

A Sunday Morning In Boston

This marks the first weekend in some time that I am not heading to Boston – mostly because we have running water in our kitchen! (I don’t like using exclamation points unless I’m being intentionally ridiculous, but this is genuine excitement and giddiness.) Last Sunday, however, I was still in that beautiful city, made more resplendent on that particular morning from the sun breaking through the aftermath of an extended rainstorm. Though I was departing on that day, I did not hop immediately in the car and hightail it home as it my usual routine. Instead, I had a cup of tea, then walked to one of my favorite places to grab something for breakfast: the South End Buttery.

The original location still bustles with activity and occasional lines, but there’s a satellite location, much closer to home, that serves some of the same delicious goodies. On this day I had an orange-chocolate scone – deliciously moist (scones can often be so dry) and substantial but still light enough to not feel gluttonous. (It was the almond croissant that might have pushed me into that territory – still, it was worth it.) Somehow, I refrained from taking a chocolate chip cookie on the road with me (they do make some of the best in Boston).

As I sat at the counter eating all the scrumptiousness, I slowed down to enjoy the morning and the unfolding day. The sun peeked through the clouds, and the faintest notion of spring – the first hint this year – thrilled the heart. It doesn’t always hurt to get your hopes up.

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