

Naked Broadway Hunks

The city is gearing up for this year’s big Broadway Bares event, so it seems as good a time as any to do a gratuitous post of the nude males of the Broadway stage. The gentlemen featured here are, I believe, all going to be a part of the naked festivities, and a few have graced this website in the almost-altogether as well such as Joshua Michael Brickman, Brandon Rubendall, Todd Hanebrink, Ricky Schroeder, and Nick Kenkel.

Other Broadway notables who took their shirts off here include Christopher Johnstone, Nick Adams, Adam Jacobs, and Mario Lopez (a Broadway baby for his ‘Chorus Line’ appearance.)

One day I’ll make it to the Broadway Bares event, but for now I’ll rely on Matthew Rettenmund’s encyclopedic recaps (and super-sexy pics and videos) at the bodacious Boy Culture blog.

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