Sexy Male Celebrities Sans Shirts

For your superficial Saturday night viewing pleasure, here’s a brief collection of shirtless male celebrities to see you through the evening and into the morning. 

Michael B. Jordan closed out another shirtless post here but he opens these proceedings with two scintillating shots to show that we are serious about shirtlessness right now. 

Regé-Jean Page brought heated elegance to ‘Bridgerton’ and this dazzling post

Troye Sivan is pulling out all the stops and pulling off all the clothing, in support of his latest collection of songs. Worth a listen, and worth a look.

Lordy Jacob Elordi! 

Jason DeRulo is ready for his close-up, and his Dazzler of the Day crowning. 

Dan Reynolds usually prefers to perform without a shirt, and who are we to disagree?

Channing Tatum revealed some ass-cheek in this sexy post, and teased a shower shot in this one.

Nick Jonas and the Naked GIFs – sounds like a great band name. 

Does Jason Momoa do everything without a shirt on? That’s not a problem, BTW.

Finally, it’s always worth revisiting Ben Cohen, even if he was most recently featured here a few days ago. His work with Snooty Fox Images is a consistent delight. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

The flippant, innocuous post gets the most notice and does the most damage. Meanwhile, my passive-aggressive missives from hell, blared from the rooftop of my mind, are barely a blip on anyone’s radar.


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The Madonna Timeline: Song #172 – ‘Don’t Stop’ ~ Fall 1994

{Note: The Madonna Timeline is an ongoing feature, where I put the iPod on shuffle and write a little anecdote on whatever was going on in my life when that Madonna song was released and/or came to prominence in my mind.}

A quintessential fall album, coming out during one of the most indelible falls of my youth, ‘Bedtime Stories‘ was the soundtrack of a pivotal period in my life. This little soft-focus disco ditty was one of the few upbeat moments in a relatively moody atmospheric album, although ‘Don’t Stop’ felt like one of those unremarkable filler tracks designed to puff out a Madonna album so more solid material like ‘Secret‘ or ‘Survival‘ could shine. Hearing it now brings me back to that time period, to that tricky fall when I shared my very first kiss with a man

Get up on the dance floor, everything is groovin’Get up on the dance floor, got to see you movin’Let the music shake you, let the rhythm take youFeel it in your body, sing la dee da dee

While much of that fall involved experiences with other people, the majority of my time was spent alone – walking the streets of Boston, riding the commuter rail between Boston and Brandeis, writing papers and creating projects in my dorm room within Usen Castle. A sense of loneliness pervaded the chilly air, even as I refused to allow myself to feel lonely; the notion of giving in to that, of being lonely, was an abyss that terrified me more than I can or could explain. It scared me to the point that I backed away from it as soon as I felt it drawing near. Like death.
Don’t stop doin’ what you’re doin’ babyDon’t stop, keep movin’, keep groovin’Don’t stop doin’ what you’re doin’ babyDon’t stop, keep movin’, keep groovin’

Such darkness came with the descent of fall, with its early evenings and frosty mornings – the shock of it after the ease of summer, the way it took one’s breath away – the advent of autumn was still a surprise at that time in my life. The ‘Bedtime Stories’ album set an evocative tone with lush orchestral tracks like ‘Love Tried to Welcome Me’, ‘Forbidden Love‘ and ‘Take A Bow‘, while the hazy atmosphere of ‘Inside of Me’ and ‘Sanctuary’ spoke to the private cocoon I’d wrapped around myself, isolating my daily existence from classmates and people in general. The contradiction of not wanting to be lonely and not wanting to be around people was apparent – I just didn’t find a way to put it into words. In some ways, I was happier bopping about alone in my room to a song like this and imagining being around friends and lovers than actually putting such imagined scenes into action. 

Come on join the party, let the bass line pump youBring your body over, baby let me bump youI know I can groove you, you know I can move youFeel it in your body, sing la dee da dee
It was a haunted time, one that I’ve already written about so much it feels more like a book I once read than a life I once led. It’s not a time or place I’d like to dwell, and so we return to the modern day, and the present moment, and a song with the sentiment of ‘Don’t Stop’ carries more resonance on this day, as Madonna kicks off her new Celebration World Tour, proving that she is more concerned with walking her walk than talking her talk. 
Don’t stop doin’ what you’re doin’ babyDon’t stop, keep movin’, keep groovin’Don’t stop doin’ what you’re doin’ babyDon’t stop, keep movin’, keep groovin’
Song #172 – ‘Don’t Stop’ ~ Fall 1994

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Dazzler of the Day: Christopher Rice-Thomson

You have probably seen him dancing across you phone screen on Tik Tok or Instagram, where his moves have catapulted him to social media popularity, or perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to witness one of his on-stage performances in person – whatever the case, Christopher Rice-Thomson has earned this Dazzler of the Day for his winning way around a theatrical production. His talents run beyond performing, and he is about to open ‘The Little Mermaid‘ at the Franklin Performing Arts Center in the demanding roles of director and choreographer. That show runs from October 13 to 22, and tickets are available here

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

There are certain movies that, once you find them playing on television, you stop what you’re doing and watch them through to the end for the cajillionth time.

Like ‘Stand By Me‘.


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A Lion’s Paw Lies Hidden

Much like this surprise bloom from a backyard hydrangea, the lion’s paw flower you see here, in glorious and furry orange, grew to it full four-foot height behind the thick curtains of some fountain grass, a butterfly bush, and the typically-unstoppable Rosa rugosa. Only now, when things have started to die back, and the fountain grass has wilted a bit and parted its curtains, did the lion’s paw reveal itself, appearing as customarily late as they like to be. 

Oh little lion, thank you for brightening my day a bit, and my apologies for forgetting you too. Even without an ounce of care this season, you grew and bloomed and welcomed me back into your graces. You are the perfect fall flower – tall and stalwart, with hues to match the fiery season, and some fuzziness to approximate the coziness we will soon be craving. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Emma Corrin

This Dazzler of the Day hails from across the pond, where they made an indelible impression portraying Diana, Princess of Wales in worldwide sensation ‘The Crown’. Emma Corrin was more noticeably celebrated in these parts thanks to being the first non-binary cover star of ‘Vogue’ back in 2022. They also appeared in ‘My Policeman and ‘Lady Chatterly’s Lover’, and will be featured in the upcoming ‘Deadpool 3’. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Twitter, I mean X, totally sucks now, but I haven’t left it entirely yet because shit-trolling is just too fun. 


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Am I Still Blue?

Out of the corner of my vision, from the vantage of the dining room window, a little cloud of blue caught my attention, and I knew immediately what had happened. This has been a summer where I was largely absent from the garden, and those times when I did make it our back, my mind wandered, unable to focus, unable to keep an internal journal of what was coming into bloom, what needed to be moved, what required watering, etc. Most summers, I’m out there multiple times a day; a gardener’s greatest weapon against trouble is a watchful eye. 

As soon as this little blue cloud appeared, however, I knew what it was. I planted several hydrangea shrubs over twenty years ago in the shaded backyard area where this bloom suddenly beckoned. “Don’t forget me!” it seemed to shout in a little voice. “I’m not done yet!” 

No, you beautiful thing, you are far from done. Part of me wanted to weep for having missed the journey to this point – so much fun is in the anticipation, the slow development of the mop-head as it first appears in compact and shriveled form, only to gain in size and shade. Right up until the end, we’re never quite sure what color these will take. Maybe there are still enough iron nails acidifying the soil at its base – whatever the case, this is a brilliant color – the very color that made me rush to get these shrubs into the ground during that first summer at our home. 

For years – almost decades actually – they didn’t flower much. The past few summers, however, have found them throwing out a decent number of these gorgeous flower-heads. Patience is a virtue that sometimes finds reward. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Paul Castle

Artist, author and advocate Paul Castle has lost 90% of his physical vision since being diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, an untreatable eye disease. I write that he has lost some of his physical vision, because the vision he carries forth in his life and career is something that won’t be stopped or sidelined by his blindness. A visit to his enchanting website will astound anyone with its notable list of accomplishments and artwork, including his children’s book ‘The Pengrooms’. He lives in Seattle with his husband, Matthew, and his guide dog, Mr. Maple. This marks his first crowning as Dazzler of the Day

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Speaking of a series, I’ve never seen a single episode of ‘Seinfeld’. Or ‘Star Trek’. 

Not bothered by it either. 


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A Man in Glasses and Contemplation

It’s National Coming Out Day, and if you’re part of that you have my heartfelt admiration and applause. I’ve done it already (not that we don’t have to keep doing it), but it was so long ago that it doesn’t cross my mind the way it once did. Seems to be less of an issue in the happy circles in which I travel now, though I’m aware it’s worse in other places. (We see you, Florida, and we are still capital G-A-Y.) That said, I’m not feeling very much like fighting back today. Let the young people take the torch and fly, my pretties, fly. 

No, I’m feeling a little down thanks to a recent trip excavating photos from the past year for our year-end photo books. Collecting them in one place and seeing the past year unfold again, all that we knew was coming, and all that we didn’t know – it left me with the sadness and ache that losing a loved one leaves in their wake. 

And then there’s the news: our own political turmoil, and the burgeoning war in the Middle East. So much wickedness, so much madness, so much blame and death – and it makes our petty problems feel even more petty. It’s an icky place to be, an icky thing to feel. 

I move to my meditation space, lowering myself to the ground, feeling the floor beneath me, seeking something solid, something to hold onto or sink into, and there I begin the deep breathing. It takes me through the next twenty minutes, lightening the worry, expanding the plain of peace – that empty place where, if I concentrate and focus and inhabit only this moment of breathing, the emptiness becomes a relief. It helps. It helps a little. I will not ask for more.

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Dazzler of the Day: Jonathan Bennett

Perhaps this Dazzler of the Day could have been better-timed to coincide with Mean Girls Day, but Aaron Samuels deserves more than an October 3rd to shine, thanks to the timelessly-winning portrayal by Jonathan Bennett, who earns this Dazzling honor for winning all our hearts. The boxing/Halloween-themed photo shoot from Out Magazine is a pleasant reminder that Bennett still knows how to land a pretty punch. 

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#TinyThreads: An Insignificant Series

Do you see what I see?

This is how a container of whipped butter appeared upon opening.

(And I didn’t even have to use my mouth.)


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When Negligence Leads to Troublesome Beauty

Our side yard has become embarrassingly overgrown in the last two years. I meant to get a handle on it this summer, but other events prevented that. Now it is an eyesore and a problem, and I still can’t summon the ambition or drive to do much about it. Surveying it the other day, I noticed we had a stranglehold of bittersweet vine rambling up a pine, so robust that it had gone to seed. This invasive species is a nightmare, popping up anywhere and everywhere, soon entwining itself around whatever crosses its path. It comes with one saving grace: at this time of the year its yellow berries signal the time to cut them if you’d like a fall bouquet or decoration. The thing here is crucial – it must be cut before the berries open, or they will fall apart and to pieces inside. 

Once the branches are cut and brought indoors, provided the berries haven’t yet opened, they will open up and reveal this gorgeous orange fruit, which upon closer examination lends it the look of miniature pumpkins. Nature likes to echo her pretty creations, and despite the negative aspects of this vine, this fall I’m taking the pretty and worrying about the mess outside later.  

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