Dazzler of the Day: Will Taylor

Celebrated in this colorful blog feature, Will Taylor has been an inspiration in these parts ever since I first came upon his signature brand of #MakeYouSmileStyle, and the magnificent trappings of his Bright/Bazaar brand and website. Culling and curating from his travels and life experiences, Taylor conjures a vision and lifestyle that he also manages to make affordable and livable, something many style arbiters all too quickly forget. His furniture line is now available on QVC, lending availability to affordability, and merging commerce and style in fabulous fashion. Earning this Dazzler of the Day is just the latest in a long line of accomplishments. It’s also a nod to a person who stands behind his brand with noble intentions and a clear desire to make the world a little better by making us smile a little more. 

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Josie’s Birthday

This fall will mark the 25th anniversary of our friendship, so this birthday post for my friend JoAnn is fraught with a little more import and significance as we are about to celebrate a quarter of a century of life together. The last few years have not been easy for any of us, but in spending time with friends, making journeys and adventures and time for each other, we have sustained a friendship that sees us through the difficult moments. They seem to mount as the years progress, but so does our understanding and appreciation of the time we have together. JoAnn has grown and found her own way, over the past few years especially, and when we gather for a visit, it’s as if we were never apart. That’s the mark of a lasting friendship. 

Happy birthday my friend – we will celebrate again in person soon. Spring is here… summer will follow. Stay fabulous. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Ali Franco

His intro page says it all: “It’s not about my sex, it’s about my nature.”

It’s the artistic nature of Ali Franco that has propelled his work into one of my favorite things on the internet right now. Decadent, slightly devilish, and always gorgeously-rendered, his pieces are the stuff of ribald erotica, embodying elegance with a gleeful edge.

Think of Madonna’s epic 1990 ‘Vogue’ performance in which she enchantingly recreated a very cheeky court of Versailles, only imagine it with an even more potent sexuality. The coquettish cock, if you will. The derriere-baring debutante. Artist and provocateur Ali Franco offers all that and more, and he is our Dazzler of the Day. Check out Ali’s website here. 


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The Surreality of Social Media

Once upon a time before the internet, I chronicled my days and nights in a little Garfield-fronted diary that was a gift for some birthday or holiday. It had a lock on it which I could seldom be bothered to use – what’s the fun or point of a diary without the danger of someone else reading it? Back then, I was too young to have anything of any great import in it, and once I did start spilling family secrets (mostly my own) I ended up destroying it in a fit of rage and fear. It didn’t matter – there would be other diaries and journals and projects that would pick up where Garfield left off, chronicling my thoughts and adventures for an audience of one, unintentionally designing a method of dealing with the encroaching madness of the world. 

Today, we reveal every last detail and secret about ourselves on social media the instant it all happens, baring and daring our minds and bodies in ways that would have felt flagrantly preposterous a few decades ago, even by the standards of the most exhibitionist-leaning among us. I’m as guilty of this as anyone (and probably a lot more than the average person) and I’ve done it all in an effort to chronicle my mundane life to better understand it. That said, there is much I don’t share, and lines that I will not cross. Having grown up in a blessedly-internet-free world, my childhood and young adulthood did not get captured by any entity other than my own written words and printed photographs. The mistakes of my youth remain mostly in my head, and unavailable for research or deep-dives into the past. That gave me a long stretch of time to make life errors without the lasting evidence of online documentation, and, more importantly, to realize the importance of not putting everything on social media. 

I also lived through the first few years of social media growth, and saw how it had the ability to wreak havoc with people. Once you post something online, there’s a good chance that it will be up here forever. The internet is the ultimate paper trail, and it’s almost impossible to eradicate some things at a certain point. My rule-of-thumb on posting things has always been to assume that my mother is going to see and read it (because for the most part she actually does). Luckily, or unluckily for some, I’ve always been shockingly open with my Mom, so I tend to share things that others wouldn’t, but again, anything I post is something I would stand behind for a lifetime to come. 

Maybe I’m getting more prudish in my older years, or maybe this is just the accrual of some missing sense, but when I look at what people are posting these days, I wonder if they’re thinking of the mother test. I also wonder what they will do if one day they have children who have the basic ability to search and find the electronic fingerprints left by their parents. Will they be able to explain what they wrote as an immature 18-year-old on Instagram? If not, I hope they have the wisdom not to post it. The internet is now and forever, and offers little space for regret. 

Having said all that, follow me on Instagram!

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What’s the Date Again?

For all those who have already celebrated today’s date, I give you this mouth-watering image of a chocolate chip cookie. Yes, it’s already halfway gone, perhaps not unlike you, and though I’m not currently having an old-fashioned pot party here myself, absolutely no judgment to those who are. Happy 4/20 everybody! 

(If you want further visual munchies, check out this post. Yum-yum!)

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Dazzler of the Day: Patti Murin

“I excel at buying journals and not writing in them.” ~ Patti Murin

Anyone who so boldly goes there without a dash of shame is a Dazzler of the Day in my book. And so it is that Patti Murin gets her first Dazzler crowning, but that’s not the only reason. Murin originated the role of Princess Anna in the Broadway production of ‘Frozen’ and was a favorite on ‘Chicago Med’. My friend Elizabeth brought her to my attention for this post (shout out for that!) Bonus points: she’s a Taylor Swift fan too

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Women’s Empowerment According to My Niece

Never one to miss out on a slight (though she can somehow miss repeated direct texts asking about specific plans) Emi Lu noticed that there was not a picture of her with her lacrosse stick in this post, where her brother Noah did appear. To make up for that, we took a few photos this past Sunday, where she schooled me on “Women’s Empowerment” before revealing her plans to marry several rich men who would also somehow mysteriously disappear, leaving her available for the next one. 

The kids today are so much more advanced than I was at their age. 

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Lilliputian Beauties

These Lilliputian flowers were on display at a nearby nursery, bravely standing up to the chilly air and rain rolling through the area, and doing their best to give cheery countenance to onlookers such as myself. Like pansies, these beauties make for a lovely start to the season, though I don’t dare indulge in planting anything until a few more weeks pass and we are past the frost-free date (usually the first week of May in these parts). Still, I enjoy seeing them elsewhere, and I’m giving a couple to you in this post. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Noam Ash

A belated birthday gift of sorts, this Dazzler of the Day goes out to Noam Ash, who recently celebrated his anniversary on earth. A graduate of Tufts University, Ash has been an actor, writer, producer, creator and storyteller, channeling a charming and often-comedic take on the world into work that is both funny and occasionally provocative, as witnessed by the glory that is ‘My Gay Roommate’. 

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Pink or Green: Which Witch Are You?

A first glimpse of the movie adaptation of the Broadway musical ‘Wicked’ (itself a rather poor appropriation of the vastly more impressive original novel by Gregory Maguire) has given me hope that the latest iteration of the witches of Oz skews more darkly true to its source material.  With Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba (the titular ‘Wicked‘ Witch of the West) and Ariana Grande as Galinda (which she early-on shortens to Glinda in supposed honor of a Goat) this two-part movie, directed by Jon Chu, has a lot of expectations and hopes attached to its bubbles and brooms, and all I’m doing is crossing my fingers and wishing for the best. The early peeks seen here have given me cause for muted excitement. 

Back when the musical premiered in 2003, starring Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, I was decidedly more Team Glinda than Team Elphaba. My tastes veered determinedly toward the pink, and my obsessions were whatever was pretty and frivolous: the more sparkly and flashy, the better. I had no time or desire to investigate the world of politics, or the people around me, or anything other than matching my underwear to my socks. That’s how Glinda starts out too, and when she sings about being ‘Popular’, she was singing about all that inspired me in the most superficial and silly of ways. Twenty years ago, Glinda was my muse. Ten years ago, she remained such, with her deft way around a star-studded wand and nifty knack for pulling off a tiara. She’d been wounded in love too, as the trajectory of the story goes, and we had that in common, and I understood that being seen as someone who has their shit so fabulously together comes with its own exacting price. 

A few years ago, I felt a subtle shift, as the world as we all knew it began to crumble and reassemble itself in miraculously devastating ways. I wondered at the time if I wasn’t turning the tiniest bit green, turning toward the darker and more serious territory that Elphaba so nobly embraced. For the first time, I felt more like defying gravity than being popular, and that was a profound change. 

When these first looks at the movie were released, I found myself wondering for whom I felt more of affinity two decades later. Elphaba surely was the more overtly noble and courageous of the two, lending her the distinct air of import and earnestness. It’s who I wished I had been from the beginning, and it’s who I attempt to be on my best days now. But Elphaba’s journey, while full of twists and turns, is more or less linear as far as who she is and who she turns out to be. Defiant and brave and strong from the beginning, she carries that through to the very end. 

Glinda, on the other hand, starts out literally in her own little bubble: self-obsessed and self-centered, she thinks she is on some yellow brick road to happiness on which she is the shining pink star, until she meets other people who aren’t as impressed by her dress or lineage or beauty. When challenged by those who are different from her, she fights and strains and grows under the chaff. Her journey is one of evolution and change, and as she becomes more aware of other people, and how she might help or hurt them, she begins to seek a greater purpose and greater good for her life. That journey is both more dynamic and subtle than Elphaba’s, much of it taking place within rather than announced in full-screech perched atop a flying broom. Glinda may get all the gazes but Elphaba gets all the glory, and the world was unfair to both of them.

And so, if asked whether I like pink or green these days, my heart still leans pink

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A Peachy Fizzy Thing to Lift the Spirits

After a few gloriously sunny, 80-degree pool days last week, the past Monday and Tuesday of gloom and doom had my household feeling dour and sour, so I did what once brought false cheer to any surroundings: made myself a drink. 

Whereas the cheer was brought about in the past through the addition of alcohol, today my spirits were lifted by the charming little libation you see before you – a basic peach spritzer, bereft of all booze and absolutely absent of all alcohol. My how times have changed

This simple concoction was made possible by all the non-alcoholic options out there now that were nowhere to be found twenty years ago when I was in my drinking prime. Back then the notion of a mocktail was decidedly unpopular, if you could manage to find one at all. These days there are so many flavored seltzers and mixers and waters that the alternatives to alcohol outnumber the liquor itself, and most decent drinking establishments have more than a few non-alcoholic options. Hell, there are even bars that don’t offer any booze at all. It’s a brave new world, and I’m here for it. 

As for this pretty little cup of peach fizz, it’s one part peach margarita mix (which is available with hardly any sugar or calories) and one part peach/pear seltzer, equally void of calories and sugar. Normally I’d garnish with a thin but obnoxious slice of peach in entirely unnecessary excess, but on this gray night on top of two gray days, I had neither the time nor the effort to make that trip to the market. Happily, this manages to be just as refreshing without the fruit. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Bruce Springsteen

True legends are exquisitely rare, and only exist after decades of proving themselves durable and relevant through the changing times. Bruce Springsteen is easily one of those legends, having executed success and artistic growth in a career spanning five decades and counting. For some of us of a certain age, Bruce will always be the New Jersey hometown American hero,  a fellow every-man who was ‘Born in the ‘U.S.A’ but also realizes all the baggage that comes from it. That he’s taken his immense platform to boldly and brazenly stand on the right side of history is testament to where his heart has always been. A champion for all people, Springsteen has made his art into a rich commentary on humanity, and for that he earns this Dazzler of the Day. Check out his current tour dates at his website here

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Rode Hard and Put Away Wet

Bruises, scrapes, cuts, sunburn and a blister line the outer layer of skin on my hands and arms. Above my knee, a patch of soreness aches from where I broke bunches of stiff stalks. And inside, muscles I haven’t exercised since the last spring clean-out groan with hurt and unaccustomed exercise.  This is an exquisite pain though, one that comes from a week of working outside and performing the physical acts of cleaning the yard and filling forty lawn bags with the remnants of another winter’s wreckage.

The cleaning goes a little slower these days. At 47 years of age, the body doesn’t allow for such brutality and relentless drive. I’ve thrown out my back in years past by not being careful with how I bent down for hydrangea pruning, and I’ve ruined the first week of sunny weather by not guarding against a nasty sunburn. Having learned these lessons the hard way, I know now to be more careful with how I move (bend at the knees and squat, and never make a right angle by bending forward) and how I protect myself (long-sleeved shirts no matter how hot, to protect from sun and scratches). 

Even with such precautions, there are war-wounds, but all the aches and bruises make me feel like I’ve done a good day of work. The exhaustion makes for a good night of sleep. And the exertions make for a nice start to the summer to come

Prior to this one, every year I would think of taking a before and after photo of the clump of fountain grass – a full clump of thick, bamboo-like reeds that is nine feet high and just as wide – and this year I finally did the modern day version of it in time-lapse GIF format. It was so much harder than it looks.

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Dazzler of the Day: Miley Cyrus

Anyone who survived child-stardom and a Disney series while forging a career as an adult in the entertainment industry deserves praise and honor simply for making it through that wilderness. Show business may run in the blood of Miley Cyrus, but her climb to the realm of pop culture royalty was accomplished with a hefty amount of grit, determination, and raw talent. She’s a modern-day Madonna thanks to her knack for courting controversy at just the right moments, and seeing it through to the next phase of her career. Seeing her embrace sobriety is a boon to celebration her music, including the recent super-smash ‘Flowers‘ from her latest album ‘Endless Summer Vacation’ which sounds like the perfect soundtrack to the sunny season. This marks her first Dazzler of the Day crowning.

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A Recap Redolent of Summer

Andy and I have spent the past four days giddily indulging in 85-degree pool water, after one of the earliest and easiest pool-openings in years. If it rains the rest of the week (and I think it may) these past few days will all have been worth it. We both feel restored and rejuvenated, and the promise of summer has set our home into seasonal motion. On with the recap!

When mindfulness arrives while hovering over the toilet.

Tom Ford’s black lace gambit.

The madness of making an oboe reed.

A gratuitous Maluma thirst-trap.

Dirty beauty.

Easter hilarity.

Spring dreaming beautiful.

A very naked pool day.

Breaking the hump of April.

A simple life.

A Tom Ford anniversary possibility.

Dazzlers of the Day included Daquetta Jones, Carole King, Brandon Kyle Goodman, Hayden Joseph, Adam Lambert, and Tyler Oakley.

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