In honor of this spring holiday, when the big JC got one of the most infamous rises of them all, I’m going full-frontal on your ass and giving you the treat that has long been in the teasing: the full-frontal cock shot that so many have been clamoring for since the inception of this website over 15 years ago. Before my big reveal, however, a few other gents and their cock rockets.
First up, an Angel ~ Ashley Parker-Angel to be more specific. Talk about satisfying, Mr. Angel Parker’s Instagram is fodder for all sorts of thirst, as evidenced with the VPL (Visible Penis Line) shot seen here. It’s just a matter of time before he goes proper full-monty. Until then, the barely-veiled hints will have to suffice.
While it’s nowhere near a full frontal (he was showing far more skin here), Easter is as good a day as any for a peek at Adam Rippon.
The aforementioned Visible Penis Line rears it’s anything-but-ugly head in the stunning physique and photo of Simon Dunn. Where do we even begin with Mr. Dunn? Start with this link, then go to this one, and finish off here. Then search the archives if you want even more. (Type anything into the ‘Search’ button at the bottom of each page, or pick a month in the actual ‘Archives’ button also found below.)
A pair of cheeky hunks is to be found in Benjamin Godfre and Matthew Camp – each renowned in his own way, both resplendent in their open embrace of sexuality and freedom. Mr. Godfre has bared his body in posts like this, and Mr. Camp has made similar naked motions here. (Bonus Easter points for Mr. Camp’s bunny. We love a bunny in these parts.)
Booty-baring antics are apparently common-place on ‘Game of Thrones’ and Kit Harington got his out last season, I believe. I haven’t seen it yet because I’m still debating whether to watch the series from the beginning. In the meantime, a Harington booty pic and GIF.
Before the big full-frontal reveal of the day (yes, this very Easter Sunday), here’s a pair of booty-shaking GIFs from Ryan Serhant, who’s already been named Hunk of the Day here, and who is Selling it like Serhant on Bravo TV these days.
And now, before any further ado (even if ado is what I do best) the full-frontal shot that has been fifteen years in the making…
{Wait for it}
Oh shit, it’s not only Easter, it’s also April Fool’s Day!