Dazzler of the Day: Micah McLaurin

Sometimes a single performance is enough to garner a Dazzler of the Day crowning. Such was the case when I happened upon the Madonna medley below performed by the divine Micah McLaurin. That alone was enough to seal the deal – when one looks deeper into McLaurin’s talents and accomplishments, it is clear that Dazzler is just the tip of the iconic iceberg. With soaring work in composing, performing, and fashion, McLaurin is a multi-layered artist whose entire being is a force of gorgeous, breathtaking inspiration. Check out Micah’s YouTube channel here for more amazing performances and prepare to be blown away; his website is also full of enchantment – find that here

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Retry (Again)

Why are we even bothering with Twitter anymore? I just don’t know…

Andy happily left the platform months ago when that idiot-savant-minus-the-savant Elon Musk took over and began its long slow drive into the ground. Musk seems hellbent on taking down Tesla along with Twitter, as both companies are tanking in the real world. Oh well, this is why we can’t have nice things. The whole platform is slowly crumbing, as evidenced by messages like the one below, which is becoming more and more common. Social media society… I still don’t know…

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When Things Get Messy

This is that time of the year when everything outside starts to feel icky. Whether it’s another snow/ice storm (or something called graupel that a certain wimp in Santa Monica, Cali-fucking-fornia was bemoaning because it wasn’t 75 degrees outside), the weather is turning on its rollercoaster-like menace, zigging when we want to zag and vice versa. It’s also the time of the year when the streets turn to absolute crap, filled with treacherous potholes that are always bigger than they seem, and caked in dirt and salt and grime that will then cement itself to your car before you even get it home from the carwash. 

My apologies – this hasn’t been the calming Sunday morning post I wanted it to be, but winter is a necessary reminder that life isn’t all sunshine and lollipops. The sooner we realize that the sooner we can get on with it. The initial bitterness that began this blog is being tempered as I look outside at the snow gently falling. It’s not at all unpretty. It gives pause to the day, presents the helpful conundrum of determining whether what I had planned is truly necessary. Do I need another shopping trip to Homegoods? Isn’t our home already good enough? When I think in those terms, ‘good enough’ becomes the new goal. I am finding comfort in that, great comfort, and such a reframing is a wonderful thing, especially at the end of winter. 

Despite this dip in temperatures, and winter’s reassurance that it isn’t quite ready to budge, my heart remains hopeful, and my thoughts will indulge in the coming of spring. February is almost done… the pavement is coming, dirty or not, and the snow will go. It’s all happening. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Omar Apollo

Mexican-American artist Omar Apollo is a singer, songwriter, and producer haling from Indiana. Since 2017, he’s been releasing his music to rapturous response from fans around the world. He’s currently on tour (and it hits Boston’s TD Garden on February 28) so check out his website here for upcoming dates. He garners his first Dazzler of the Day for making music that’s right for just about any vibe. 

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The Madonna Timeline: Song #170 – ‘Come Alive’ – Summer 2019

It’s been more than one hot minute since our last Madonna Timeline entry, and the shuffle has brought us to a happier, sunnier time: the summer of 2019, and what has shaken out as my favorite track from Madonna’s latest album ‘Madame X’. While lead single ‘Medellin’ held its own subtle magic and conjured its own giddy memories, the song that embodied the best of the ‘Madame X’ experience was ‘Come Alive’. 

I’m in the sky where I oughta be at, I’ve been watching you
Rocket ship takin’ off in that, now I’m onto you
Mouth closed, I don’t want your opinion, who you talkin’ to?
Stand out, no, I don’t wanna blend in, why you want me to?

Only with hindsight can we see how quaintly the world turned in the months before a deadly worldwide pandemic hit. That summer of 2019 in many ways feels like a last summer of innocence and carefree joy, which is strange, because at the time I don’t think that’s what most of us felt. Most of my tension and worry is bound in dwelling and ruminating about that which may or may not happen, and that depletes a lot of joy in what might otherwise be a wonderful time. Again, it’s something that only hindsight can truly teach, and since then I’ve been working on inhabiting the moment, and concerning myself only with what I can directly and currently control. The rest is not worth worrying about, for the most part, and that’s what this song has come to mean to me now. 

They say be all I can be
And all I want is peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace
See the world, haven’t seen it all
I wanna see its, see its, see its, see its, see its dreams

That said, it’s nice to revisit a pre-pandemic world, and I’m all for a trip down the section of memory lane that correlates with a summer season. Back in 2019, we were sitting on the patio by the pool and listening to ‘Madame X’ – a Madonna album that heralded the arrival of summer, not unlike the magical moment when ‘True Blue’ embodied its own summer a number of decades ago. Madonna and summer have a way of going together that just feels right – and pop songs somehow hit more intensely in the sunny season. ‘Come Alive’ should have been one of those summer hits – alas, Madonna was way ahead of the game, and more concerned with edgier fare like ‘Dark Ballet‘ and ‘God Control‘ than this piece of pop music perfection. She seemed to sense something in the air. 

Come alive, come alive
Come alive, come alive
Dream’s real, it’s alive
Come alive, come on

This song is all hope and exuberance and possibility – the very marks of what summer usually embodies, in its sun, its wonder, and its way of waking up the world to its own brilliance. Yet there is more at work here, in the drive and defiance that is a mark of all that Madonna herself has come to embody. A steely strength and determination pervades the message of ‘Come Alive’, a throwback to Madonna’s perennial message to ‘Express Yourself’ and a reminder that forty years into her historical career, Madonna still has to fight. 

I can’t react how you thought I’d react, I would never for you
Front line, I won’t stand in the back, ’cause you want me to
Mouth closed, I don’t want your opinion, who you talkin’ to?
Stand out, no, I don’t wanna blend in, why you want me to?

Summer is tumultuous that way – from the calmest and clearest of sunny days, storms and darkness can appear and suddenly descend on our happiest moments. In the continuing aftermath of COVID, summers feel less jubilant than they once did, as so much else does, but there is still a way to find that joy, even if it revisiting a summer that came before. Memories can bring happiness into the present moment. 

They say be all I can be
And all I want is peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace
See the world, haven’t seen it all
I wanna see its, see its, see its, see its, see its dreams

And so I return in my mind to that 2019 summer, when ‘Come Alive’ and ‘Crave‘ and ‘Crazy’ formed the only Vitamin C we needed. The world felt more carefree and innocent then, and perhaps it was – but it had its own issues, and were we to return to a more innocent time, we would also be returning to a more ignorant time. With knowledge comes heartbreak and hope, and a little thrill at still being alive.

Come alive, come alive
Come alive, come alive
Dream’s real, it’s alive
Come alive, come on
Come alive, come alive
Come alive, come alive
Come alive, come alive…

SONG #170: ‘Come Alive’ – Summer 2019

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My Brother’s Birthday

Brotherly love is a bond that should remain unbroken, and for my brother and I that has largely proven to be true. We may have our differences – vast and many and sometimes irreconcilable – but we are brothers, and nothing will ever change or alter that. Today is my brother’s birthday – and since he’s the only brother I have (to my knowledge) I hold him a little closer to my heart in spite of any differences. 

Over the years, I’ve seen him change and grow, while doing some changing and growing myself, and we find ourselves having more in common than we may have realized. We also understand our differences a little better, and rather than having them work against us, we are more amenable to accepting them and loving each other. His children and fiancée Landrie have gone a long way toward bringing us closer together as well, and that’s the way it should be

As he embarks upon his next trip around the sun, I wish him the best – Happy Birthday Powie!

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Prepping for a Two-Decade Salute

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ~ George Eliot

This little-website-that-could is celebrating its 20th anniversary this winter, a rather impressive feat when you consider the average lifespan of a personal blog. Its length is not for any popularity or demand, but rather the singular self-focus of yours truly, and the way this has become a daily journal/diary which helps me sort out certain things in a very public fashion. Spilling such tea can be a messy business, but the messier things get, the more interesting they seem to be. 

“He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

This is my playground, where I get to trot out playthings like words and photographs and whatever fancy feather that happens to drift my way. Far more than that, once I started keeping posts and archiving them (rather than simply revamping and erasing a year’s worth of posts, which is what I did for the first ten years or so of this site) this became a way of looking back at the overarching themes and trends of my life – what was working and what continually held me back or caused problems. 

“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.” ~ Dale Carnegie

As my interests developed and changed, so too did the blog posts, and the way I wrote about myself and others. Focus shifted, gradually and gently over time, and while I still feel like the same person I was twenty years ago, in many ways I simply am not. That’s how it should be, and I’ve always been slightly suspicious of anyone who hasn’t exhibited the capacity to change or evolve over time. Adaptation is an essential component of survival. 

“People like this are beautiful storytellers, breaking rules you didn’t even know were there, just so you can see better and maybe be better. Life is so full of rules and so full of predictable routines that one can almost forget that art and life depend on spontaneity. Enter the eccentric.” ~ Andrew O’Hagan

Eccentricity is a term largely used in negative fashion, designed to denigrate behavior that is merely unconventional. We too often associate that which is different with that which is negative, perpetuating the idea of difference as something dangerous.  I don’t consider myself all that different from anyone else, but over the last twenty years I’ve heard many remarks to the contrary, and I’ve leaned into all that is contrary, if only to jolt myself into new ways of thinking.

Having a place to document and notate what my daily life is like, and heightening it for some aspect of entertainment and enjoyment (my own admittedly and selfishly above anyone else’s) has resulted in a space that forces me to face things I might otherwise tamp down or pretend away. Confronting such darker facets of a personality is not something most people enjoy or often employ, and for that I may be a little eccentric. To do so in such public fashion begs the question why, and part of it has been for accountability. Not everyone likes that either.

“That’s what makes a real eccentric: they really mean it, and they’re willing to suffer for it. Their social function is to explode our preconceptions about what beauty is and what good taste means. Eccentrics raise the bar on the impossible… The true eccentric gives us more mystery, more wonder about being human, a new side to beauty, while the faux-eccentric gives us less of everything.” ~ Andrew O’Hagan

As we embark on the 20th year of this website, I’m reminded to embrace my eccentricity, such as it may be, while owning up to my failings and flaws, and using them to better my future actions. I’ve made many mistakes over two decades, and while I usually find a way to learn from them, I also have my moments of refusing to learn. The process continues, the work endures, the journey begins again… 

“They didn’t always get the life they wanted, but they knew how to dream… And maybe that’s the true definition of an eccentric – someone who can’t be slain by what lesser people might say.” ~ Andrew O’Hagan

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Dazzler of the Day: Brenden Sanborn

Having been an admirer of his artwork for years – decades, actually – it gives me supreme pleasure to crown Brenden Sanborn as this Dazzler of the Day. His watercolor work hangs lovingly around the world, and his focus on the male form has garnered him worthy admiration from the usual, and sometimes unexpected, subjects. Beauty transcends labels and genres, and Sanborn’s work stands as testament to the enduring power and appeal of his skills and talent, rather than any specific subject matter. Does it help that he has an eye for taking his subjects and transforming them into something almost always greater than the sum of their parts? Absolutely – and that’s part of his magic. He can take a simple everyday scene and turn it into a moment of transfixing grace through an intricate dance of shadow and light, masterfully guiding a series of deft strokes delivered with delicate acumen. Visit his website here for all that’s in the works, peruse the gorgeous collection he has for sale, and then check out his YouTube page for a glimpse into how it all happens. 

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Madonna’s Silver Anniversary of ‘Light’

The night was dark and breezy, but not too unbearably frigid considering it was only the third day of March. A midnight album release was something for which only one woman could convince me to postpone my bedtime, and there was something special in the air that compelled me forward. Before the instantaneous nature of the internet took off, entertainment news was still being whispered mostly on television and in print, and I got most of my info from the bible of ‘Entertainment Weekly’ or the purple section of USA Today. Still, word had trickled through about Madonna’s ‘Ray of Light’ album, and on its opening release day (night) in America, I stood in a line snaking around the Tower Records that once stood on Newbury Street in Boston. 

Her voice was booming thunderously on the sound system, and as we slowly advanced around the perimeter of the store, the title track came on and I understood that we were experiencing one of the greatest Madonna moments of all time. ‘Ray of Light’ turns 25 this year, and it still stands as her best album to date. While it’s incredibly risky to put a cap and definitive label on anything Madonna-related (she remains a transfixing and newsworthy woman, about to embark on her much-anticipated ‘Celebration Tour’ honoring four decades of music) it looks likely that ‘Ray of Light’ will remain her best album for a while. Its string of singles alone is legendary.

Lead track ‘Frozen’ had taken the world by mystical storm earlier that winter, an electronic ballad that heralded Madonna’s return to the pop throne she had helped craft in the 80’s, while pushing forward the boundaries of what pop music was, and what it might encompass. ‘Frozen’ was unlike anything Madonna had ever sung before, even if heartache and hope were mainstays of all her best music. 

Title track ‘Ray of Light’ could barely be held back as it raced out as the second single. Pounding through the summer of 1998, it sounded a clarion call for pop glory throughout the world and is still one of Madonna’s most beloved bops. That primal squeal of joy at its conclusion is pure heaven. 

The ballads are what ‘Ray of Light’ may be most rightly renowned for – including third single ‘The Power of Goodbye’ which absolutely nails the pop song as a cathartic experience. For all her provocative wizardry, Madonna has been one of my favorite artists because of her knack for making heartache and healing resonant through music. Saying goodbye to someone and surviving is a universal undertaking; Madonna sets it to evocative music here, as she does on the entire ‘Ray of Light’ album, and the results are breathtaking. 

The final official single in the United States was ‘Nothing Really Matters‘, a song that initially paled in comparison to the rest of the album, but has since advanced in my appreciation. At the time, it felt like a throwback to the earlier Madonna, a little light on message and meaning compared to something like the stunning album closer ‘Mer Girl’ but I’ve come to enjoy its pop magic in the ensuing years. Besides, Madonna is as much about celebration as she is about rumination – probably a bit more-so than the ‘Ray of Light’ album might lead one to believe. 

While the album is celebrating its 25th anniversary, it’s worth noting that ‘Ray of Light’ came out about fifteen years after Madonna’s debut. That’s the mark of an artist who is far more than the one-hit… well, now fifty-hit, wonder that many wrote her off to be all those years ago. It’s the mark of an artist in constant evolution, one who is unafraid to try new things and move forward to discover new visions. Most of all, it’s the mark of an artist who has defied the notions of what pop music can be, and what our pop stars can accomplish, and ‘Ray of Light’ remains her most potent and enduring testament to that power. 


  1. Drowned World: Substitute for Love
  2. Swim
  3. Ray of Light
  4. Candy Perfume Girl
  5. Skin
  6. Nothing Really Matters
  7. Sky Fits Heaven 
  8. Shanti/Ashtangi
  9. Frozen
  10. The Power of Goodbye
  11. To Have and Not To Hold
  12. Little Star
  13. Mer Girl

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Shawn Mendes: Shirtless and Shorn

His recent hair-cut made the biggest hair news of the years, as Shawn Mendes just lopped off his signature wavy locks for a swaggering short-do, and, like most things, it becomes him. Here he is showing off the new look, with some shirtless sun shots to remind everyone of what they’ve always loved about him. 

Mendes has appeared here strikingly in posts that celebrated his underwear, his shower, his shirtlessness, and his… everything

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No Joy in this Jello

The last time I made Jello was for a much more celebratory moment, as this post on the ‘Cathedral Windows’ dessert will hopefully illuminate. Today’s jello moment is the result of a stomach bug that has me unable to hold food of any sort, so I made this wobbly batch of strawberry jello to get something fluid-like in my system (I don’t know how much more Pedialyte I can drink at this point). 

Coupled with a few popsicles, this is the food of the sick, which is a land I’ve not had to visit in four years. I did not miss it, and I’m more than ready to leave. It would be so much nicer to make a jello dish of this sort. Happy holiday memories…

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Tea Time Talk

What wonder is a cup of tea. Seems like such a simple thing – water tinted by dried leaves – and yet in that process is all the worth of the world. I often forget how the mundane acts of a morning make for the sustenance of an entire day. Please, join me, and sit for a spell. I’ll put on some music so we don’t even have to worry about conversation.

While a snowstorm swirls outside, let’s keep comfort on the conversation couch, enjoying the calm and quiet and simplicity of a couch. Pull up a blanket if you’d like some extra warmth – ’tis the damn season after all. Sip slowly, hold the warmth in your palm. Tea should be a sensual experience

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Unhappy Ass Wednesday

My own ass is undergoing its own issues as I continue to expel the remnants of the nasty stomach flu that is going around and felling people right and left. To that end, a few other good men will have to step up and show off their assets for this special Ass Wednesday post

Let’s begin with a man whose very name is indicative of his talents: Stuart Reardon. He’s never been shy about turning the other cheek, and it’s only right that he should lead things off here. 

Orlando Bloom gives good peach (and some censored eggplant) in this previous post

Chris Salvatore has already dazzled us twice here and this butt-baring shot reveals why. 

Finally, Nicholas Hoult is tasked with bringing up the rear of this post, and as evidenced in this naked post here he is more than up for the task. Happy Ass Wednesday everybody!

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Afternoon Tulip Light

The time for spring flowers is peeking around the corner, beckoning with every warm breeze, then backing away with threats of snow and ice. The only safe way to handle it is to find a bouquet of market flowers, and let the outside sort itself out as the backdrop to all of the blooms

Here we have a casual bouquet of white and yellow tulips, bending and curving in their whimsical, slightly wayward design. It defies rigid order and traditional bouquet rules, but rules are for fools, and tulips are for tricksters

That’s all I got in me for today. Visit this post from the past for something more meaningful

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Felled for the First Time in Four Years

It has literally been four years since I was phased by illness, thanks to that stretch of masks and social distance. I was happy to keep that going for as long as possible, but a nasty little stomach bug final caught up with me, and as I write this I’m propped up in bed, just seconds away from my next all-liquid bowel movement. 

The bathroom is my church now, the toilet a porcelain throne and altar all-in-one. Unsure of which end may be evacuating first, I do a little dance, make a little twirl, and if my friends could see me now…

At such times, bound to bed and bathroom, my mind wanders and tends to put out just as much crap as my body (such as in this blog post quaintly entitled ‘Holding Onto My Penis For Dear Life’). Hence this stream-of-semi-consciousness

Andy has been dispatched to pick up some popsicles and Pedialyte, and I hastily assembled a pie mold of jello and popped it into the fridge before I went fully down. The last time I downed some Pedialyte I was attempting to stave off a hangover (and it worked!) but I’d rather be here than there any given day

As for the blog schedule here, this bug came at a most inopportune time, as my first burst of promotional packages hyping up this website’s 20th anniversary are set to be delivered this week. Thus, the universe has spoken, and I have been told to slow down and listen, pause and reflect. That’s my usual tone for Lent, so everything is as it should be. 

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