

Non-Nude Odds & Not-Nearly-Naked Ends

This Sunday concludes one of the busier weeks of my year, from a few days in New York seeing Madonna and Suzie, and checking out The Out hotel, to an evening at ‘Wicked‘, followed by the Beaujolais Nouveau Wine Festival, and capped by a weekend in Boston, seeing friends and family, old and new. As I sit here in the living room, it feels in many ways like the day after a party – satiated and exhaustedly happy, if slightly regretful that it’s over as fast as it started. The good part is that the holidays – and many more meetings with friends and family – is just beginning. There is enough wickedness in the world to warrant an open-embracing of all things warm and comfortable. No matter how pretty the messenger bag or how sweetly-scented the Tom Ford Private Blend cocktail, the only thing I ever wanted for Christmas was more time with those I love. (Okay, aside from the items on the Christmas list that I’ll post soon enough.)

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