
Category Archives: Bulge

We Need A Little Hunk Post

Actually, we need a Big Hunk Post right about now, as we slip into the January winter doldrums. To pump that post up, here’s a collection of hunks who have played a part in raising the heat of this blog on numerous occasions, and most continue to do so as evidenced by the pictures presented here. First up is Kevin Love, whose naked and formidable stature anchored his Hunk of the Day feature, further solidifying the glory that is the ESPN Body issue.

Next is Gus Kenworthy in a leopard Speedo, combining two of my favorite things in the world. Mr. Kenworthy has appeared totally naked here, and totally nude here, and a totally naked and nude Gus Kenworthy is a sight worth clicking.

Jake Quickenden gave his own cheeky turn to his Hunk of the Day post, while Steve Grand has made a big splash of late in his underwear, shelling for his own line of skivvies

Perennial ginger favorite Greg Rutherford is seen to best advantage in this epic pictorial

Lee Pace gives good face as seen here, and gave a little more in his Hunk of the Day post. Tom Hiddleston made a magical Loki for Marvel, and a hotter GIF here.

Bringing up the back-end of this post in beautiful and bodacious fashion, this is Jonathan Tucker’s fine bottom. See more of it here

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Steve Grand Selling Underwear

Steve Grand has made a number of splashes here over the years, starting out with some modeling shots and then revealing a multi-faceted and multi-talented artist beneath the pretty packaging. His take on this Christmas chestnut will go down as one of the most beautiful renditions of an overdone song, while his penchant for sporting a Speedo has made him a favorite for more superficial reasons. Now he’s hawking a line of his own underwear ‘Grand Axis’ – a genius move that should shift a number of units of these beautiful styles. (I’m also a big fan of the name and logo.)

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Dan Osborne & The Bulge in his Box

A companion piece from the same sultry photo shoot wherein Dan Osborne put his goods on display here, this may actually only be the second installment of a series. Mr. Osborne likes to oblige his fans with what they want most, so a third post may be coming down the road. In the meantime, do visit the first part of this underwear photo shoot in the previous link, and follow all the links you find… such as this one, and this one, and this one… oh, and this one, and this one, and this one

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A Gratuitous Dan Osborne Bulge Post

If you want to see more (much more) of Dan Osborne – and surely you will after this post – scroll down and type his name into the ‘Search Site’ box. All sorts of gratuitously naked shots will appear. Male celebrity nudes are popular posts here, especially when Dan Osborne is involved

By the way, is ‘Box’ really the term we want on a waistband for men’s underwear? Why not ‘Bulge‘?

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Falling into Hunks & Bulges

The Hunk of the Day feature will return for its fall bow in just a quick tick-tock. The perfect segue from summer to fall is embodied in the bulges of a Speedo, especially when filled out by diver Jack Laugher, who is laughing all the way to hunkdom and an ever-increasing collection of perpetual posts here. Mr. Laugher leads off a group of hunks to usher in the fall season, when hot things are appreciated more than ever. 

Jack gives as good front as he gives good back. Search the archives if you’re still a disbeliever. 

Drake gives one last pool shot as we wave goodbye to summer. 

Liam Payne and Ryan Phillippe make a dashing pair of shirtless male celebrities. Liam first disrobed in this fun collection of gents, while Ryan took his clothes off in this one. 

Dancer Roberto Bolle displays why dancers make the best Hunks of the Day, so ge gets two photos here because everyone agrees he’s worth it. 

Charlie Puth shaved off most of his hair, hopefully for a good reason, as it’s kind of missed here. 

Gus Kenworthy and Taron Egerton in various bulge-revealing costumes – and how better to mark the change of seasons? (Seems a naked Gus Kenworthy doesn’t mind swinging his thing in the snow. Or the sun.)

Closing out this first hunky post for the fall is a pair of Shawn Mendes GIFs. Mr. Mendes has lately been making news for kissing, but it’s much better when he’s on the map for posing in his underwear. See here and dare to disagree.

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Jude Law Bulging Out of His Speedo

Holy sacrilege! These pics and GIFs of Jude Law strutting around in a skimpy white Speedo are promotional efforts for his upcoming appearance as the Pope. I didn’t see the first series, aside from this widely-circulated nude scene, and I’ll probably skip out on this one too unless there is another glimpse of Jude Law naked. Until that glorious time, scroll down for an encore of an earlier nude Jude Law scene. 

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Cristiano Ronaldo: The Full-Frontal Shot

Cristiano Ronaldo fans are in for a treat today, as the title of this post not-so-secretly reveals. Footballer extraordinaire, Mr. Ronaldo knows his way around a ball scene, and as purveyor of his own underwear line, knows a thing or two about boxer-briefs too. Keep scrolling to see the goods, but stop along the way for some gratuitous links. 

See this post about his skivvies.

Or this one about his bulge.

Or this one about his briefs.

Or this one crowning him as Hunk of the Day

His latest underwear design certainly shows off the piping

And speaking of pipes… that full-frontal glimpse is just beyond the scroll-down…












































Happy April Fools Day! Sorry, it’s what we do here, and always have done. Here’s a bulge-tastic post of Cristiano for those who don’t want to leave mad. 

{See Zac Efron’s full-frontal shot here.}

{See a full-frontal David Beckham shot here.}

{See Tom Daley’s full-frontal shot here.}

{See the Ben Cohen full-frontal shot here.}

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Cristiano Ronaldo’s Pipe-lined Underwear

Some filler posts are filled better than others, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Gaze upon the form of one Cristiano Ronaldo, football player extraordinaire who also has his own line of underwear which he has been kind and generous enough to model time and time and time and time again.

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The Next Big Underwear Bulge

The time feels right for a new underwear moment to take the world by storm. It’s been a while since we had one – I feel like the last one may have been one of the Jonas brothers: Nick in his butt-cheek-teasing photo lay-out channeling Marky Mark or Joe in his oiled-up Guess shots. Prior to that the last bulge that shook the world belonged to David Beckham. Both he and Ben Cohen have been quiet of late on the baring-skin front, something that needs to be rectified. Or maybe they, like myself, have eased into the middle-age paunch of comfort and can’t be bothered to give a rat’s ass about showing their own shirtless selves off anymore. I can dig it.

Anyway, I have hope that someone new offers a scantily-clad moment to rock the pop culture world. We need it now more than ever. Who will it be? A few suggestions:

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A Gratuitous VPL Post of Pietro Boselli

Everyone’s favorite math-teacher-turned-male-model is back with a pair of scintillating pics that reveal the very definition of a VPL. I’m not talking the typical ‘Visible Panty Line’ that the acronym typically represents – this is a much happier ‘Visible Penis Line‘ for which the gay guys and straight ladies often salivate. Sometimes the hint, or the slightest outline, of the body is sexier than the naked body itself, as Mr. Boselli proves in this post. But sometimes nothing but a nude male shot will do, to which he attests in this naked post. Boselli is certainly no strangers to these pages, so stop by this one and this one and this one if you want to see more. 

You’re welcome. 

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Double Bang for Your Speedo Bucks: Jack Laugher & Chris Mears

To coincide with the heatwave we may be having (Dare we reach into the 40s? Where are my shorts??) here is a double-hunky, Speedo-filled post featuring Jack Laugher and Chris Mears. Each has been featured here before:  Jack Laugher in his Hunk of the Day feature, this bulge-baring post, and a Speedo-licious collection here; Chris Mears in his own Hunk of the Day feature, this daring nearly-nude pic, and a Speedo shot here. Together, they form an unstoppable breath of Speedo-bound glory. Oh, and in case it isn’t clear, their specialty is diving. [See also Tom Daley.] 


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Mid-Day Shirtless Stunner: Lucky Locky

Lockhart Brownlie has been a Hunk of the Day here not once, but twice. This isn’t quite his third, but it goes some way toward establishing that as his next goalpost. He seems to be going by Locky these days, as you’ll see on his super-fun YouTube page. Check him out there – he’s even better in motion. 

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The Long-Awaited Return of the Hunks

The Hunk of the Day feature has been absent for a few days now, but it’s coming back in a major way tonight. Before that, however, here is a look at some former hunks who are making splashes in various stats of undress. It begins with these naked GIFs of Steve Grand doing his part for Broadway Bares. Mr. Grand has been here a number of times, thanks to hot shots like these and naked teases like those.

Richard Hadfield and his hairy chest made a splash in his Hunk of the Day crowning here.

Ricky Martin brings his heat to the new Versace murder story (which also brought us Darren Criss in a Speedo). Here, Martin takes his own spin in a Speedo, which he also did here.

The other side of the spectrum, for many reasons, brings us Cameron Dallas. He represents the teenybopper crowd, which is a scene to which I find myself rating less and less. (His Hunk of the Day feature is coming up in the near future.)

Derek Yates was a part of the elite two-time Hunk of the Day club, having been honored not once but twice.

Simon Dunn strikes his own Speedo pose, though many would prefer that he lose the shorts entirely as he did here and here and here.

Favored ginger Greg Rutherford matches Dunn in Olympic glory and shirtless wonder.

A trio of nude rears brings up the back-end of this post, starting with Rob ‘The Gronk’ Gronkowski, who was also naked here, and Chris Salvatore, who dropped his pants here.

Finally, feast your eyes upon Matthew Camp. Also seen sans clothing here. Come back tonight for the next Hunk of the Day crowning…

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Pietro Boselli in Tighty Whities

There’s something magical that happens when Pietro Boselli strips down to a pair of white briefs, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Scroll down for some GIFs that clearly exhibit that magic. And then try this link, and this link, and this link to witness even more.

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That Nick Jonas Leather Bulge

Move over Britney Spears, Nick Jonas is making his own crotch-grab for attention, thanks to the leather track pants revealed (and revealing) below, which he wore for this year’s Video Music Awards. Personally, I’m not sure what the fuss is all about. Leather is actually less illuminating than, say, sweatpants or lycra, but hey, if the interweb is all over this like wet underwear let’s ride it to its logical conclusion. Mr. Jonas has shown off, and disrobed, for this site many times before. This is just a tease for posts like the one where he went all Marky Mark with his ass.

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