

Unexpected Inspiration

I love it when art takes me by surprise, seizing upon an unlikely moment or an unexpected place, such as this graffiti-ridden spot at the end of Newbury Street. In the little space between what used to be Best Buy (and many years ago Tower Records) and one of the many Starbucks stores, there is an expanse that has always been the repository of graffiti and tag-lines. On this day, however, it holds a heart, a heart in a gilded frame. I pause in front of it, while Kira gamely waits out my fascination.

I snap a few photos, and in them it almost looks like a work of photoshop. But there is no retouching here, no magical computer strokes or filters to lend it anything more. What you see is the way it really was. Maybe the light of the day helped, maybe the worn surface lent it some enchantment – whatever the case, I am enamored of this shot. It reminds me that art can be found when it’s least expected. Love too.

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