

BoSox & Bros

Our third annual Boston Red Sox weekend is slated to kick-off this Friday, and though it’s one of the highlights of the season, I’m keeping expectations low, given this year’s penchant for rain and dampening of spirits. Instead of hyping it up, I’m going into it with the twin intents of relaxation and down-time. Skip and I have loosely plotted a soft entry for Friday, unlike last year when we went a bit too hard after the successful and relatively painless installation of a new air conditioner. It turns out that the Gay Pride Parade is Saturday, so we’ll do our best to save our energy for the second day. That night we’ll see the Red Sox do their best to wrangle the Detroit Tigers. In the battle of Detroit versus Boston, who shall prove victorious? We’ll find out…

Time with Skip is always somehow peaceful. We’re good sounding boards for each other when we need to be, but there’s an ease and a relaxed camaraderie in a friendship that’s lasted for a dozen years. There’s also a lot of fun and laughter, and I can indulge in the silliness and ridiculous straight-guy insanity that usually eludes me. Apologies for the GIF you are about to see, but it’s too funny not to share. Imagine this guy and me at a Gay Pride Parade. Boston isn’t ready for this jelly. (I’m not sure if I am either…)


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