

Buttery Brilliance

When Sunday dawns with just-below-freezing temperatures, but the sun is shining strongly, the relatively short trek to the South End Buttery is a worthwhile endeavor – mostly because I know what’s at the end. In this case, a delicious almond creme croissant (and a chocolate orange scone for the ride home). Such ended this past weekend in Boston, a jaunt that was as much about business (securing a contractor for the bathroom renovation) as it was about pleasure (perusing bars for possible party locations with JoAnn).

While the nearby Cafe Madeleine remains closed for unexpected repairs, the Buttery provides a perfect pastry fix on Sunday mornings. As a treat for Andy, I also pick up a small package of Sea Salt chocolate chip cookies, and I’m proud to say that the majority of them made it home intact. (I’m less proud to say that they didn’t last very long on the kitchen counter.)

On this Tuesday morning, I remember that Sunday morning – still better than a Monday, but still a little sad.

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