

A Dozen Years of Married Life ~ Part 1

Celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago in Boston, Andy and I re-discovered a city in spring bloom while remembering that wonderful day a dozen years ago. A quieter celebration, especially considering the current state of the world, it seemed to mean a little more than louder and more bombastic celebrations we may have had in the past. Southwest Corridor Park was lined with flowering plums and apples, while our building on Braddock Park was framed by the leaflessly-enchanting blooms of an American dogwood. We were back in beauty. 

A gift from last year’s anniversary, a spritz of Soleil Brulant brought back more recent happy memories, time layering upon time, creating the richness of our shared history. As Andy settled in at the condo, I went on a quick shopping run on Newbury Street. 

Hastening along, I returned to find Andy on the couch in an afternoon slumber. After carefully unloading some food in the kitchen, I moved quietly to the bedroom for a daily meditation. A favorite time of the day, in one of my favorite rooms, while my favorite person was sleeping in the other room – it was an auspicious beginning to our anniversary weekend.  

On that first night, we had a steak dinner in the Seaport, then returned home while the city bloomed. The next day we would return to the Garden…

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