

A Boston Spring Stroll – Part One

We won’t cast a hex by proclaiming this the first annual Boston Spring Stroll, we will merely celebrate it as the first, and perhaps last, time Kira and I performed such an endeavor, and if it grows into something beyond this moment, so it shall be. For now, this initial spring weekend in Boston was a simple exercise in spending time with a cherished friend, walking down new streets and avenues in a favorite city

Of course, every Boston stroll – holiday, spring, or otherwise – begins with the Friday afternoon/evening entry to get thing rolling. It’s usually my favorite part of the festivities, because it’s all about anticipation and planning and the moments when the whole weekend holds full of possibility. Here, Boston greeted us with floral beauty – and the very first blooms of the season.

While Kira finished up her work day, I perused Newbury Street and picked up some dinner amendments before heading back to the condo for the best part of the day: the afternoon siesta.

As Kira made her way from Mass General to Back Bay, I finished cooking a tamarind fish curry dinner (it being a Friday in Lent) and put out a spread of appetizers. We toasted to the Spring Stroll, and our planned seaside adventure

Sharing a dinner with a friend remains one of life’s overlooked indulgences, and I continue to find gratitude in such simple acts of camaraderie. Kira and I talked and caught up over the meal, and made tentative and loos plans for the next day, which looked to be fraught with some sort of rain. Not out of place for a spring stroll, I suppose, but no less annoying for that.

As the day closed, we realized we had stayed at the kitchen table talking and laughing and there was no time for a movie. It made for a night of deep sleep, and a re-entry into Boston living, at least for the weekend…

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