Quite frankly, I’m not sure what took David Beckham so long to offer his own version of the Speedo, or Budgie Smuggler, but here it is, as part of his H&M line of swimwear. My first reaction, even at the sight of his bulge in white shiny brief-like swimsuit, is largely lackluster. Like his H&M underwear line, the style, the color, and the fit are all unimpressive. In fact, the last style, with the dull color-blocking mishap, is dismal at best. I much prefer Beckham’s work with Emporio Armani – it was classic but daring, elegant but edgy, and much sexier than anything H&M has produced thus far.
Category Archives: David Beckham
David Beckham, Naked?
I am so glad I did not sit through any of that football game for this. David Beckham’s supposedly-naked Super Bowl ad, teased and highly-touted here, showed no more than the teaser did. Where was all the promised bulging? Where were the skimpy briefs? He was more naked here, and he had pants on. Oh well, it’s not a bad holding pattern to be caught in boxer briefs.
Who Wants to see David Beckham Naked?
David Beckham, long a favorite here, has a commercial for his new commercial (as only David Beckham would do). In it, he asks us to vote on whether his new SuperBowl commercial should be ‘#Covered‘ or ‘#Uncovered‘. Like we don’t know which one will win out. But just in case, if you don’t vote, you’re gonna get a spanky. [Cut.]
David Beckham, In Brief
Whilst I’m in travel status, a revisiting of some past David Beckham posts, to see how good he looks almost all of the time.
David looks splendid changing out of his shorts in the middle of a soccer game.
David looks amazing when he dons a simple pair of white briefs.
David looks intriguing when putting his snake out for all the world to see.
David looks fit running around in his boxer briefs.
David looks hot in black and white and shades of gray.
David looks good even when the underwear is boring.
David looks hunky when he’s the Hunk of the Day.
David looks cute when talking in that sexy accent.
David looks serious when going bulge-to-bulge with Ben Cohen.
David looks amazing when caught on video in his underwear (and battling Mario Lopez.)
David looks better in pants than Tom Daley does out of them.
David looks decent in retirement.
David looks striking in nothing but his cologne.
David looks sporty in this locker room.
David looks best going back to front, or front to back.
Beckham’s Best Side: Bulge or Butt?
It’s been far too long (almost a week!) since the last gratuitous David Beckham post, so let’s work to rectify that right now. The question of the day is whether you prefer David’s front or back ~ bulge or backside? I think I’m slightly partial to the latter. Butt boy all the way.
A New David Beckham Underwear Post
It’s been a while since we last saw David Beckham in his self-monikered skivvies, so let’s rectify that sorrowful bit of a lapse with these new shots for his fall underwear line at H&M. As you may or may not remember, I’m not the biggest fan of Mr. Beckham’s brand of intimates. The cut is wrong, the fit is snug (and not just because I may have gained an inch or two where I don’t quite want it), and the colors and designs were bland and too utilitarian. Underwear from David Beckham should be so much more. But when he wears it, it looks a lot better. So here you have it.
David Beckham Strips Off Shirt, Sprays Cologne
As much as I love David Beckham, I’ve never been into any of his products. His underwear proved a bit of a boring let-down, and I have yet to try one of his colognes. (If it stands beside the Brut display at CVS, you’ve already lost me.) Does his new commercial touting a new cologne change anything? Not really. But it’s nice to see him without a shirt again.
A Gratuitous David Beckham Post
In honor of his recent retirement announcement, this is a gratuitously shirtless post of David Beckham in his underwear. Hopefully this will afford him the time and opportunities to concentrate on more important matters, like posing in and out of underwear.
David Beckham & Tom Daley: Guess Who’s In Their Underwear?
It’s probably not whom I would think at first. If it was a question of a Speedo, hands down the safe money would be on Tom Daley. But if it came to underwear, I’d bet on David Beckham. This is a pleasant switch-around, with Daley donning his Calvins, and Beckham in a pair of tight trousers. I’m not sure who wears what better, so we’ll call it a British draw. It’a Sunday. I’m tired. Do the math.
Wearing David Beckham’s Undies
This has happened to me before: the idea of getting into David Beckham’s underwear is always more thrilling than the actual event. Mr. Beckham‘s latest offerings from H&M are slightly changed from the first run, but I still have to admit that I’m more of a fan of them on him than on me. The boxer briefs are a bit snug – and for a footballer that seems at odds with his body. He would do better to take a lesson from Bonobos and allow room for some junk-in-the-trunk. Of course, perhaps the manufacturers are not banking on us having footballer bodies (which in my case is a very good thing.) The fabric is a definite improvement from the cheap modal-like blend that ruined his entry into the underwear world, but I’m still not sold on the longevity of such a brand, or its products. He’s got a long way to go before threatening Calvin Klein. That said, I did enjoy the top and the additional colors (an army fatigue green and a darker blue are vastly more interesting than the black, white, and gray palette of before, if still bland as beige). For now, though, this line is mostly just a vehicle to see Beckham in his briefs, and I can’t complain about that.
Battle of the Underwear Bulge: David vs. Mario
Week in Review
The wild winds of January returned in full-force this past week, plunging us into the depths of sub-freezing temperatures and reminding us that winter in the Northeast is anything but a cake walk. Fortunately, there was solace to be found in the more superficial pleasures, and some of the deeper ones as well.
- One of the best ways to make it through the wilderness when the cold is knocking at your door can be found in a classic winter cocktail – in this case the Manhattan.
- Â The most touching pair of photographs I’ve seen this year – and in quite some time – courtesy of these simple, but powerfully-juxtaposed pics from Wayne & Cody. More on them to come in the near future.
- Â It was my Mom’s Birthday, and we threw a celebration dinner at our home.
- Â The Project spotlight shone on the The Circus Project from April of 2008.
- A question since the dawn of modern time arose again: who’s the sexier footballer – Ben Cohen or David Beckham?
- Speaking of football – this time the American version – I had a frank talk with my brother (prior to the game) of the match-up between the Patriots and the Ravens.
- The parade of Hunks of the Day continued, with the multi-faceted talents of Benjamin Godfre,  the bountiful and beautiful booty of Will Wikle, the hairy-chested realness of Mark Ruffalo & the elegantly age-defying Dermot Mulroney.
- And the week closed out rather woefully with Justin Bieber pulling down his pants and exposing his barely-legal bare butt for all of the Instagram world to see. In other words, I’m glad this one’s in the history books.
Who’s Sexier: Ben Cohen or David Beckham?
This may be the toughest question I’ve posed on this website. It’s one of those deeply philosophical debates, one that will likely rage for centuries to come. It has divided the world, pitting friend against friend, destroying relationships and altering the lives of innocent people everywhere. Who is the sexier footballer: Ben Cohen or David Beckham? I’ve got my own theories, and wholly unsubstantiated evidence to back up my beliefs, but in the end it’s in the eye of the beholder.
Here, I’ve given you the basic tools to which you can make your own comparisons and determinations. Personally, my money is on Mr. Cohen. There’s something kinder about him, something more vulnerable and less cocky and arrogant, something that can’t be put into words or even pictures – you just know it when you see it. What do you think?
A David Beckham Underwear Shoot Video
To cap off this Day of David Beckham, a bit of the footballer in action. Most people cringe when they hear him speak, but I kind of like it. (I’m a sucker for an accent.)
A David Beckham Underwear Post
It’s been a while since we’ve featured David Beckham here – well, a while by the standards of those of us who feature him quite often. I suppose my interest has slightly diminished over the last year or so – nothing against Mr. Beckham, well, maybe a little. Chalk it up to boredom with his underwear (or “Bodywear”) line, coupled with a disinterest, if not outright dislike, of his tattoo obsession/addiction. He’s coming back with some new holiday additions to his H&M clothing line, however, so it seems a good time to revisit him and his bulge. My fascination is a combination of a Brit obsession, the fact that he’s married to Posh, and his simple, slightly rugged good looks. His propensity for briefs over boxers is also slightly intoxicating.