Move over Britney Spears, Nick Jonas is making his own crotch-grab for attention, thanks to the leather track pants revealed (and revealing) below, which he wore for this year’s Video Music Awards. Personally, I’m not sure what the fuss is all about. Leather is actually less illuminating than, say, sweatpants or lycra, but hey, if the interweb is all over this like wet underwear let’s ride it to its logical conclusion. Mr. Jonas has shown off, and disrobed, for this site many times before. This is just a tease for posts like the one where he went all Marky Mark with his ass.
Category Archives: Bulge
A Grandly Gratuitous Ryan Lochte Relay
Ryan Lochte has been one of those charismatic, charming, and goofy Hunks who is always good for a ridiculous sound-bite or swaggering Speedo pose, but let’s not forget that he’s also a champion Olympian, where he’s played an integral role in gaining the US several relay medals. More important to those of you who come here for the guy candy, he has no problem preening and posing in all sorts of body-baring swim attire. He’s been named a Hunk of the Day, and his Speedo has graced these pages time and time again. Here’s one more.
Tom Hiddleston and Underwear Bulge
Who knew under all of Loki’s armor and long locks lurked such a hot body? Apparently Taylor Swift got the scoop, as she was reportedly canoodling with him on some beach somewhere, because when you’re Taylor Swift that’s how you work I guess. (Bye bye, Calvin Harris – you were but a blip on the underwear-model radar…) As for the man who played Loki, this is Tom Hiddleston – not quite ready for his Hunk of the Day moment until we see if there’s something more here. For now, this is a promising beginning.
Random Shirtless Celebrities
This hodgepodge of shirtless (and pants-less) male celebrities is my lazy-ass post for a cold winter’s night in which I’m having trouble drumming up inspiration. These gentlemen have a way of changing all that and turning up the heat in a winter that just drags on and on. There is a light at the end of this tunnel, so let’s shine it on some chests and abs.
First up is the star of the Harry Potter films, and a fine actor who has edged into more adult fare quite successfully. Daniel Radcliffe displays a new kind of hairy here, and it’s all sorts of magical. Wands out.
Spinning round and round in black and white is international superstar DJ (and Taylor Swift‘s main guy) Calvin Harris. Also the body of Armani underwear.
Epic, classic, and cocksure, David Beckham has been a favorite here for years. He’s gotten a bit stagnant with his H&M work (I’m still yawning over that underwear line) but never count him out. Not yet.
The bulge below, belonging to Dan Osborne, broke the bejesus out of the internet a few days ago, so it’s only right to present it here, for posterity. Mr. Osborne quickly cropped it so as not to get spanked by Instagram, but some intrepid follower saved it and so it will live on in glorious, beauteous infamy.
While on the subject of balls, here is tennis phenom Novak Djokovic. He seems to favor black briefs. Just saying. And showing.
Not to be outdone, Simon Dunn squeezed his own balls into some tiny briefs and showed it all off, not unlike his first appearance here.
Last but not least is diver Chris Mears, who looks just as good naked as he does upside down.
Tom Daley’s Speedo at Bursting Point
It’s been a while since Mr. Daley has graced these pages with his Speedo-clad package, so let us rectify that immediately. Here he is in training for this summer’s upcoming Olympics, a celebration in Rio of all things tunga. The summer Olympics are always filled with more flesh than their winter counterpart, for obvious reasons, and this year looks to be overflowing with skin-baring suits and men and women at their physical prime. Tom Daley certainly fits that fitter-than-fit bill.
While the figure skaters are having their winter’s day, upcoming Hunks will include members of the US Gymnastics Team in preparation for this summer’s big events. There will be swimmers and divers too, and Michael Phelps might even squeeze himself into a onesie again. All good things to those who wait.
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Brief-Clad Bulge
Whenever Cristiano Ronaldo slips into his underwear, it’s worth a bonus post. Especially when those underwear are as tiny as this. In this particular installment, Mr. Ronaldo is once again stripping down to his skivvies for a Men’s Health cover shoot, and what could be better on a dreary Saturday in January?
Russell Tovey’s Bangin’ Bod
Russell Tovey helms this fine feature spot, as the English hunk currently treads the boards (and doffs his shirt) on Broadway. There’s a bit more bulging action here than on-stage, however, and I hope you won’t take offense at that.
Speedo Close-Up
On this snowy Sunday (yes, snow in mid-October, because upstate New York sucks that way) here’s a second Speedo post to keep you warm. With this one, we are taking a closer examination on each of the guys featured on this Speedo Trio post.
First up is Jack Laugher, the blondest of the three, whose swimsuit barely seems to contain his backside. Pop it like it’s hot, because it’s freezing here today.
Second is Speedo All-Star Tom Daley, who gave us his all in myriad posts over the years.
Finally, on this day of threes, the third specimen we take on his own is Chris Mears, rounding out his colorful Speedo and soaking up the rays on a beach that is most decidedly warmer than anything in these parts. Calgon take me away.
Speedo Trio: Tom, Jack & Chris
This triple threat threesome consists of Tom Daley, Jack Laugher, and Chris Mears, each of whom has been featured in solo fashion, particularly Mr. Daley, who has his own category on this website (a feat that only the iconic likes of David Beckham, Ben Cohen, Tom Ford and Madonna have managed to earn). This time, their Speedo-clad prowess combines to the power of the third, lending a prismatic status of hunkiness to the scene.
Tom Daley was christened with his first Hunk of the Day honor here, where we celebrated him in, of all things, a Speedo. It’s really the only way to celebrate Tom.
Jack Laugher got his first, and thus far only, Hunk of the Day spread here. Surely, he lacks nothing to merit a second, other than an Attitude photo shoot or such.
Finally, bringing up the proverbial rear in nothing but his own, Chris Mears stripped it off and got his Hunk of the Day crowning here.
Taken together, they make for a very merry Sunday morning, something to stave off the chill and conjure a source of heat that only the Speedo-clad can.
A Male Celebrity with the Balls to Wear A Speedo
Behold, the blue Speedo of Luke Evans, a guy who has yet to be named a Hunk of the Day (it will happen sooner or later I’m sure, sop stay tuned). In a bold departure from the disastrous board shorts most male celebrities hide behind at the beach, Mr. Evans makes the impressive and distinctly un-American move of donning a budgie-smuggler. Such is the confidence and natural ease of Europe in contrast to the hypocritically-puritanical wimpiness of the United States. American men are just supremely prudish when it comes to swimwear, and I’m not sure why. We are so bold (rude, really) when it comes to almost everything else, but present the notion of a Speedo and the men run whimpering. It’s such a shame, particularly when given such specimens as Zac Efron, Tom Brady, Nick Jonas and . I guess we’ll have to make-do with the foreign likes of David Beckham, Tom Daley, and Mr. Evans to lead the Speedo brigade.
A Jockstrap is Always In Vogue
This site has long celebrated the jockstrap, both as functional sports attire and object of art, but every now and then someone comes along to elevate it with their own personal ass-stamp. Such is the case with Sean Avery’s recent Instagram shot that shows his butt perfectly framed with the straps of a jock. It took the internet by storm this past week, and was a reminder that the jockstrap never goes out of style.
Mr. Avery certainly has the goods to go with the frame, but he’s not the only celebrity to make the most of those skimpy straps. He is, however, the only one to do so in such blatant pandering to the gay internet, and for that he gets a lot of applause.
Chord Overstreet dared to wear a jockstrap, but not in the traditional manner. While I’m all for putting a different twist on things, some items just shouldn’t be put on your face. But who am I to talk?
Jean Claude Van Damme, back in his prime, was no stranger to strutting his stuff in the unabashed European style that favored skimpy attire and Speedos. Here he is in a regular white jockstrap and smile.
Making a big jockstrap splash in the 80’s were heart-throbs Rob Lowe and Richard Gere, both of whom pulled those straps on and shook their booties until all of America was weak in the knees.
Tom Daley: Of Bulge & Burgundy
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a few photos of Tom Daley, so let’s return to his fine form and put these up right away. It’s a duller season without an Olympic Games to occupy the summer or winter, but I think he’s just gearing up for the next go-round (even if it won’t be in Boston – and for that I’m grateful). In his burgundy Speedo, Mr. Daley strikes a striking pose in his native habitat: poolside and wet.
Best Speedo Bulge of All?
While the world continues its debate over Steve Grand and his sexy posturing, I’m focusing this blog’s heat-seeking lens on Jack Laugher, the British diver who more than amply fills his Speedo to the brim. Mr. Laugher is no laughing matter when it comes to looking seriously good in his work uniform. He’s been named Hunk of the Day once before, and while this is not an official Hunk of the Day post, it’s a sure sign that his second crowning is not far off, particularly if he’s going to gift the world with photo shoots like this one by the amazing Paul Cooper.
A Grandly Gratuitous Pietro Boselli Post
When someone as physically fine as Pietro Boselli poses for an Attitude cover story, it deserves a post of its own. Mr. Boselli is the math teacher who took the gay internet by storm with his banging body and dreamy good looks, and he’s going even further in this photo shoot for the popular British rag. Of course he’s already been named a Hunk of the Day, but he’s likely due for a second run any day now. Enough of my yammering, you just want to see the goods.
Super Jocks Activate!
Tomorrow is the epic ‘Super Jocks in Super Jocks’ show in Chicago, IL, so if you’re in the vicinity give it a look-see. I wish I’d had the foresight to plan a trip there, but hopefully this will be an annual event so I can make a proper pilgrimage next year. As previously reported here, this is a benefit for TPAN and Chicago House. Hosted by Bianca Del Rio, it features the stunning hand-crocheted jock-straps of The Crochet Empire, as helmed by Andy Boyer. Works of art in their own right, you should see them when they’re filled out by the collection of hunky studs who will be parading down the runway. The Art of the Jockstrap indeed.
Here are a few promo photos provided by The Crochet Empire for this red-hot event. Tickets can be purchased at