

Back in Boston, Proper

This year’s return to our annual BroSox Adventure originally looked a little different than previous years. We are, after all, still muddling through a pandemic in which certain idiots are still refusing to get vaccinated, and the rest of us are being forced to carry the responsibility and concern for our fellow human beings. Luckily, New York and Massachusetts are both doing well on those fronts, and the last time I was in Boston they were just opening things up to full capacity, with no masks for those of us who are fully vaccinated. That includes Red Sox games, which changes our original plans for the BroSox Adventure with Skip. 

We had planned on simply taking in a game from afar – either at some quiet pub or restaurant, and possibly just in our hotel room at the Mandarin Oriental – but someplace low-key and, frankly, affordable. When they opened up Fenway to full capacity, however, tickets suddenly became available, and Skip managed to scoop some up, enabling us to return to our tradition in all its customary form. As Skip put it, a BroSox Adventure without a trip to baseballs cathedral would somehow ring hollow – especially after being absent for over a year. This feels right, and it adds the finishing touch to a trip that we’ve been hoping to happen for two years. 

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