

Two Guys’ Tradition

Our almost-annual BroSox Adventure is happily upon us, as Skip and I head to Boston for a Red Sox game. I’m not sure who is looking forward to it more, as a couple of weeks ago we met up for some pre-planning sushi and he expressed his excitement over it as the traditional mark for the end of a trying school year. I’m certainly in need of an escape too, so this comes at a good time. 

Aside from that, our expectations are different and more relaxed than they were eight years ago when we started this fun tradition. Since then, we’ve grown and evolved and so have our trips. Last year we branched out with a fancy night at the Mandarin Oriental, which I enjoyed a bit more than Skip, and it made for a memorable adventure. This year we are going back to basics, returning to the condo as our home base, and possibly venturing out to the seaport area for something new. Stay tuned for that recap…

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