The Search for the Elusive Himalayan Blue Poppy

I happened to catch a photo of Longwood Gardens on FaceBook the other day, and it inspired notions of making a pilgrimage to Pennsylvania next winter or spring to find my long-sought-after dream plant, the Blue Himalayan Poppy (Meconopsis).

The quest to see a specimen of Meconopsis has been quietly burning for years, inspired by a book on finding the elusive Shangri-la in Tibet. After realizing that flying to the Himalayan mountains just to see a blue poppy was perhaps too crazy and extreme even for me, I did a little research and found that there were several stands of blue poppies growing in Canada. That was still about ten hours away, and the blooming period ranged from anytime in July to August- and if I happened to miss it, it wasn’t  another trip we could easily make the following weekend.

When I looked on the website for Longwood Gardens, however, I saw that they had a featured list of plants in bloom according to date – and one of them was the Himalayan blue poppy. You cannot imagine my excitement when I realized this dream was within a few hours’ grasp.

Would I travel the world just to find a flower? I would do more than that, and love every moment of it. The mind can travel without setting foot in a car or a plane, and seeking the Himalayan blue poppy had taken me around the world ~ now it’s time for the eye to travel, to seek beauty in the land of Penn’s woods… Sometimes one need not look any further than one’s own backyard. (Or at least a neighboring state.)

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Lunchtime Companion

This little squirrel decided to share a lunch-break with me as I sat at the counter in Stacks earlier this week, drinking my decaf Americano and nibbling a cookie. He or she or they munched on a peanut left for their friends in a nearby park. Not mad about this sort of company. Peaceable companions are the best

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Dazzler of the Day: Josh Sundquist

This Dazzler of the Day thrills on so many levels it’s impossible to fully encapsulate all the superlatives his life’s journey has earned, so I’m turning to his magnificent website for all the reasons Josh Sundquist is so amazing:

Josh Sundquist is a motivational speaker who has inspired audiences across the world. His speeches blend humor and heartfelt storytelling to inspire people to discover their 1MT1MT (One More Thing, One More Time). Josh is an in-demand keynote speaker for conferences of salespeople, leaders, and other professionals. 

Josh’s first memoir, Just Don’t Fall, was a National Bestseller and the inspiration for the Apple TV+ series Best Foot Forward. His second memoir, about his adolescent dating disasters, was We Should Hang Out Sometime. Love and First Sight was his debut YA novel. Semi-Famous explores fame and mental health.

At age nine, Josh was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer and given a fifty percent chance to live. He spent a year on chemotherapy treatments and his left leg was amputated. Doctors declared Josh cured of the disease at age thirteen and he took up ski racing three years later.

After years of training, Josh was named to the 2006 U.S. Paralympic Ski Team for the 2006 Paralympics in Turino, Italy. Josh has since represented the United States in international competition as a member of the U.S. Amputee Soccer Team.

Josh’s internet videos have over one billion views and he has four-million followers across his social media profiles. He’s best known for his viral photos, especially his Halloween costumes. People Magazine named him to the 2017 “Social Media Power List.” As a social media influencer, he’s worked with brands like Chase, Chevy, Dairy Queen, AT&T, and Michelob Ultra

Josh is a Celebrity Ambassador for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and makes regular appearances at events and in the media to raise money for children’s hospitals across the country. He has been featured on the back of Doritos bags (specifically, Spicy Nacho flavor) for his work on behalf of amputees. Josh grew up in Virginia. He graduated from The College of William and Mary and later received a Master’s in Communications from the University of Southern California. Today, he lives with his wife Ashley and their dog Mushu near the beach in California. Josh and Ashley enjoy watching magic shows and visiting very old things in foreign countries.

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Back in Retro

This time around I felt it before I confirmed or knew about it. There was an uneasiness in the air, a slight shift of the spring trajectory we had been on, and when it finally came across someone’s FaceBook feed it was almost a relief to see it. Mercury is in retrograde. A relief, and then a worry, and then something in-between.

Sitting down for a daily meditation, I watched as the wind brushed through the thuja hedge, touching on the Japanese umbrella pine before scuttling out of sight. A spell of rain began soon thereafter, and the chill in the air signaled we had not yet crossed the frost-free date in upstate New York (last time I checked that happened the first week of May). 

Now that I know Mercury is in retrograde, I can relax a bit, and lean into the mayhem and mishaps to come. It’s a more peaceable way of dealing with life in general, a reminder that when we roll with the punches it’s sometimes easier than going against the flow. 

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A Dandy Shift in Perspective

The bane of lawn purists around the world, this little dandelion is too often seen as a pesky weed, but if they were less hardy, less common, and less unrefined they’d be cherished as garden plants. It’s all a matter of perspective, and a shift in the way we view the world is always a healthy exercise. 

The flowers themselves are radial works of sunshine and wonder, their seed-heads the stuff of childhood whimsy and wishes. The jagged leaves are handsome in my eyes, but I like a leaf that looks like it could bite. When you learn to appreciate something like the dandelion, life is so much sunnier at every step. 

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Dazzler of the Day: DB Woodside

Officially announced as the Commencement Speaker for this year’s SUNY at Albany’s graduation ceremony, DB Woodside has a formidable entertainment portfolio that goes back to the 90’s. As an actor and director, he has appeared in ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, ‘Single Ladies’, ‘ Parenthood’, ‘Lucifer’, ’24’ and ‘The Night Agent’. SUNY’s commencement speech will bring him back to his alma mater (he earned his BA from SUNY and a Master’s degree from the Yale School of Drama) and this earns him a Dazzler of the Day crowning. 

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Sunday Family Dinner

Some posts don’t need any words. 

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Sephora: Out of Stock, Out of Honor

Having been a loyal customer of Sephora for well over a decade, I frequently made use of their semi-annual sales for their loyalty customers, the latest of which took place from April 14-24. I’d been eyeing the new Tom Ford ‘Soleil de Feu’ which was auspiciously released a few weeks ago, and on the first day of the sale I went to make use of it, only to find out the item was suddenly ‘Out of Stock’. I clicked on the ‘Notify me when available’ option in the hope that it might be online again before the sale ended. 

Yesterday the sale ended at midnight, and this morning I got notification that the item I wanted was suddenly back in stock. This was the same thing that happened a while ago on a previous Sephora sale, which came and went without me being able to order the item I wanted. I reached out to the Sephora help chat and was told they cannot honor the sale on out of stock items. Strange how the timing worked out for this again. It’s left a sour taste in my mouth for continuing to patronize the company. I can find discounts on cologne more regularly, and more consistently, at fancier department stores, with more decent treatment for loyal customers, so perhaps that will be where I go next…

For now, Sephora, I’m disappointed with the poor customer service, and this is the second time your loyalty sale has proven unusable.

UPDATE: After several e-mails and this blog post, someone from Customer Service go tin touch and told me they would discount me 20% for this purchase. When I plugged the code in it rang up for 10% but rather than push it I took it, and modified this post. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Michael Bevan

Based in New York City, Michael Bevan has been taking the entire online world by storm with excerpts of his wildly funny show making the Instagram rounds. More than that, he’s an accomplished comedian and performer as outlined on his website here. This marks his first crowning as Dazzler of the Day thanks to all the smiles he provides at a time when we all need to laugh a little more. Check him out at one of his Club Cumming shows if you’re in the city. 

Michael Bevan is a comedian, writer, and actor based in NYC. He’s a Virgo from Houston, just like Beyoncé. He studied with the Atlantic Acting Studio, Stonestreet Studios. Michael’s work has been featured in The New York Comedy Festival, Funny or Die, and Snap. Michael has performed all over NYC including The Comedy Cellar, The Slipper Room, and Broadway Comedy Club. In addition to acting for the screen and stage, he LOVES doing his monthly variety show, The Michael Bevan Show, exclusively at the acclaimed Club Cumming. Michael is a media titan paving the way for innovative new comedy with hit viral videos such as 37 Questions with Flower, which was a Funny or Die feature, A Tour With Cartor, and Adobe advertising for TikTok. He graduated from New York University with a degree in Theatre.

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Filler Diller

One of the lessons I learned early on in the 20-years-and-counting run of this website was that not every blog post can or should be profoundly moving or earth-shattering. A good blogger is lucky if they manage that feat once a month – though I did aim for at least one epic post per week, a dream that I still don’t usually manage to achieve, but it’s inspiring to have a goal. In between the big events were the filler posts – the ones that sustained anyone’s need for a daily fix of the nonsense they may have come to expect from my inane ass. These were the posts that largely became the driving force of a blog – the day-to-day doldrums that dropped a few fun hints of drama or tragedy or hilarity that life threw at all of us. Taken together they form the voice you are hearing now – the one that often represents the unguarded and unedited version of myself, of the voice that runs throughout my brain during every waking moment of the day.

This inner-narrative finds expression in a public way that’s clearly not for everyone, but it has been a boon to my mental state in allowing me to vent and release whatever is on my mind. Sometimes simply getting a thought down on electronic paper is enough to acknowledge it and let it pass without much trouble. Too often the main problems in life are caused by bottling them up and keeping them to ourselves. There is greater strength in letting them out and expressing oneself, even if it leaves you out here alone, vulnerable and bare for all the world to see. 

So here’s to the filler posts, and to everyone who gets through an average Tuesday. There is glory in all of it. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Brad Bradley

One of my most enjoyable Broadway experiences was getting to see the original production of ‘Steel Pier’ when it first opened in 1997. Aside from the ferocious appearance of Debra Monk and the broadway debut of a powerhouse sprite named Kristin Chenoweth, it also marked the first Broadway show for Brad Bradley. What I remember most of that show was the incredible troupe of dancers, and how I marveled at what they were doing on that stage – physically defying the limits of the human body for every show – emblematic of the dance competition at the heart of the production. Brad Bradley played Buddy Becker and Mr. Peanut, gamely dancing his way into the heart of every audience. Since then he’s kept going, one long dance of a theatrical journey that has tread throughout Broadway, television, and film. Check out his website here for further evidence of his brilliance. Today he is the Dazzler of the Day for thrilling me all those years ago in ‘Steel Pier’. 

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A Blue Monday Recap

Such a dreary start to the week gets reshuffled with these charming columbine pics, and a recap of what ended up being a caffeine-fueled rollercoaster of delights and bedevilment. We shall wait no further time getting back into it

Rode hard and put away wet – the way I always feel in the glorious spring. 

A peachy fizzy thing to lift the spirits

Pink or green: which witch would you be?

Lilliputian beauties defying their stature.

Women’s empowerment according to my niece. I believe the children are our future – teach them well and let them lead the way. 

My visual contribution to the week of 4/20.

The surreality of social media.

A dear friend celebrates her birthday – you remember JoAnn!

This caffeine-and-sugar-fueled Saturday night experience was documented in real time on the blog, and it was a shit show. 

Carving out a simple safe space no matter where you are.

Last night was complicated.

Dazzlers of the Day sparkled through the likes of Miley Cyrus, Bruce Springsteen, Noam Ash, Patti Murin, Ali Franco and Will Taylor

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Last Night Was Complicated

For those of you unlucky enough to be texted or involved in last night’s caffeine/sugar high and ensuing antics, you know how definitively why I do not do well with caffeine. It was a mad scene, sparked by an inhalation of boba tea at at 8:30 at night, after I just proclaimed to abhor the stuff. Apparently I love it and it’s my new crack. Next time I’ll go the matcha route because anything with a black tea base is proving to be too much for my delicate constitution to handle. Grab a bowl of popcorn and see last night’s live blog post for how it all went down. Maybe the next installment of live blogging will be me taking an edible and seeing what transpires. Won’t you be sorry then?

Somehow, I still managed to get up at a reasonable hour to pick up cider doughnuts for my parents. On such a rainy Sunday morning I felt no guilt retuning to the house to do much of nothing. I may get brave and throw out some sweet pea seeds just to get them into the soil before it turns too warm. I’ll wait to plant the cucumbers on the first of May, doffing clothing completely and partaking in the old custom of a young man planting them naked at midnight for best results. (A bit of a reversal of history, as this new custom will feature an old man doing it all, but I digress…)

A spell of music then, for a rainy Sunday. Languid, tranquil, easygoing music to slow the trudge toward Monday. Music tailor-made for a rainy afternoon, that tugs at the heart just a little, and in just the best possible way, sounding off a reassuring melancholy that the human spirit was made to endure and embrace. It will see us into the night, as the rain tapers off, and spring continues weaving her seductive spell. 

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A Most Simple Safe Space

Every last one of us has been (and is still going) through an incredibly traumatic event, one that has at times made it feel like there are no safe spaces left: a worldwide pandemic. Whether or not we have collectively acknowledged and reconciled this is the stuff for future historians to figure out. My guess is we haven’t even begun to come close, as it’s still going on, but the world moves forward regardless, too selfish and stuck in its ways to do otherwise. To that end, some of us have had to devise ways of dealing with the stresses and worries that accompany the seismic changes at work now, and I’m thankful that for me one of the coping mechanisms has been meditation. 

The beauty of meditation is that it can be done anywhere, at any time, in almost any format that works best for the practitioner. You can do it first thing in the morning, or last thing at night, or on a quick ten-minute work break in the middle of an office day. Once you learn to access a form of mindfulness, meditation becomes a valuable and integral tool in coping with a world that has, for most intents and purposes, seemingly gone mad. 

As a tried and true Virgo, I appreciate a more rigid and defined schedule, opting to engage in my twenty-minute daily meditation right after I finish the work-day – when working from home it affords a demarcation that divides work from home, and allows a full decompression from any tension that has built-up in a work-day. This method has been in place for a solid three-plus years, which has given me practice in understanding how it works. The moment I start the deep breathing I can feel my body and mind relax, and I immediately begin to inhabit the present moment, eradicating worrisome thoughts and the meddlesome wandering of the mind. 

During periods of stress or anxiety, I can usually start the deep breathing exercises, and more often than not it will take a bit of the edge off of whatever is going on at the moment. If I’m in a place where I can get away for a few minutes, that brief moment of mindfulness bordering on meditation becomes a safe space – a space I can conjure in more circumstances than I once thought possible. 

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Join Me on This Bubble Tea Journey… LIVE!

People have been trying to get me to try bubble tea for years – and I thought I might have on an excursion with Kira in Cambridge years ago – God how we miss Kira – but it apparently made little to no impression on me other than I wasn’t a huge fan. Oh Lord my head is spinning! Wait now… 

Ok – here’s the sitch: I do NOT do well on caffeine. It hypes me up too much, I feel like my heart is exploding and I’m jittery and talk-a-mile-a-minute even if we should be moving into the metric system, and apparently there is tea in bubble tea which, DUH, maybe I should have thought about but didn’t. So I am going to live-blog this mofo night in our house while the rain and wind rages! Join me! ALL NIGHT LONG, like Lionel… not that Lionel, the Richie one. Check back for more updates! 

8:25 PM – I slurped up the final beads of a Coconut Bubble Tea, with traditional BOBA, because this is only my second time at the Bubble Tea house and I went with what felt like I should be saying when the woman taking my order started peppering me with questions. Andy and I ran an errand after I got it, but I left the tea in the cup holder because I’m not allowed to have liquids in his car anymore (though I only ever remember crumbing a chocolate chip cookie in his car in the early days of our relationship). At about 8:26 PM it suddenly dawned on me that – WAIT – is there caffeine in bubble tea?!?

8:27 PM – I panic-texted a few friends who had mentioned the bubble tea to me in previous incarnations of our time here on earth.

8:29 PM – Time to heat up the carnitas!

8:30 PM – My spirit animal is the first to respond (I just saw her in Boston!) and she was all “HAHAHA” and then “My friends were next to me when I got this and I got a chorus of ‘I love your uncle.'”

8:32 PM – More reports coming in that bubble tea is tea and may have caffeine in it. I’m befuddled. It looks perfectly cream-colored with nary a tint of tea. 

8:57 PM – Andy banishes me to the attic for the rest of the night. Like I can’t FUCK SHIT UP from this lofty vantage point! HA!!! I’m going Michael Flatley on these wooden floors! Lord of the Irish Jig! Where my clogs at?!

9:13 PM – Mia chimes in to my caffeine SOS: “God help you. God help us all. Take cover and sleep it off.”

9:24 PM – Oh fuck, I forgot the carnitas in the microwave! No wonder it was beeping every five minutes. I have become adept at ignoring the BEEPS. 

9:28 PM – Let me add some links to this page. I love links! Click on all the links I am going to create for you! 

9:31 PM – Oh fuck, I forgot the carnitas again! What is the post of the dumb BEEPS if no one is going to listen to them? 

9:32 PM – Too many messages are coming in from everywhere and I’ve bitten off more boba beads than I can chew. I need the carnitas. Let me dine in peace! It is not good to eat so late. 

9:35 PMClick on this link now. Remember the old Atari 400 Computer when we would write little lines of code. Line 10 would be ‘Make a colorful line’ and then Line 20 would be ‘Go to Line 10’ and then a loop of colorful lines would appear when it ran! This is like that. Go to Line 10

9:39 PM – Please allow me to remember and enjoy a carnitas bowl that has been in the microwave for God knows nobody’s business. 

9:41 PM – Adding a carnitas link!

9:41 PM – Does anyone click the links? I do hope so – links are life! They connect the present with the past. We just watched ‘Grey Gardens’ again today. It’s very difficult to keep the line between the present and the past. Very difficult. 

9:50 PM – Carnitas break! For real this time! Back in a bit! Maybe not! Shouldn’t be live blogging. This is why. 

10:00 PM – All glory and honor to the almighty ‘American Life’ album, celebrating its 20th anniversary! Just like us!

10:02 PM – Caffeine may be fading, but it’s still bringing out the exclamation points

10:13 PM – When you don’t know how to end it: Miss Vanjie… Miss Vanjie… Miss Vanjie… 

10:14 PMTaking a shower! 

10:54 PM – Guess who’s back? Tell a friend! 

10:55 PM – Before I start the entire series of ‘Mad Men’ again, a few thoughts that came to me while showering. Most of my best blog post ideas, if any have been decent, come to me when I’m in the shower. That’s when I’ll come up with the perfect turn of phrase or cadence of words for something, and of course there is nowhere to write it other than on the shower door which the steam soon erases anyway so we need to devise some sort of writing mechanism that is water-proof – maybe mascara – for just such an instance. There, now, it’s gone from my head. This should have been brilliant. But now only the faded echoes of brilliance, which is just dullness, remain. Caffeine gives me the jitters and run-on sentences. 

11:07 PM ‘Mad Men’ has been chosen as the (Godwilling/fingers-crossed/Sweet Baby Jesus) wind-down for this journey because it has always held a sort of Zen-like atmosphere. Maybe it’s the intricate period detail, or the slow and methodical character development, or the delicate unfurling of all that cigarette smoke – whatever the case, it’s a calming show for me, and at this particular moment of all the particular moments, I want for a calming influence. (I’ve also had a big-ass glass of water so once the caffeine gets diluted I’ll be able to fall asleep and probably wet the bed.)

11:21 PM – Here to make this post extra linkalicious for you. FOR ALL OF YOU!!! ALL FUCKING FOUR OF YOU!!!!

11:28 PM – Is this thing on? 

11:30 PM – To quote ‘Parade’, “This is not over yet!” I will speak for you Leo!!!

11:31 PM – Nope.

12:56 AM – Attempting sleep now. Pray that this long national nightmare is over. 

1:01 AM – Let me just check Instagram for a sec as I’ve already done the Wordle of the day. 

1:02 AM – Do I need a colorful fan wreath? It’s a wreath made out of colorful fans. 

1:03 AM – Maybe I will sleep better in the bedroom. 

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