

Build Me Up, Buttery

It is, perhaps, the South End Buttery that I am missing most upon returning from Boston ~ particularly this banana-chocolate mini-loaf that I had for breakfast yesterday. Chocolate just makes everything a little bit better. (So I had to get the orange-chocolate scone as well.) Looking out over Clarendon (where we almost bought a home two decades ago) I spent an uncharacteristically-leisurely Sunday morning, holding off on departing until John Fluevog opened his doors. But more on that in a later post… for now I just want to re-inhabit the memory of this tasty treat.

Bananas in anything outside of a banana peel were an acquired taste for me. I remember one sleep-over at a friend’s where his Mom served banana pancakes for breakfast and I literally almost threw up. It seemed so wrong to my childish mind. Today I would kill for someone to make banana pancakes for me. The same is true of banana bread. As a kid I wouldn’t touch it. Now no loaf is safe if I’m within striking distance. If there’s chocolate in it, well, my jaw has unhinged for far less in the past.

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