

The Final Days of a Single Man

I’m heading out for one last weekend in Boston before the wedding, to finalize a dinner spot and to celebrate a friend’s birthday. It is my final official weekend in the city as a single man, but as friends have rightfully pointed out, nothing much is going to change. It turns out I’ve spent the last ten years free as a bird, and marrying Andy is only going to add a few diamonds and some platinum.

So many people start dating someone and then suddenly become a package instead of an individual. Andy and I have maintained our individual pursuits and lives while being in a committed relationship, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. I always need reminding that I’m lucky in this respect – I tend to forget that a lot of people don’t have such freedom and trust. They give it up willingly in the good instances, not so willingly in the bad. I’ve never had to choose, and I’d never be able to be with someone who made me.

This weekend will be a throwback to my bachelor days in Boston, complete with a night that’s starting off with cocktails at the condo to celebrate my friend JoAnn’s birthday. Things glow differently now that we’re sliding toward the upper side of our thirties, but I think we get a little better as each year passes. No matter how far apart we live or how much time passes between visits, my friendship with JoAnn has only grown richer and stronger over the years. We’ve had many memorable adventures, and we’re looking to add a new chapter this weekend.

As for my last remaining days as a single man, this journey is just beginning…

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