tradition for us now, and Kira and I eagerly filled out stomachs with the hot, spicy broth.

Umbrella unfurled above us, we walked down Newbury Street, stopping in shops to browse and look, and somehow avoiding the huge crowds that often accompany the high shopping season. Maybe the rain had its unintended benefits as well. We mostly just looked, but that was all right. Much of our shopping had already been done. The point of our stroll was not to buy, but to enjoy.

Even looking has its exhaustions, however, and after a couple of hours we needed a rest. After crossing to Boylston, I insisted on a break in the lobby of the Mandarin Oriental. Their floral display is always stellar, and their inviting lobby has a delicious fire perfect for a rainy December day. Sitting down, we surveyed the fire and the Christmas tree, and took a moment to just be still.

These are the moments that make our Holiday Stroll special. The little pockets of in-between time, when we don’t even talk or check our phones, when the day pauses in its hectic rush – these are what I treasure the most. Kira enjoys them too, never the first to reluctantly stand and take up the journey again.

Time ticks on, no matter how much we’d like to stay, but the rain was still in full effect. We braved Boylston a bit longer (I adore the Crate & Barrel there) then found shelter back in the Prudential. Usually we use it as a walking corridor when the weather is wild, but as the stores were decked out in holiday finery, we added it to the itinerary (which was already in tatters because we were not walking all the way to Downtown Crossing or Quincy Market as ambitiously outlined under clearer skies).

We were vaguely aware that the day was darkening, but we didn’t know the rain was slowing as well. By the time we re-emerged at the other end of Copley Place, it was dim but dry, and we crossed Dartmouth for a cocktail at the Fairmont.

There we sat and talked, amid a bevy of other holiday shoppers and merry-makers. A festive mood had come out of the rainy day after all, our holiday stroll intact in its own strange way, valiantly proving its spirit even as it realigned my precious itinerary.

We had dinner and then made the long walk back to the condo, pausing at a cozy little market so I could pick up some sweet potatoes for later that night. (Yes, there was a reason.)

After winding down relatively early (having been up way too late the previous evening) we settled in with a viewing of ‘The Man Who Came to Dinner‘ – a tradition that we will keep intact because it’s such a good movie. I baked a couple of sweet potatoes in honor of the ice skating scene (where they are called ‘sweet hots’ (or is it ‘hot sweets’?) – both sound equally ridiculous) which turned out serviceable enough. They were done just as the appropriate scene came on, so we paused and munched on some late-night starch. The next day was a new part to our Holiday Stroll, and I wasn’t sure how it would go…

{To be continued}

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The Holiday Stroll 2015 – Part I

Sometimes the best-laid plans are the most easily broken, and sometimes an overly-anal Virgo needs to be put in his place when it comes to scheduling fun and spontaneous enjoyment. The universe taught me that lesson as Kira and I set out on a three-day Holiday Stroll that had been meticulously-plotted – the itinerary printed out on green cardstock. From the very beginning – a canceled cocktail toast at the Liberty Hotel (we did it at the condo instead, so she could drop off her bags) – to the very end (a mad-dash to get Kira on the train back to Attleboro) it was a comedy of errors, resulting in the least-followed itinerary ever created. Yet somehow it was one of the most fun weekends I’ve had in a while, and that’s about the only thing I could have guaranteed from the beginning.

As mentioned, the very first activity of the evening -“ a kick-off toast at the Liberty followed by a walk up Charles Street – was substituted by Kira’s arrival at the condo. We sat for a moment amidst the lights and decorations, toasting with a Campari orange before heading out into the clear night air.

Mother Nature must have been making up for her atrocious behavior last winter, as many of the leaves were still on the trees, illuminated now by Christmas lights and lending additional color to the dim days leading up to the shortest of the year.

The storefronts were lit from within, even though all were closed at the late hour. We hustled deeper into the South End, to The Elephant Walk restaurant, where plates of warm Cambodian food awaited the weary traveler.

Across the street, a church glowed beneath the light of the moon. That treacherous moon, which would wreak its havoc with our plans the entire weekend, sprinkled her crazy light over our progression. Yet even a walk into winter can be a pleasant experience when you don’t have to do it alone.

Taking our cue from this headless bunny, we headed back to the condo for some rest and shut-eye, and a super-late viewing of ‘Love Actually’ – which will likely not make the holiday tradition list. It’s just too much. Of course, we stayed up to watch the end – all the way past the 2 AM mark – a first. We make bedtime exceptions for the holiday stroll.

{To be continued}

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