

The Weekend Everyone Went To Boston ~ Part 2

After such a tumultuous night of inclement weather, the morning, despite the wind, felt fresh and new. The sun was actually out, something that hasn’t happened as much as it typically does at this time of the year, so we bid adieu to the glorious Fairmont and headed into the city for some shopping. Clouds rolled in and out, but throughout the windy morning there were glimpses of blue sky ~ the promise of spring.

An early lunch at Parrish Cafe (Kira had the Hot and Dirty Pig Burger and I opted for the Flour BLT, forgoing my usual Zuni Roll ~ damn that thing is good) followed by some shopping in Downtown Crossing left us more than spent for an afternoon siesta. Mom and Emi were in the neighborhood for an early dinner, so they stopped by to see the condo, and after they left we took a quick nap as the sun slanted through the bedroom windows.

Despite the sun’s arrival, it was no match for the wind and the chill of this Boston weekend, so I was once again on the OpenTable hunt for a nearby restaurant that we hadn’t done to death. We found one relatively close ~ the Westland ~ and it turned out to be a great choice ~ casual and comfortable, with a few old-fashioned classics, like Oysters Casino, which we tried in a moment of ‘Mad Men’ inspiration. (Everything fried is new again.)

The next morning was sunny ~ it’s always sunny on the day you have to leave. Kira and I joined my Mom and Emi at The Friendly Toast for breakfast, then stopped at Cafe Madeleine for some macarons for Andy. Coming full circle, by the time this is posted he and I will be back in town celebrating our wedding anniversary. That seems a fine and fitting place to end this quick Boston weekend recap. Looking forward to the next adventure…

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