Dazzler of the Day: Nicholas Galitzine

Along with his co-star Taylor Zakhar Perez in ‘Red, White and Blue’, Nicholas Galitzine forms an integral part of the combustible chemistry and acting prowess that makes a typical rom-com (with a gay spin) into something so much more. As Prince Henry, Galitzine’s stoically-tortured and ultimately transformative role grounds the film with the necessary pathos to make us invest in these characters and care about how they will navigate their lives. His charisma was in evidence in previous occasionally-princely roles in ‘Cinderella’, ‘Bottoms’ and ‘Purple Hearts’. A star clearly on the rise, he will next show up in ‘The Idea of You’. This marks his first and likely not last appearance as Dazzler of the Day

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Starting Again

The immediate aftermath of a birthday – even the most uneventful and downplayed of birthdays – can feel strikingly quiet and still. The idea of starting another year on earth gets more daunting the older I get. Maybe I’m simply more tired after doing this for 47 years. Maybe birthdays seem less celebratory and more worrisome with each passing journey around the sun; the world has certainly not gotten any easier or more enjoyable, even if my perspective and coping has evolved and advanced. Maybe I’m slowly coming to realize that a birthday is simply another day, and that birth and death are not finite beginnings and endings, but rather a continuation of some greater arc of existence. The mind struggles with such an idea, barely able to wrap itself around the notion. That’s a sizable shift in the way I’ve viewed our place in the world, and how I’ve categorized things in my head. I want to have a better grasp on it, a more stable handle on what it all means, but I’m not there yet.

I fear I’m not even close. 

And so I pause, stepping into the summer light, studying the plants and flowers and leaves in the backyard, traversing the well-worn path I usually take, trying to find some new meaning, or some old meaning I may have missed in all these days and seasons and years. Approaching half a century of life on this earth, I allow myself an indulgent moment of weakness, a little bit of rest, especially as that long-ago feeling of wanting to sink down into the earth has been hinting at a return. It’s nothing I don’t think I can handle, but I want to be careful – that’s always when the universe doles out its vicious reminder that none of us are really in command, none of us are in control. 

It is at such times I try to remember to act like some long-stemmed water plant rooted at the bottom of a riverbed, my feet stuck and bound beneath smooth stones, my limbs flowing freely and undulating with the current. Letting go and floating freely, secure in my little foothold on this earth, yet allowing the flow of life to go around and through me. The waters make turn wild and icy, murky and muddy, clear and crystalline, warm and womb-like – and still I remain in place, allowing them to move over me, giving myself over to whatever the water may carry in passing. 

A day passes. A week passes. A year passes. Another birthday is done, another one may come. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Taylor Zakhar Perez

The first rom-com I’ve watched in the last twenty years or so was ‘Bros’ because certain people said it was worth the watch, and was reportedly the groundbreaking gay rom-com we’d all been waiting for. First of all, I’ve never been waiting for a romantic-comedy – not one of that genre of film has made it onto my top fifty movies. Second, I thought ‘Bros’ kind of sucked. My focus shifted from the lap-top to anything else in the room repeatedly, and I don’t even remember the ending. Did the boy get the boy? Was there a happily ever-after? Did it even matter?

When ‘Red, White and Royal Blue’ was announced as a film, I raised a weary eye-brow and waited for the reception. I’d read the book last summer and enjoyed it on its escapist level, but I didn’t have faith in the rom-com-on-film formula. Perhaps it was the need for something light and fluffy, or the earnest, idealistic tone the film genuinely adopts, or the engaging portrayals of its two handsome leads – and probably because of all of those items I enjoyed it immensely. In fact, it’s led to the start of a dazzling pairing of Dazzlers of the Day, beginning with Taylor Zakhar Perez, who plays the American President’s son. Perez has been wowing audiences for years, in such work as ‘The Kissing Booth’ trilogy and ‘Minx’. Primed for a turn as the next-big-thing, he earns his first Dazzler of the Day crowning here. 

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“Practicing mindfulness, we start to become more aware of our pain; however, we may not yet be strong enough to transform it. To have the strength to fully face and embrace our pain, it is important that we stay in touch with the many wonderful and refreshing things that are both inside us and all around us – the trees, the blue sky, the eyes of a child, the setting sun. We need to have a strong foundation in order to be strong enough to bear our suffering. When we are calm and stable, when we have cultivated enough peace and joy, then we can bear to look at our suffering. Just as a surgeon may judge a patient too weak to undergo surgery and recommend that the patient first get some rest and nourishment to build up their strength so they can survive the surgery, we need to strengthen our foundation of joy and happiness before focusing on our suffering.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

More words of wisdom in dealing with loss, and perhaps not as helpful for someone who’s new to the meditation process; I lucked out in that I’ve been building precisely this sort of foundation for the past several years – it’s difficult to imagine how I would begin such an enterprise after a major loss. Back in July, on a trip to New York that now feels worlds away, Chris and I were matter-of-factly discussing how I was preparing for Dad’s death – something that at the time I had only started to even be able to put into words. I had explained my gratitude that meditation had become a daily, and integral, part of my life, and that it formed a calmer base that allowed for more difficult moments to come and go without drastic destruction. Indicating that I hoped to use that space and time to be able to deal with the impending loss, I didn’t realize the true test was so close.

Happily, I’ve been able to continue my daily meditation practice, and in those moments I find the peace and calm that somehow still allows for acknowledgment of pain and loss while transforming it into something bearable. Whether I feel it or not, on some level I am aware that I am doing ok, and maybe a little bit better than I thought I’d be. Still, grief is a tricky thing, and it sneaks in at the most unexpected and often-inopportune moments. It can immediately mar what was otherwise a pleasant stroll at lunch, or strike in the instant that a friend is showing kindness. A simple tap at the heart suddenly has the potential to open a floodgate of tears. In that sense, things are still very raw and tender. Healing will be a long process, but at least we’ve begun.  

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August Enchanting

Part of me has been wishing August away as quickly as possible. 

You might too if you’d had the August I’ve had.

Part of me wishes there was more than this last week left. 

For all the awfulness that this particular August has provided, there has also been beauty – a beauty and tumultuous abandon that have acted as a balm upon the bruised heart. For every ravaging storm, there was a sunny day of respite that followed, for every bit of disenchantment, a revelation of hidden magic. Summer carries its own reserve of illusory coping mechanisms. Mounted insecurely on the whims of some fluffy seed-head, it scatters its hope for the future on the crest of the wind, riding the air like some salty sea wave. 

Last night, the rains moved back in, and it felt like a stormy fall night. We had a quiet dinner with Mom, and we took a moment to take in the fact that this was my first birthday without Dad. The beginning of a year of such firsts, and it felt a little daunting. We got through it together, and as we shared some birthday dessert back at Mom’s new home, it felt warm and cozy, like Dad was still protecting and guiding us.

That’s what will see us through the next year of firsts. 

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A Birthday Suit Look Back

The birthday suits provided in this post are those of the naked-ass florals you see blooming and showing off below. All other male nudity will be found in the links provided throughout the following post. My naked body is not ready for its close-up, Mr. DeMille, and quite frankly I’m not in a particularly exhibitionist mood – save that for the fall when there’s a bite in the air

On this birthday, I rose for work early, but before signing on to the computer, before brewing a cup of tea, and before opening any birthday cards, I padded quietly out to the backyard and sat beside the garden. A hummingbird had caught my eye, bouncing about the salvia, and as I approached it flitted off to the nearby dogwood tree, where it perched and looked down at me, perhaps annoyingly wondering why I had disturbed its breakfast. I sat still and silently, hoping it would return, but eventually it flew away. 

After a while, a few finches alighted on the cup plant, my stillness indicating safety, my quiet indicating no overt threat. They chirped and set the bright yellow flowers swaying gently in the air. Higher overhead, a blue jay soared to the evergreens across the street, while a cardinal just barely its presence known with some rustling on the edge of the roof. 

And so begins my 48th year on earth – in stillness, on a shadowless and slightly-overcast morning, attended to by birds and flowers, and feeling the grounding pull of the earth beneath me. It is its own sort of meditation, a reverence and honoring of the land to which we will all one day return. Nearby, healthy bushes of rosemary and sage are ripe and ready for the harvest – they will become part of some white bean dip, or be boiled in butter lending flavor to a lovely piece of sea bass wrapped in prosciutto, and they will become part of me – the land offering its part of sustenance, and knowing that one day I will be back as part of the land, my body rotted out or burned to ashes and given once more to the earth, ready for the minerals and broken-down components of my physical being to become just another stage of the cycle. We are all a part of this great ensemble. On with previous birthday suit posts to lift the spirits…

Last year, I staged the traditional birthday suit post with some Boston boudoir shots that served to set #47 in naked motion. Later that night, this moody post was accompanied by all the skinny-dipping glory a proper birthday provides. It was a quieter affair, as these latter-day birthdays tend to inspire. 

In 2021, Lizzo provided the impetus to let my ass hang out in this birthday suit post. As many birthdays do, talk turned a bit more contemplative later on in the posting day

The first pandemic birthday suit post hit as I hit #45, and 2020’s celebration was as shitty as to be expected in such a time. Thank God for vintage birthday suit shots reminding me that we were all young once. 

A rather different birthday suit was worn in 2019, to many a reader’s delight and fury. That year we celebrated in Boston, which is, I think, the last time we were in Boston for a birthday

For 2017 and 2018, summer breaks from blogging meant no birthday posts went up, but in looking through the archives it appeared there was this summer skinny-dipping post in honor of nightswimming, so there you go. 

Turning to Chapter 41 in 2016, a 41st birthday-suited butt-boy post went something like this. (Along with some birthday suit mayhem for good measure.)

That brings us to the fabled 40th birthday of 2015, well, not so much fabled since the shit actually went down. On the eve before, a bit of Madonna’s ‘Rebel Heart’ set the scene for all the naked madness which was about to unfold. Hey, 40 calls for something magnificently awful, but I opted for a more meaningful few days in Boston with Andy. This dinner at Douzo was lovely, this secret garden was enchanting, this brunch was epic, this Judy Garland suite was grand, this trip under the sea was joyous, this booty peek was cheeky, this Tom Ford gift was fabulous, this birthday suit remains a favorite, this beauty is a reminder of the preferred state of solitude that 40 invoked, and this ending was a happy one

The year 2014 formed the last one of my 30’s, so we did it up in high NYC style. #39 felt like a purgatorial place, and purgatory is definitely how I feel about New York sometimes, but this trip went so well I’m surprised I haven’t returned for another one – maybe in 2024, ten years from when this fun adventure went down, we’ll come back. Until then, this birthday bubble bath for posteriority

Things were simpler a decade ago, as this birthday suit post from 2013 illustrates. It was the year we went to The Mount, Edith Warthon’s Berkshires retreat, a glorious place to spend a day of contemplation. The innermost rooms of the mind are best glimpsed from the vantage point of one’s birthday. The outermost rooms were pretty glorious too. And the flowers… all those glorious flowers.

For my 37th birthday in 2012, a magical trip to Provincetown began in fun and fine form. Boston was the jumping off point, with a dinner and a birthday menu and this shucked-up moment. Upon entering Provincetown, all the magic came flooding back. Another travesty is that we haven’t been back to this beauty since that trip. Part of the reason is that it went so swimmingly well I don’t know how we would ever match it again. A brush with the Edies alone made it indelibly memorable. We are due to return again.

2011 found me waxing nostalgic in this post, along with this memory of my childhood bestie

All the other birthday posts from the life of this blog, 2003 until 2010, have been excised in a rare moment of wisdom and ruthless editing. You’re so very welcome.

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The Uneventful 48th Birthday: Fade to Black

When my father turned 48 years old, I had just turned three. Now that I’m turning 48, the idea of raising a three-year-old at this time in my life is both laughable and daunting, and the idea of my Dad having to do it makes me understand my childhood a little more, makes me feel a little closer to him. Fortunately, I had this realization a couple of years ago, and the closeness that resulted was something that grew between us before he left

“Now that I’m turning 48…” the words echo, and the number feels oddly out of place. Alan Ilagan, 48… doesn’t seem possible. It’s not that I’m bothered by it – aging never really bothered me, despite the pressure that it puts on the average gay man – it’s more that I haven’t assigned myself an age in my head since I was a teenager, when every year mattered, when every number amounted to an accomplishment. 

“Just get through the goddamn day…” is a line from Tom Ford’s ‘A Single Man’, as good a film as any with which to celebrate a middle-aged man’s uneventful birthday. Perhaps ‘celebrate’ is too strong a word this year, or this summer

We’ve had to reschedule our Boston birthday plans while we recuperate fully from our bout with COVID, which will work out better anyway – I was hoping to make it there on my birthday for at least one special dinner, but rescheduling will allow for the full stretch of time I’d planned on being there. And really, at this point, after 47 of these silly things, what does the actual day matter anyway? Suzie tells me she always works on her birthday, making me feel like a spoiled brat for feeling the least bit pathetic by not making a bigger deal of the day. We’ve all gained a little perspective in the last year, though part of me yearns for the days when my biggest complaint could be missing out on a birthday dinner. Maybe the world needed to tear down my enchantments, to show me something worthy of such complaint. Still, I want to go back to simpler times. Simpler concerns. 

Birthdays are opportune moments to reconnect to something more simple. Only those truly close to me would believe I strive for that – so much of the image I’ve made for myself is about being extra and over-the-top and fabulously hoity-toity… and for much of my life it’s served to protect me in its shiny, sparkling way. Razzle dazzle them, they said, and they’ll beg you for more. 

Is a birthday supposed to celebrate surviving another year, or marking the moment when you can start it all over again? Does it honor the past or the future? There’s something awful about it being both. 

“Sometimes awful things have their own kind of beauty.” – ‘A Single Man’

Here we are, then, at the mark of my 48th year, as unremarkable as any other August day, with less than a month to go before summer ends her empty reign. This August will always be haunted for me – and I want it to be done. If that means burying a birthday without fanfare or celebration, maybe that’s the lesson to be learned. 

“Staring and staring into the mirror, it sees many faces within its face – the face of the child, the boy, the young man, the not-so-young man – all present still, preserved like fossils on superimposed layers, and, like fossils, dead. Their message to this live dying creature is: Look at us – we have died – what is there to be afraid of?

It answers them: But that happened so gradually, so easily. I’m afraid of being rushed.” ~ Christopher Isherwood, ‘A Single Man’

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Planting several salvia, fuchsia, and penstemon plants this spring has resulted in a few hummingbird visitors these past few weeks. Happy little birds, their fast fluttering whirring like some quiet motorized engine, they provide for much fascination and study as they seek out and probe any tubular flower that offers nectar. I’ve noticed a green variety, and one in gray – both equally enchanting in their fleeting visits. They join the butterflies and countless bees, which have been focused on the cup plant and the hydrangeas lately. Our butterfly bush seems to be the one place where they all want to meet. 

Whenever I find myself in doubt or sadness, I go back to nature to find some peace and solace. Even if I only manage to step into the backyard for one moment a day, I can usually locate a glimpse of calm, and somehow it is enough. The world will help you if you allow it. 

We’ve just had one of our first monarchs of the season, in the wake of several swallowtails, which had been appearing regularly all summer. They’ll get their own post soon enough. 

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“If we let the suffering come up and take over our mind, we can quickly be overwhelmed by it. So, we invite another energy to come up at the same time, the energy of mindfulness. 

With the energy of mindfulness, we can recognize our pain and embrace it tenderly like e another whose baby is crying. When a baby cries, the mother stops everything she is doing and holds the baby tenderly in her arms. The energy of the mother will penetrate into the baby and the baby will feel relief. 

The function of mindfulness is, first, to recognize the suffering that is there and then to take care of the suffering by identifying and embracing it. It is important that we are able to name what we are feeling, to identify what is making us suffer so that transformation, peace, and joy can be possible. 

We can embrace our sorrow and pain, our anger and fear, with the energy of mindfulness, we’ll be able to recognize the roots of our suffering. And we’ll be able to recognize the suffering in the people we love as well.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

My meditation has, well, had, as one of its main components, a list of my family members and their various health issues and aspects on which I would focus for each session. When Dad died, I no longer had a need to go through his health, his vital organs, his mental fortitude, and all the other topics on which I spent one lengthy inhale and its lengthier exhale for each. And so I shifted. ‘Breathing in, I feel that I am alive. Breathing out, I feel that my Dad is alive within me.‘ About ten of these breaths took the place of all his health issues I used to focus on, and my meditation continued daily, providing a space and refuge in which I still felt the presence of my Dad near me. 

These daily meditations helped ground my grief, forming a continuation of something I did when Dad was alive, proof that his transition out of his physical shell was merely that – a transition rather than an end. He stays with me through my meditations now, a comforting presence that eases the sadness of not having him be here in person. It’s ok to feel that sadness – it’s all still rather raw – and I notice it when I lash out at silly insignificant problems and set-backs. At those times, I have to remind myself to breathe again, to slow down and accept the sadness and loss, and then to keep breathing. 

It doesn’t always work, but the periods of frustration and anger grow smaller, the flashes of rage more subdued and manageable, and slowly a longer arc of healing reveals itself. 

“Mindfulness can heal us and transform our grief and sorrow. It is the energy that helps us know what is happening in the present moment, within us and around us. It is possible to change our life with the practice of mindful breathing, sitting, and walking. If we can mange to be mindful while doing these basic things, then we’ll more easily be able to handle our painful feelings and emotions when they arise.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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Dazzler of the Day: Margo Martindale

She’s been in more movies than you realize, and you know her from her miraculous way of disappearing into a character and erasing all sense of herself. Margo Martindale is one of those talented actresses who have built a career on unassuming but effective character parts, becoming part of the tapestry of every movie she inhabits, lending her own talented threads to the work, and then slipping out of it without ego or showiness, even when she’s chewing the scenery and going head-to-head with Meryl Streep. Such was the case in her amazing work in ‘August: Osage County’ which we just revisited the other day. It’s a typical Martindale tour-de-force: quietly powerful, poignantly surprising, and absolutely redolent of the humanity she so exquisitely embodies. That sort of work easily earns her this crowning as Dazzler of the Day.

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Monday mornings usually bring a recap of the previous week, and though this week’s posts were a bit fewer and further between than our usual schedule, there were still a handful that I’ll link below. That lighter schedule looks to continue through these last few weeks of summer, and perhaps into fall. Finding my way into a more mindful manner of living leaves less time for sitting at the laptop typing life away. That doesn’t mean I don’t still locate magic and catharsis in writing. The snap of fall usually reinvigorates the creative process. Until then, lighter posts are the order of the day, as seen in the following:

COVID found us for the first time, and it absolutely sucked. 

Madonna celebrated her 65th birthday.

Suzie said I have a right to be this pissy, for the moment.

Summer still blooming.

Sunday morning glorying.

A lone Dazzler of the Day: Deven Robertson.

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Dazzler of the Day: Deven Robertson

Ignoring social media has largely been a lovely act of self-preservation and self-improvement, but even with my increased absence on Instagram, Threads, Twitter and FaceBook, some things manage to rise through it all, such as the wardrobe malfunction in a recent soccer game, thus resulting in the first crowning of Dazzler of the Day in a while, bestowed upon Deven Robertson. Putting the Brisbane Lions on the world stage of thirst, Roberston had his shirt ripped from his body, and no one bothered to complain. 

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Sunday Glorying

Most of the blog posts you read here are pre-written and pre-scheduled, days and sometimes weeks in advance. It’s the only way to keep up a regular and consistent schedule with a full-time job. On this Sunday morning, however, I have nothing scheduled, nothing written, and nothing strongly impelling me to do so. In the place of such regularly-scheduled history, I write this off the cuff, on a beautiful morning where the sun has revealed the first morning glory blooms of the season

Morning glories have come to signify the end of summer for me, which is a shift from their original meaning. In my younger years they meant early morning days when the sun would cajole them into opening before I even made it out of the house. Those were the big, sky-blue beauties of my youth – the old-fashioned morning glory variety that would wind its way through the chainlink fence that the neighbor had up, laced with metallic white privacy strips – the kind that made such a racket if a ball or child managed to run into it. 

Only when I got older did I realize how much later in the season the morning glories would start their show, especially these smaller, if more vibrant, shades. Now, they signal the imminent arrival of fall, the point where the ferns have browned beyond any hope of returning to their early chartreuse beauty, and where the blooms of any roses have long since turned to hips. 

The turn feels different this year, somehow sadder and somehow more welcome. The light glows differently at this time too – richer, more resonant – as if it knows these are the last days of the summer, as if it feels it slipping away and holds it closer. 

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Thanks to our recent bout with sickness and grief, I’ve been largely avoiding outside walks and outside activity, but yesterday I went out for the first time in a while and found many things still in bloom. It was a reminder that summer is not quite over, even if I’m ready for fall, even if I feel it in the air at night. Andy has noticed the shift in the slant of the sun too, signifying the month or so left to summer – the final third of what has become a rather dour and dim season. 

Starting on the patio, I inspect the hyacinth beans and nasturtiums that have grown up the poles of the canopy to create a stunning natural curtain of leaves and blooms and, now, poisonous bean pods. The cheery yellow and gold flowers of the nasturtium have been this season’s happy surprise performers. Meanwhile, a scarlet mandevilla winds its way around its support pole – the striking shade of red a vivid contrast to the pool behind it. I haven’t been swimming since July, and I’m not quite ready to resume. There’s a joy in the pool that I don’t want to taint just yet. 

Walking around the corner of the house, I pass the crinkled petals of our Rose of Sharon, and inspect the two fountain bamboo plants I’ve gotten going after their hundred-year-flowering cycle finally ended. The new crop of stalks has pushed through the ground and have reached the height they stopped at last year. Usually they would have bounded past that mark, but this has been a stalled and stunted summer. Every time it seemed we would sail into a heatwave, a deluge of rain and wind set us back a bit. After a while, I didn’t even bother to fight it.

There were rudbeckia and Montauk daisies still in bloom, glowing splendidly in the afternoon sunlight. The cup plants, marred and scarred from the worst aphid infestation I’ve ever seen, still manage to hold their blooms in the air, offering joy to bees and butterflies and goldfinches. Soon, the seed-heads will develop, and the finches will pluck them all away. 

I’m ready for the fall. 

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A short play in three lines:

ME: Well, I’ve lost my sense of taste. {Slams refrigerator door in disgust}

ANDY: There is some angel hair pasta in the fridge and the sauce turned out really good.


Such passes Day-God-Knows-What of our combined COVID adventures. This month has beat me down emotionally, mentally, and now physically, and I almost forgot that next week was my birthday until someone’s social media reminder popped up. I have reservations at a restaurant I’ve been waiting to try for years in Boston but who knows if we’ll make it there. We may have to add it to the long list of canceled events and fun plans that all got woefully derailed by the awfulness of this summer.

Honestly, I’m not even sure I care. COVID just robbed me of taste and smell – two things that bring me some of the greatest joy in life – hell, there are specific categories for each on this site (see Food and Cologne). And a quick perusal of my Birthday Amazon Wish List reveals that fragrance has been a longtime and regular motif in my Book of Desire. If I can’t taste or smell anything, I’m not sure what purpose I serve anymore… but hey, it’s almost my birthday, so happy fucking birthday to me!

“You know I deserve it…”

PS – Having just re-read this maudlin, melodramatic, whiny, bitter post, it dawns on me that this is largely why I’ve been avoiding writing blog posts with my usual regularity: I’m pissy. More pissy than usual, and perhaps I have reason to be, but that’s no reason to inflict it on the world at large. Still, there’s something as morbidly funny as there is disturbingly tragic about trying to make light of the events of this past summer, and if we can’t laugh, well, what is the goddamn point of any of this? So this post shall remain, until the COVID cloud passes and I come to what remaining senses I likely never even had. 

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